#ooooooooppppsssss i did not mean to rant that long about the stalker song
faltermoth · 7 years
My Unrestricted Opinions on Stranger Things 2
linking @capthawkeye as requested, im sorry this turned into such a rant :’)
First off, i loved the 80′s vibe in the first season and i still love it now its so damn good. One of those things i never knew i needed until i saw it. Like the theme song has to be one of my favorites of all time, it just captures the essence of the show so perfectly god dAMN. 
But before i talk about the rest of the  Good Shit i gotta get some stuff off my chest about this cause oooOOOHHHHH boy there was some weird shit with this season.
Problem #1.
Max served no purpose. I kept waiting for her and billy to like,,,,, do something??? Like max kinda just followed the boys around, and billy was an antagonist to steve, but like, for what purpose?? Its not even that i dont like them, its more that i dont care about them cause we weren’t given any reason to care about them. So if anything, i really hope season 3 does something about that
Problem #2.
Mike didnt do shit in this season either. I really liked his character in season 1, but in this one, anything having to do with him or his development involved him pining over eleven or some shit, and that was fine and all, it served a purpose, but i would have liked to see a little more of his development with other characters too. Like the scene where he talked with will, that was GOOD SHIT, i wish there was more stuff like that.
Problem #3.
The entire plot line with dart. HoLy FuCK. Dustin what the fUCK? Why are you keeping this horrifying lamprey-pollywog thing????????? Did you not learn your lesson about weird creature bullshit from last year? especially after you watched it sprout fucking LEGS out of the sides of its body??????? that shit aint natural!! And what the fuck are the chances of discovering a new species of that complexity in the middle of god damn iNDIANA? Amazon rain forest, i could see. Galapagos islands? For sure. But BOY sure as hell not in the middle of the US of A. But for the sake of argument, lets say he just got real excited and weirdly attached to dart (Which i know is what they were going for, but god damn that decimated the ever-loving shit out of my suspension of disbelief). So Will, obviously aware of the fact that he spit up a worm boy that looked suspiciously similar to  dart. They even show us a got dang flashback. WHY THIS BITCH AINT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT UNTIL ITS TOO GOD DAMN LATE?????????? ooooOOOHhh that really salted my apples, like i blame that shit 100% more on will than i do on dustin. And in the last episode where dustin meets full grown dart in the tunnels and then…..,,,, i dont even know what the fuck happened? ??? ? I thought the demodogs were a part of the hive-mind? Why was dart exempt from this? Like he physically should have not been able to break from the hive mind, heckin WILL could barely break from it. My ONLY guess is that Dustin left a bit of imprinting on dart as a baby worm, but like even thats a bit of a stretch for me.
Problem #4.
Love triangles. Ive never been a fan of them, and i likely never will.
Problem #5.
The overall ost for this season was not as impressive to me as the first season’s. Like i remember specific tracks from scenes in the first season, but i didnt get any of that with this one. It wasn’t bad by any means, but it definitely wasn’t that memorable.
Problem #6.
Ok, i fully realize this is 1 000 000% a me problem, but fuck this show for getting the Stalker Song stuck in my head. Now dont get me wrong, i absolutely adore The Police, theyre one of my favourite bands, but oooohhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH why is their most popular song Every Breath You Take? I remember when my mom first showed me that ear blood and she told me how it was mega popular when she was in highschool, and it would always be played as a slow song at the dances and i was astounded by this????? Its about this dude’s creepy stalker-attachment to a girl and ahhhh?????????? why was that a good candidate for slow dance music? Also i just think it sounds like shit, especially compared to their other stuff (actually i hate their entire Synchronicity album but thats completely unrelated to this). So knowing all this, i remember sitting there watching the snow ball scene and then it dawned on me that it would 100% be a possibility that  the stalker song could play, and when it did i think i died a little bit. Like y’all couldn’t have played Every Little Thing She does is Magic??? thats the real good shit, not this schloppy garbage. The ONLY redeeming quality to this choice in song was that it acted as a really nice duality to the fact that the shadow monster is also watching every move they make as the lyrics suggest, which i thought definitely fit the song very nicely.
Ok now that i got that all out of the way i can talk about the Good Stuff
 First off, id like to just acknowledge the fact that all these kids are such good actors? like holy shit, especially millie, so god damn talented, im crying
Every scene with Hopper and eleven were so good. Their character dynamic was so good. They played off each other spectacularly, and i hope we get more in season 3. Like they were hands down the best part of this season for me, no questions asked. The scene with eleven’s psychic tantrum was my absolute favourite, it was shot so well, the dialogue was perfect, you could understand  why both of them were so rightfully upset, i just loved it.
Another spectacular scene this season was the one where joyce plays back the footage will took halloween night, and she sees the shadow monster outlined in the static of the tv screen. holy shit did that blow my mind. Gave me the same feeling as her communicating to will through the christmas lights last season, pure gold.
I also continued to enjoy all the dnd analogies they used, like True Sight was such a good metaphor for what they thought will was experiencing.
Just the entirety of episode seven honestly.
STEVE what a good father of five, i really loved his turn of character in the last season and he is such a wholesome person and im glad he and nancy broke up cause fuck nancy, she served a purpose but i never liked her character, she dont deserve steve.
I also was really not expecting to like bob as much as i did. he was just such a good-hearted person. I was also not expecting him to die. rip bob and rip joyce’s sanity.
THE AESTHETIC OF THE SHADOW MONSTER WAS SO SO GOOD HOLY SHHHHHHHH and i really loved the fake out where we thought will would be the spy into the upside down, and then it turned out the shadow monster was actually using will as the spy, that was goooood shit. like when the realization hits that will set up the trap for the lab guys in the tunnels, that was so so good.
Thats about all i can think of right now, the rest of it i thought was good, just nothing that stood out like above mentioned things. I may add more if i think of any
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