So! last week I went pretty ham on the show, there were lots of things that drove me crazy that I did mention do prepare for me to be let's just call it "expressive"
ps; only writing about the stuff I don't like, they;; be a separate one for stuff I do!
Nates outfit don't represents his character, tbh he reminds me more of cooper from the book then actual nate. plus his hair annoys me man, like nate would comb it, our nate would comb it. AND like why was he actually wearing a suit? manz WOULDVE worn a buttoned down dress shirt and dress pants, with a spice of hightop converse.
Addy; they legit changed so many things from the book to the show they couldn't give Addy a half-decent haircut, I get it they were working with wigs and all but still man like I was picturing a ladybird sorta thing, but I guess the hairstylist doesn't want to get another job.
Bronwyns styling is good until I have to see her in overalls again, tbh I would figure her to be so busy that she wouldn't care about what she's wearing, like why couldn't the stylist put her in like hoodies n' stuff. Plus i will say this again, Brownwyn looks better with glasses.
Venessa's outfits make me cringe so hard because nobody would dress like that, I get it they were trying to be like in... but put her in some y2k styled outfit. her outfits make her look ten years older then what she actually is. if you told me Vanessa was an undercover cop, i'd believe you.
PUT A FAJA on like every girl in the background or some underwear that doesn't show in her dress, bc man I'm starting at a Victoria secrets ad every time some girl walks by.
Set design;
everything is way to modern, less original. people wont remember this because you mdidn'take it memorable.
why isn't that nate and coopers house are the best looking ones and everyone else's makes me wanna barf?
the high school looks like a community college.
giving addy an android was one of the biggest mistakes.
the filter reminds me of 2016 intagram
the lighting makes bronwyns skin look dry
ya'll are trying to be too much with the In crowd, bruh just do what you do best and GET RID OF THE FILTER AND CRINGY ANGELS
I will dedicate one of my Sundays to rewriting the dialog in some scenes because I believe my ears wanted me to cover them.
it's way to much like '
YoUr tHE bEsT ThiNG tHAts HapPenD tO me"
and not like
"thanks" Bronwyn looks at Nate sincerely with tears in her eyes.
which is what GENZ would do bc we can't form sentences to actual human beings if we even tried.
plus i think there should be more pop-culture references.
Things that just annoyed me;
Meave and Jenea really pissed me off.
the chemistry w Nate and Brownyn, idk maybe its more of the tension.
they fact that they chose 100 year old actos to play teenagers.
I really don't like Kris and Cooper, like it makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel like what the writers are trying to do with them should've been consulted with the actors or just like, i know its show business but you shouldn't be that disrespctufl to them. poor Coop looks like he hates Kris. i hope they break up in the show bc it's really toxic.
stop trying to make shows kids these days will like, make shows that kids from yesterday, today and tomorrow will enjoy. I get annoyed everytime i watch gilmore girls yet is till watch it, when I'm watching this I'm really thinking 'what the heck is going on'
note to the actors.
Nate; plz watch season 2 of gilmore girls and worship jess
Brownwyn; you have to work on your body language bc it looks forced.
Addy; stop trying to hard, and learn how to deliver a scene. you have potential. read revenge of the sith to understand character.
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