#oops catch her raising an actual feral freaking zombie by accident sorry paul
rubiesintherough · 1 year
[ Paul, for Amara~ ] Abilities & Superpowers Meme: 21.) Receiver accidentally hurts sender while using their abilities.
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    “ Damn you! Stop, stop! “     Something had gone terribly awry with this raising. A dear friend, Sheila, come back wrong... a shambling, feral shell of the woman Amara had known in her life. And the necromancer could not draw the charade of life back from her. The strain of magic coursing through Amara’s fingers, painfully hot as though she’d placed her hand on a sizzling pan, made her eyes water --- or was it the grief causing that? ---  as she planted her feet in the earth, fingers curling back in a vain attempt to withdraw the energy she’d given... but Sheila --- or rather, what had once been her --- didn’t even seem to notice. A decrepit corpse, she was perched like a gargoyle on the wall. Garbled speech and hisses rumbled from from a withered throat. 
And then, like a cornered animal, the shell turned with hollow eyes fixing to Paul with a deep hunger. Mouth parted in a scream and it lunged, hands flailing and scratching.  Teeth gnashed and jaw clamped as it sought out flesh.    “ No, no, go back, you fucking --- ! “    Amara’s frustrated cry was nearly drowned out by the shell’s own screeches. 
And finally, finally, the body weakened and slumped forward, still screaming and clawing until the glow faded entirely from its empty eyes. And Amara followed. Drained, exhausted, she caught herself against the wall, cursing with each strained breath.    “ Are you alright? Paul, are you alright?    ------- I am sorry, I don’t know what happened. That should not have... goddammit. Did she hurt you? “   
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