opiadiscord · 1 year
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opiadiscord · 2 years
Vixen, Willow, Shomp and Moss: The Moderator Team and The Owner of Opia.
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opiadiscord · 1 year
Moon 8
As of May 12th 2023
With several cats lost to the rough mountains and sandy desert, the Sol cats have journeyed onward through much tribulation, their sizable group notably smaller than it had been on their initial departure. Cats struggle with their losses, as well as the demands the journey asks of them, but with the impressive stretch they've crossed, few wish to give up.
For many, the clowder was all that they had left to hold onto.. While many of their old ways have been stalled due to the journey and unfamiliarity of the landscape, but the memory of their old traditions and where they come from press them on ahead the desire to see their journey through to the end.
At the head of the group, Ignis and Wolf Sol carry on business as it has been since the early portions of the journey.. Ignis leading them along the path he had been shown many moons ago, with Wolf Sol taking order of the rest of the cats with natural ease and conviction.
While the dangers of the wild have taken the lives of some recognizable faces, cats know to put their trust in Wolf Sol, knowing of it's methodical thinking and level headedness that makes for a good patrol head, or leader. Many feel the same tart feeling about Ignis Sol as they had in the mountains, especially with the long stretch of desert they've crossed.
Many wonder if there even is a river, and if it was all a ruse to get them all killed at the paws of an inexperienced child.. But at the root of it all, many feel pity for the young tom, the position he'd found himself in not having been an easy one by any stretch.. A few cats continue to show kindness to the young Prophet, despite the seemingly infinite journey without an end in sight..
That is until a cool breeze sweeps the desert just as the start of dawn pools at the horizon, humid and crisp.
With newfound resolve, the travelers pick up their pace and sped up the small rise, stopping just at the lip of the ridge. The sand drove into a grassy hill, obstructing the land beyond. The grass, green and lush, something the clowder cats hadn't ever seen before, skirt across the boundary and up over the grassy rise.
With the humid breeze brought forth a shower of rain that dotted the mountain cats pelts and misted the land beyond. A land of greenery and lushness. Trees and fields lay in front of them, their leaves buffeting against the rain as it fell, soaking into every cats fur and filling their hearts with a joy that they hadn't thought possible.
Atop the ridge, the cats of the Sol clowder chant and cry out in victory, feeling as though they had won the hardest battle of all. The realization that they efforts hadn't been for nothing filled each cat with an overwhelming joy that compelled a symphony of tears, purrs, and caterwauls of success.
To some, the Sun's prophecy had now become a reality, many cats paying respects to the Sun as it rose out of view from the shadow cloud.
While to others, the guidance of the Moon had guided them free of the excruciating mountains and desert, and led them to the place of prosperity that had been promised to them four moons prior. With it's protective dark cloak of night and cool breeze, many feel it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for it's celestial guidance.
With the last of it's light fading as the Sun rose, the clowder cats wrap up their celebrating, and decide that they ought to find shelter before trekking further into the green landscape. While exciting, it was still unfamiliar, many thinking to treat it with similar caution that had been expect of them from their harsh life in the mountains. Walking down the grassy ridge, Wolf Sol along with a few other patrol mates spot a wooden structure, unnatural in formation, and by the looks of it, abandoned. Agreeing to check it out, Ignis and the rest of the clowder follow after the patrol as they trod onward, leaving the desert behind them.
As the cats near the structure, the strong scent of several unfamiliar cats reach their noses, striking panic in several of the Sol cats. While there were many of them, the life stolen from them by their journey was obvious, their ribs still visible beneath their coats and a hollowed appearance to their features.
Uncertain and feeling so unprepared in a new place, it is decided that the bulk of the clowder hold back; both to conceal their dire state, and hide their numbers as well. Agreeing that a kind, nonthreatening approach is the best method of action, Wolf Sol and Ignis Sol walk past a broken down fence line, and up towards the square open mouth of the wooden structure.
Upon entry, the heads of the journeying cats are met with an entire community of felines. Some young, and some incredibly old. No consistent scent hung in the air, but a mass intermingling of different walks of life filled the warm containment, along with rich prey scent which caused a natural roar in the half starved stomachs of the two mountain cats.
To their surprise, they were met with kindness and a place of shelter.. Upon introducing the rest of the clowder to these unfamiliar cats, was a surprise at the state of their figures. At that, the strange cats made it their mission to fill the bellies of these travelers, and hear their tale.
Now, the clowder gathers intel on the new landscape and what dangers and bounty lay beyond, while also telling of their heritage and their purpose for such an intense journey.
Another rollover has occurred! Things are really heating up!!
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opiadiscord · 1 year
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Come join the bullshittery
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opiadiscord · 1 year
`As of April 21st 2023`
Out of the mountains and well into the expansive flatland, the cats of the Sol clowder continue onward despite the difficulties of new predators and navigating the unknown terrain.
The heat, while treacherous, was nothing they weren't familiar with.
However, given the vision Ignis had four moons ago, it was indicated that traveling at night would improve their speed and overall longevity; heatstroke and dehydration being the last thing any cat needed to face at a time such as these. With familiarity in hotter climates and the somewhat directive navigational input from the memory of his prophecy, Ignis continues to lead the cats towards the line of water that his vision promised; but not alone.
At this point, many of the leadership responsibilities are at the paws of Wolf Sol. While Ignis by definition was the head of the journeying cats, Wolf had taken it upon himself to guide these cats in the many ways Ignis couldn't.
These reasons being the prophet's age, lack of knowhow when it came to common sense that came with time spent in the wilds, and a natural air of confidence that couldn't be forged. Many trust the watcher and often head to him for orders and updates. A deep place in Ignis' heart finds this incredibly frustrating, though he knew the others weren't entirely wrong to feel this way.
Leading the clowder at a - now - thirteen moons old and only just now showing evidence of firm musculature beneath his coat, proof of his life without any physical training, and being expected to lead them through the rough terrain was something many cats entirely believed in.
Perhaps out of distrust, or wanting to ease the strain on the anxiety ridden prophet, proper leader duties seemed to continuously fall on his unchosen companion, Wolf Sol. Forging their path onward through the desert, the Sol clowder cats have much to overcome and discover before the possibility of their new home becomes a reality.
Another Rollover has occurred within Opia! Will these cats ever find their home? Will the companionship between Wolf and Ignis ever settle… or will it broil over?
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opiadiscord · 1 year
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Would you like to hear about our lord and saviour Titty Jesus?
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opiadiscord · 1 year
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Yall are really missing out.
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opiadiscord · 1 year
Moon 6 04/01/23
Two moons have passed since the cats official departure from the Sol clowder hunting grounds that have been occupied for countless seasons and the journey has been hard for the travelling cats.
This doesn't stop them from having hope for the future, however, trudging on ahead through any and all hardships in hopes that way lay beyond is exactly what Ignis Sol has promised them from the very beginning; a new home rife with prey and opportunity.
Alas, many have been lost along the way and there's no denying the trepidation of failure.
Following the Hunter and Watcher patrols sent out to track down the Goat herd, a plan was orchestrated to spook them into moving by creating a controlled landslide. this was a successful mission thankfully and the Clowder was hopeful they could follow this herd to a a path out of the Southern peaks or to water.
To their modest disappointment, a barren flatland of dried scorched earth lay at the bottom of the mountains. Cats realize quickly enough that exiting the mountains was only part of their venture, and much more is to come.
Current Events from within the Server.
The journey still continues, hope dwindles and rises in steady waves. Will they find their new homes? Or will the storm brewing over the horizon be too much to handle for the band of cats?
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