#ooof fwb sounds lovely
cyberwh0repuppy · 6 months
Thinking of fucking friends platonically and this has nothing to do with anything going on whatsoever
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agcnt029-blog · 6 years
     hello... runner here again bringing my swedish child. after some very long fc searching, i settled for herman tommeraas!!! he really only fits the aesthetic i had in mind in one ( 1 ) interview, but that’s totally chill bc i fell in love with his look in five gifs bc it was so perfect. so yeah... know that i imagine him w blonde and long-ish floofy hair as below. history and many facts below the cut as well as a few connections!!
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[ HERMAN TØMMERAAS ] —  GABRIEL ALTELIUS is a TWENTY-ONE year-old cadet from SWEDEN and the NORTH AMERICAN unit, also known as agent 029. Intel tells me that HE is ADAPTABLE & CHARMING, if not a little BOYISH & FRIVOLOUS. HE shows promising progress in UNDERCOVER OPS, LYING & MANIPULATION, AND HAND TO HAND COMBAT. better watch your back. [ runner | 20 | est | she/her ]
His full name is Gabriel Andrew Michael Näessén Altelius ( first name, two middle names, two last names; as sweden does not hyphenate ). Known as Gabriel or Gabe Altelius. Responds first to 029 or 29.
The Altelius family is a name that bears weight in the Agency. Michael Altelius is the patriarch, a high ranking official in the Eurasian faction, and is heralded to have been and to be one of the best — and Gabriel is his eldest son.
Gabe was raised to be an agent from the moment he was born. He’s been training his whole life how to fight, how to observe, how to lie, how to think on ones feet, and everything in between. Michael Altelius made the family name into something and made sure his two sons would not be the ones who would soil it.
Michael raised his family in his sons’ formative years in the states, helping to build bridges between the American and Eurasian factions, returning to Sweden every summer. His final stroke of genius was to enroll his eldest son into the North American faction.
Gabe took especially well to undercover ops; slipping on different people and personas came naturally to him, and it gave him a thrill. It also makes him feel safe in a way, as ludicrous as it might sound.
About his personal life, Gabe is very careful not to let anything show. He has an almost childish and devil-may-care attitude, mixed with easy flirtatiousness and boyish charm. He’s good at making people think they know him without revealing anything at all. People have said they’ve seen him put on every person except Gabriel Altelius.
Andy has one younger brother Maximilian Linus Alexander Näessén Altelius (Max Altelius) who is also in the Agency but was in the Eurasian faction. Both of them are very close and it broke Gabe to be separated from him in different factions and he’s extremely excited that they will be in the same faction now.
Gabe fights extremely well, but he also fights like he’s been trained. The very best eyes are able to pick out patterns eventually, though he will prove to be an extremely difficult partner (and sometimes wins in spite of that).
Protocol is Gabe’s moral conscious, for better or worse. He was practically raised in the Agency and has been brainwashed taught that everything about it is law. We expect great things from you, Gabriel.
Gabe is extremely loyal to his family and would only ever break protocol if it was his brother on the line ( on the flipside, his brother is his weakest point ). This also circles back as he feels that any step out of line he takes has repercussions on his father and his little brother and the family name.
Gabe believes he has a good relationship with his father, but he also aims to do nothing but please. The Agency has been shot through every facet of his life, even that of his familial relationships. That being said, Max is one of two people who know him for who he is.
The other is his very close friend and crush and training partner ( wanted connection! ). Basically they entered the academy at different times but he is a prodigy fighter; absolutely excels at hand to hand, sees physical weakness like no one else, super built, like a year-ish younger than Gabe. He’s the first person Gabe’s ever wanted to show his true self to. There’s like…. a fwb element too (for maximum messiness) but if ur not comfy with that, it can be scratched or implied lol.
Altelius tradition is to pick numbers as agent names. Gabe’s is 029 and Max’s is 092.
ooof so like…. part of his character is he makes really superficial connections but he’s super friendly….so here we go.
THE TRAINING PARTNER: different from the other one above, this is someone who started training with gabe. maybe they were roommates, but they hit it off. im thinking a more bookish/computer/nerdy muse for this —someone who would be the brains of an operation– but i’m open lol.
THE MENTOR: maybe an instructor or someone who just… gives andy his space to be a normal cadet for once, without the altelius name. literally just give me an adultier figure that’s gunna show this boy some love instead of heaping on expectations like his father.
THE PRYER: someone who wants to “figure him out” bc they believe there’s something more under that carefree boyish attitude. they’d be right, but will they ever figure that out?
LITTLE BROTHER: Max (Logan Shroyer fc, yeah???). As described above.
CLOSE FRIEND/CRUSH: As described above. preferred male. utp if it’s requited or unrequited.
idk. Gabe probably kicks back with the other undercover ops people, sparring partners… the possibilities are ENDLESS yeet
i’ll be in and out all day but hmu on discord ( bwenden guwuhwe#5730 ) or on im if you want to talk plots!!!
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