#oooooOOOoooohhh you want to so bad
emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Here is the link to the application!!
So there’s this aftg artist *tucks hair behind ear* (it’s princepeachie)
And he’s put together THIS. It’s amazing. It’s thoughtful. It’s affirming and it’s open to You.
So on the tiny chance you haven’t heard about it yet, I want to direct your attention to the Foxhole Fund. There’s already artist introductions and maybe a sneak peek or two over on the instagram account, @/foxhole_fund!
I can answer surface level questions, but most would probably be better suited toward Peach honestly, I’m not too intimate with the details! I’m very honored and excited to be a part of this, it’s the best thing my work has ever been able to help with ☺️ Peach has been very clear that there’s still space open in the applications, and that you can apply no matter who you are! Don’t worry about taking resources for others - as of now, there is more than enough to go around.
Find the Fund’s linktree at linktr.ee/foxholefund (until I figure out why my tumblr won’t let me embed more links) including an Amazon wishlist and a ko-fi you can donate to to help further cover the costs of the project 💕
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scolopendreverie · 6 months
Oooooooooooohhh you want to draw mister rime solano varela last legacy oooooooooooohhh you wanna draw him so bad [pocket watch swinging back and forth] ooooooooooohh youre picking up a pencilllllll ooooooo im using my wizard powers oooo
what flavor of deerboy does thee desire
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kiwidotcom · 4 years
So yesterday was shit. As soon as it started to get busy 3 different room service things happened including me needing to take a room service order over the phone. One of which was a $250 bottle of wine that i actually got my manager to double check bc im not making a $250 mistake.
But then other things happened and i ended up outside crying. I used to be good at my job i used to be literally the best. Now i suck. Im not even in school, i have nothing to feel good about.
my coworker found me and calmed me down. Reminded me that if i was doing bad they would have told me. Its a very fancy place and they wouldnt have me stay if i couldn't do the job. Fair point. The GM asked her where shed been after and she told him and he straight up made a joke that he would have yelled at me if i was bad lol.
Something else happened that reminded me im not great but blah whatever.
So since i got hired back in February i had a suspicion this one person in the kitchen might like me. (Side note ive never worked at a restaurant where Foh and Boh are such homies) but since coming back i found out he has a gf. Oh ok cool someone who just wants to be my friend with no alterior motive. Love it.
At one point me and some coworkers were drinking and HE STARTED PLAYING WITH MY HAIR. Required him to fully stretch out his arm to do so. We all laughed it off. Then he came up another time and different coworker told me that everyone knows hes straight up in love with me and the kitchen teases him about it all the time. EXCUSE ME WHAT ?
But im sure yall are familiar with the fabulous phenomenon in middle school where people told you someone liked you and it all turns out to be a joke? So i guess i was made to believe that would always be the case
(Love that something happens a few times before im even 15 and my brain is like, yup were set up for life now!!! No changes)
So i didnt fully believe it. UNTIL TODAY.
I was in the back but kind of off to the side of the kitchen. Theyre making fun of him as they always do , i wasnt really paying attention until i hear
"He was making a tower for Emma that's why"
And the whole kitchen (of adults lmao) goes "oooooooooooohhh"
Bruh i still think im INVISIBLE but now im the basis of a running joke lmaooo i hate that i kinda like this idk . Obviously I don't like that someone with a gf likes me. But ?? The kitchen doesnt hate me ?? Idk.
If hs me could see me now lmao
Also my restaurant just won like a fuck ton of awards its like the best in my city i cant believe i work there nvm this
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