#opia’s flirting advice😭
opia-tarot · 2 years
Hey queen I have a request for you. so I have a Capricorn moon and mars but I have a PISCES VENUS that DRIVES ME CRAZY WHEN FINDING A BF 👹 I don’t know if that has anything to do with me not flirting but being a hopeless romantic at the same time 😀🔫pls help I’m going insane 🥴 anyways I love ur blog so much especially the nsfw parts 🤭😩 have a good day or night! 💗💗
Hi hun. I love your vibe, the energy here is just immaculate. I’ve noticed cap mars people who like men have a difficult time navigating the whole dating process. Hmm you’ve sparked an idea, maybe i should start an advice series idk, anyway😂 ahahaha the not flirting could definitely be an issue, but idk without knowing the other components in your chart it’s a bit tricky. The capricorn placements u have, create a tendency to withold or be a bit closed off in regard to showing interest. Honestly, you should use this to your advantage. I’m giggling because this energy is really showing me the 9 of wands and 7 of cups. Idk if you’re into tarot or anything, but the 9 of wands imagery is such typical cap mars and 🌛 and then the 7 of cups really reminds me of your pisces venus. But anyway i digress. I think you can try tweaking your technique slightly. Your placements remind me of pandora’s box, it’s like the cap placements are guarding what’s inside, and that pisces venus in your chart is bursting to get out. It’s difficult to have such juxtaposing energies in your chart, but not impossible to figure out. I assume because of your capricorn placements you have a sense of realism to some degree. But my advice would be to stay grounded and to take action rather than romanticise. Idealising what could be will cause stagnancy, stay present. I always say subtly is key. But of course this depends on what sort of man you are wanting to attract, i would assume you are attracted to more dominant, self assured men. You don’t have to blatantly flirt to attract someone, because honestly this isn’t pisces venus or capricorn mars style. Keep it subtle, it’s also about what makes you comfortable. By subtle i mean, maintain eye contact, cute glances here and there. A little 😏 not 😵‍💫 or 😳. There’s confidence in eye contact, and assuming you want to attract a more dominant, in control sort of man, this is your best shot. Open body language and smiling too. Because i’ll say capricorn mars people tend to have an intimidating energy, even if they’re not. Take the tendency of withholding or concealing how you feel, and tweak it to become more mysterious. A subtle but noticeable difference. This is important so a guy can be curious, but still feel like he has a chance. Does this make any sense or have i been rambling on?😭
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