#open starter. ♡❜ ⸻
glykera · 18 days
Open starter
Tw for ptsd stuff (probably gonna do better this time tha. The last time i had this warning idk)
For whatever reason, you decided to go visit the Hephaestus cabin today. Glykera was sitting stiff and motionless as one of the Hephaestus kids messed with the control panel in the back of her neck.
They swore not to mess with it unless it was really necessary. They knew she had her qualms against it. They knew she was scared of losing a part of herself again.
But she just sat obediently, with her fist clenched in her lap as they upgraded her language understanding so they could communicate better. She already spoke Greek, like the rest of the campers, but now her English and Spanish were being improved.
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Open Starter
It had been over a month since anyone had last seen Kiara. Basically, all they knew was that she had gone on a quest to save some priestess and she hadn't returned, which was odd considering that the priestess seemed fine and dandy.
Now, she walks back into camp after what felt like years, with a group of Hunters who had ended up helping in the search. She looks exhausted and rough. New scars litter her arms and legs. Her braids are pretty badly overgrown. She looks like she hasn't eaten in ages, let alone slept.
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Open starter
The Dionysus cabin. Of course, it was cabin 12 who had managed to get their grubby little hands on some booze, and of course, they had to throw a stupid little party. They even convinced poor Glykera to help out. The poor girl.
Anyways, Amaia was avoiding that place and anywhere near it like the plague. She always hated alcohol. She hated when people were drunk, and she hated that thats what her powers did to her.
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Open starter!
(Guys girl still thinks shes straight if you try to tell her otherwise she will be very adamant about how she isnt) (just fyi)
Aurelia had just arrived at camp a few days ago, and for whatever reason, the two of you were talking. She looked pretty rough her first day, and she had just been claimed the day previous. Apparently, she had made a new friend. Kiara. Or at least, she was trying very hard to be her friend.
She was telling you about how nice she had been when she arrived at the infirmary on her first day and how she had her back during her first capture the flag game.
Of course, she had also been talking about how this 'weird pagan stuff' was super confusing, but not nearly as much.
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @dolorem-et-chaus @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy
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Open starter
Marilene has been having a very long day. She had spent all day making sure her siblings were in line, helping take care of younger campers, showing new campers around, triple checking on Kiara because she always managed to get in some kind of trouble, and somehow finding time to eat, train, and do chores.
The point is, girl was exhausted. She looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. To be fair, she barely slept the night previous. Now there was a younger camper who had attached themself to her leg.
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willows-pjo-ocs · 1 month
Open starter
Glykera was standing rather uncomfortably by the archery range as some of the younger campers thought it was a great idea to start poking the poor automaton. She was never that great at showing her emotions, but she was clearly very uncomfortable. She never really liked it when people touched her.
Do you approach?
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @demigod-jack-hearth @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-as-hell
Lmk if you wanna be added or removed
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melissathetherapist · 17 days
Open starter
You spot Melissa training and being rather reckless. It was as if she didn't have a care in the world. Like she didn't really care for her safety in this moment. She had finally managed to take a day off.
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straycatherine · 4 months
"You had another nightmare?" "I can help you forget it."
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ritualove · 11 days
Open starter: @cardinalstart
Location: Whimsy Bouquets
Lorelei has been struggling with a new experimental script for the store, a catch phrase to perk the ears of the customers that come in and make it a little more trendy. It was not going well at all, and she has yet to be able to get through it all without fumbling her words.
When the bell dings, Lorelei braces herself, looks down at her cue card, and performs the written words.
"Welcome to Whimsy Bouquets where the flowers are... uhh..." she looks down, back up, and just throws the card in the bin. Why try to fix what was never broken - a friendly smile and an offer to help. "Welcome to Whimsy Bouquets, my name is Lorelei, let me know if I can help you with anything."
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ㅤㅤAquele dia estava estranho demais para o gosto de Gwen. Havia acordado com dor de cabeça e umas quatro pessoas haviam esbarrado com ela, a cabeça totalmente nas nuvens. Será que haviam feito alguma festa e esqueceram de chamá-la? Deu de ombros, quando encontrou com muse no corredor, parando com um toque suave no ombro. ⸻ Ei, você. Sabe me dizer que bicho mordeu todo mundo? ⸻ A pergunta era genérica, porém havia aprendido que as perguntas mais simples podiam revelar mais do que se esperava. De toda forma, estava abraçada com uma pilha de livros. ⸻ Aliás, sabe dizer se a biblioteca está vazia? Queria devolver esses livros... ⸻ O que não disse é que seu plano era entrar quando estivesse muito lotada para que ninguém a visse deixando os livros de volta para não precisar pagar as dez multas de atraso que tinha em seu nome. Que culpa ela tinha se lia muito e esquecia que os livros não eram dela?
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munniexinsomnia · 4 months
"I'm drunk and needy. Where's a woman who could help me out? And I have free drinks."
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glykera · 12 days
Open starter
(Tw ptsd, panic attacks, sa, abuse, alcohol.)
Of course, cabin 12 had been able to find themselves booze. Of course, they were throwing a party with kids from almost every cabin. And of course, some of the kids asked her to be a glorified maid for the party, knowing she likely wouldn't protest.
Glykera looked absolutely shaken. She didn't even look fully here. One of the drunken campers had tried flirting with her and was standing a bit too close to her. So far, they were only talking to her. But that didn't change the terror she felt.
This place was far too similar to where she used to live. The party was just like the ones her master would throw. And those guests... those guests were pigs. She couldn't tell if this was the Dionysos cabin or if it was her old home. If these were campers or those old guests.
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Tw for self harm and smoking btw
Sorry if this isnt that good of a one
Kiara. Of course, she was taking a smoke break right now. And of course, she was hiding from Aurelia and Marilene in the woods.
Why? You may find yourself asking.
You don't even wanna know how mad they would be if they found her smoking. You don't wanna know how bad they would both lecture her and whatever consequence she would probably get from Marilene. (Extra chores, confiscation, perhaps even telling Chiron.)
Anyways, you find her smoking in the woods, and instead of putting it out under her shoe or on a rock like a normal person, she puts it out on her arm, wincing from the pain.
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After Kiara didn't return from her quest with her quest mates, there was a lot of panic. Especially in the Selene cabin. You already knew Amaia was gonna follow Marilene, her older sister, when she asked for the assistance of the Hunters of Artemis to help find her.
Now, you find Amaia excitedly shoving things into her backpack with a grin on her face. She wore a silvery jacket, silvery camo pants, and the works. And above all, she just seemed... different.
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Aurelia was in deep shit. She told Kiara that she would try and introduce her to her family at some point, but there were a few big problems. Her family, specifically her dad, was pretty conservative. He didn't know that she was a lesbian, let alone that she had a girlfriend. She knew he wouldn't like her.
So she was just pacing around her cabin, thinking.
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You spot Marilene in the Big House shortly after one of the head counselor meetings, her brow furrowed in concentration, but her eyes are unfocused.
Although it was rather limited compared to what her mother could do since she wasn't a goddess, she could see whatever the light of the moon touched.
She had been searching for her half-sister for weeks. She had been asking some of the Helios kids to help her as well. She could only see about half of the world during the day and the other half at night, and it took a lot of focus.
She had been trying to advocate for a group to go and try to find Kiara. She would be more than glad to go herself. Maybe she could talk to the Hunters of Artemis when they visited. Since Selene was the goddess of the moon before Artemis, her children tended to get along with the hunters.
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