#oooooh that sounds like so much fun actually LOLLL
hawkzeyes · 1 year
follow up to your response to that other person's ask (this is gonna be so awkwardly worded but hopefully you get what I'm saying)
is there a way to get familiar with the comics content without reading the comics themselves? comic book/graphic novel format is actually really hard for me to follow and I would love to be able to read the content in a more text-based format but idk if that exists [specifically Clint Barton stuff but that shouldn't be a surprise, I'm following you after all lmao]
First, thank you so much for following I really appreciate you v much 🫶
So generally comics are written with a transcript first! It can be a bit difficult to follow, like a movie script with no picture, but nonetheless it’ll describe the scenes, actions, and quotes of the characters! Now the unfortunate part is… some comic writers are not really forthcoming with these. I know Jim Zub has some on his Patreon and some will donate on comicsexperience.com but not a lot realistically.
I’ll admit It’ll take a lot more work to hunt down a transcript vs just a regular old comic because this is a comic based medium. It’s also going to be harder to find older transcripts for Clint due to the MCU now because Google is going to assume you mean the MCU. There are some written out books as well it’s just really not as common because honestly it takes a lot more effort to write every tiny detail out.
Now there is also the option of podcasts and YouTube and there are videos that will read it out to you and or walk you through the storyline! Much like this one!
Again with less popular characters like Clint, finding his old comics like this is gonna be hard.
However, honestly if you ever wanted an older comic “transcripted” for you and you really can’t find it please reach out to me because I genuinely do not mind talking it out and walking you through it or hell even typing out a summary for you so you don’t feel left out! (That last bit might not be ok with others but I’m ok with doing it! It’s always nice to check and see what others are cool with and I don’t wanna assume. However most comic fans would and can chat (text message) your ear off about these things LOL)
If you’re comfortable and you have a discord, and you’re interested in that, please message me privately and I’ll add you! All in all it’s going to be HARDER to get into comics when comic reading is confusing for you, but thankfully not impossible due to the community 💜
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