#open starter: anyone
izakvoros · 5 months
location: izak's office space in the shard with: open @vievecorcitystarters
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"The Golden Rule still needs to be upheld and is even more important now than ever," Izak read scathingly. He snicked his laptop shut and peered at his visitor through dark lashes. A malicious smile graced his pointed face. "It's almost as if whoever writes these silly updates expects someone to do something, but no one could be that stupid, yes?" He muttered something to himself in Old Norse and laughed, as if his visitor could understand the mocking words. Digging into one of the side drawers of his ornate desk, he pulled out a cigar box and placed it between them. He began work on clipping the end and lighting it, relishing in the pungent bitterness of the smoke. "It's a Cuban. Have one, if it pleases you." A pause to take a deep pull. "Anyways, how was the rest of your holiday?"
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sungjoon-park · 7 months
where: the promenade with: open @vievecorcitystarters · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Sung Joon had done the unthinkable, shocking both himself and his colleagues: he had taken the week off. Ever since his wife had died, he had found a new lover in the form of his career, and his work ethic was a stamina that would make any adult film star green with envy. In fact, his small stay-cation was taken on the behalf of a few worried employees who had found him sleeping under his desk for the third morning in a row.
He couldn't help it. While his business had him working seven days a week, his curiosities had him working nights. When the P.S. Tech building was shut down for the evening, Sung Joon stayed over, picking his way through any seeded wire that would bring him closer to what he knew was the truth. He felt like he was going crazy sometimes, and he knew it was unfair to Ha-Rin to leave her in the care of her nannies and teachers. But, if she grew up and found him evil for his absence, it would be worth it if he could find just a crumb of what happened to her mother.
Sighing, he sat down on one of the wooden benches facing a cookie shop. The smell of cinnamon and sugar was comforting, reminding him of simpler times, but he couldn't bring himself to get up and grab one. Someone sat next to him, and after a quiet moment he said, "Can you think of any cons that would stop me from buying five of those? Besides the possibility of someone watching me eat them all in one sitting."
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izakvoros · 8 months
where: vicium with who: open @vievecorcitystarters
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Dance with the devil, and the devil will dance right back.
It was a phrase he lived so viciously by, and even in his weakened state, the self-coined vampire prince would not cower away in his penthouse. Doing so meant the humans won, and he would rather walking into the sun with no ring than ever let them think they bested him. In fact, he was high rolling. Head held high and in the clouds, body nimble and near fleshy. If someone stabbed him right now, would it kill him? The thought was exhilarating.
Out of all the victims, he supposed he was the only one who felt elevated right now, and the attention he desperately wanted was brimming at his internal cup. Vicium seemed the only place to be, to allow himself to indulge in this strange, new body and experiment how far he could go.
He grabbed the bottle of champagne he ordered and chugged half of it before filling the rest into the provided decanter. The bubbles popped in his chest, and it matched perfectly with the atmosphere of the club. He was already naked, though as a frequent client, this was nothing new or abnormal. He bet if they ever held superlatives, Izak would be crowned the most likely to take of their clothes.
He passed the other half of the wine over to the person next to him at the bar. "Drink. Today's a good day to be alive."
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izakvoros · 10 months
location: dealer's choice, pick the spot if you want with: open
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"Oh man, my mom is going to be pissed," Izak said. He had spent 23-years being a golden child with a secret agenda, and yet, it could all come to a halt the moment she saw the tattoo in the hollow of his left collarbone. He tugged at the collar of his shirt, hoping to get a better look at it, but the position was too high up for him to see. "It's so stupid looking too. I could've gone with anything, and yet I got a target point. I don't even shoot guns and I haven't played Call of Duty since I was, like, sixteen."
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He looked up at the person next to him and pulled down his shirt even more. "How noticeable is it? Be honest."
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izakvoros · 11 months
location: vievecor city park with: open
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Izak sat on a bench in the middle of the park trailway (or where he guessed was the middle), crossing one leg over the other. The day was nice, weather reasonable enough that joggers and cyclists were dominating the place. Birds picked at the bugs hidden in the fallen leaves, and the wind swayed the branches overhead.
He was in no hurry to get anywhere today, so he thought to just hide out in this enchanted forest for the time being, to lay low if he could. He pulled his cigarettes from one pocket and fished around in the other to find it empty. Oh, that's right. He had accidentally left his lighter on his desk at home, but no matter. Someone had taken a seat next to him and he glanced their way. "You wouldn't happen to have a lighter by chance?"
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