#op fans there with their ideas are so craazyyy at times that i cant even comprehend them
biscuitboba · 5 months
No but seeing some people obsessing over the idea of zoro turning his back against luffy at the end of one piece is so CRAZYY to me, i can't even tell if they are being serious or not- like are we reading/watching the same thing? Are we talking about the same roronoa zoro??
Roronoa zoro who is willing to die and sacrifice his ambition (even throwing away his precious possessions) for his captain?
Roronoa zoro who is prideful but willing to bow/get down on his knees, throw aside his pride and BEG for his captain's sake??
Roronoa zoro who is (always) willing to follow his captain's orders... "if my captain gives the order, i'll just follow" ???
Roronoa zoro who is willing to follow his dear captain to hell? The one who always worries about his captain even though his captain is very strong, the one who always watches over his captain, stands by his side and protects him????
Roronoa zoro whose more than 70% of his smiles and laughters are caused by his captain?? The one who's dream have already merged with his captain's- so deep, to the point of it's already inseparable?????
I legitimately can't imagine zoro betraying luffy at the end of one piece like the idea's so unthinkable? Soo unfathomable that i think zoro'd rather commit harakiri than betray his own captain. I think that would also betray his characterization?? Oda might as well say that someone possessed zoro or he was replaced by another character.
(Also if u want zoro lowkey betraying/abandoning/leaving(?) his captain, we already have One Piece: The Cursed Holy Sword???)
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