#opp: mercedes jones
veworgive · 2 years
Youtube jason bourne soundtrack
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#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack series
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack tv
Intending to find the answers about his past and family, Bourne locates Dassault in Berlin. Before she dies, Parsons is able to pass the key to a luggage locker that holds the CIA files on to Bourne. They evade the CIA teams sent to locate them, but Parsons is killed by the Asset, an ex-Blackbriar program assassin who also holds a personal grudge against Bourne, having been captured and tortured following Bourne's actions that exposed Blackbriar. In Greece, Parsons and Bourne meet at Syntagma Square in the midst of a violent anti-government protest. Parsons' system intrusion alerts Heather Lee, the head of the CIA's cyber ops division, and CIA Director Robert Dewey. In the process, Parsons finds documents that concern Bourne's recruitment into the Treadstone program and his father's role in the program, and she decides to travel to Athens to find and inform him. In Reykjavík, Nicky Parsons, who has been collaborating with a hacktivist group led by Christian Dassault, hacks into the CIA's mainframe server in order to expose the CIA's black ops programs. The film received mixed reviews but was a box office success, grossing $415 million worldwide.Ī decade after he exposed Operation Blackbriar and disappeared, Jason Bourne has finally recovered from his amnesia, isolating himself from the world and making a living by taking part in illegal fighting rings. The film premiered in London on July 11, 2016, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 29, 2016, by Universal Pictures. Principal photography on the film commenced on September 8, 2015. Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed, Ato Essandoh and Scott Shepherd also star. CIA Director Robert Dewey (Tommy Lee Jones) orders CIA cyber head Heather Lee ( Alicia Vikander) to hunt him down. In the film, Bourne remains on the run from CIA hit squads as he tries to uncover hidden truths about his father.
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack series
The fifth installment of the Bourne film series and the direct sequel to 2007's The Bourne Ultimatum, Matt Damon reprises his role as the main character, former CIA assassin and psychogenic amnesiac Jason Bourne. 'Jason Bourne' was released by 2up2down on 20th January 2022.Jason Bourne is a 2016 American action thriller film directed and written by Paul Greengrass and film editor Christopher Rouse. Maybe with 'Jason Bourne' Dutch is looking to once again find his true identity and show us who he really is? Both 'Never Forget You' and 'Never Really Mine' only registered at a very lowly 99 on the UK Singles Chart. The 'I Dunno' and '808' hit maker has been finding it difficult to replicate his earlier successes with his last two singles. Glad you dusted yourself down, brushed off the dirt from the rats. keep coming with this energy bro love it" and "Welcome back brother king. Comments included, "Iv always believed in Dutch this song proves how good he is, rate the fast flow", "This is the energy we needed! Surely, Only If You Knew, Bando Diaries, 2AM and now this. This is Dutchavelli's first new track of 2022 and his first since he released 'Never Forget You' in November last year.įans of the Birmingham born, Rotterdam raised, British rapper were loving and praising his latest release as the video premiered on YouTube. "Opp block bally on me like I'm Unknown T, but I'm Jason Bourne, If these dumb-dumbs go to your head, Fam, they're dead, you won't respawn" Dutchavelli raps as the verses come thick and fast on his latest single.
#Youtube jason bourne soundtrack tv
agent for that matter, as Dutch visits the Brandenburg Gate, takes in the TV Tower and drives his Mercedes SUV precariously down the Unter den Linden. There's no sign of Matt Damon or Jeremy Renner, or any other rogue C.I.A. Dutchavelli takes us on a whistle stop tour of Berlin in the video for his latest single, 'Jason Bourne'.
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see-jess-write · 5 years
Text || Mattcedes
Mercy: Do you think I am making a mistake Marrying Nathan?
Matt: Not the text I expected to see at 6am...
Matt: Do YOU think you're making a mistake?
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morriganqueenocrows · 7 years
A Singer in a Smokey Room || Sam/Mercedes
It all started on a whim. A flip of a coin. A roll of a die. One minute he was standing in a classroom attempting to feel excited about the prospect of a new number the Glee Club was doing, and the next he was boarding a plane to L.A. He’d walked out of the classroom that evening feeling run down and bored beyond belief, not just with the number and the talentless kids in the class, but his life as well. 
Perhaps his friends had been right. He’d lost his vision. His direction. Years ago, when he’d first started out, he was given so many opportunities and his life had been enriched because of them. He’d wanted to give that to others, to celebrate what he had and to share it with new generations, but somewhere along the line he’d misstepped and found himself stuck. 
Sam was not always the most intelligent of people, he knew that. There were times when he needed people to be extremely specific when fishing for advice. As a teacher in a high school, often times that was more difficult than it was worth. The trouble, though, was that with each passing year, Sam found himself growing less and less happy with the choices he’d made. 
At what age could someone look back on their life with regret? His ten year reunion was coming up, what did he have to show for it? A few failed Nationals and some regional wins, but that wasn’t him. That was the kids. What did he have? The answer had slammed into him like a stampede of wild animals and knocked him on his ass. Nothing. He had nothing. 
That was a week ago. He’d walked out of date at breadstix and gone straight to the airport. Impulse was a tricky slope, but the ticket had been bought and before he could change his mind, Sam was on a plane to sunny L.A. He had nothing with him, not a bag of clothing, not his guitar. Nothing. 
He was starting over. Which was proving to be rather difficult, but Sam was not a man that let life get him down. He knew what it was like to be homeless, he knew what it was like to live out of a car and a suitcase. It was not fun, but he could manage it. Thankfully, this time, he had options. He had a decent amount of cash that he could spend on clothing and a hotel. He could even get a job as a teacher if he must, but this place offered him a much better opportunity to flex his talent. He just needed his guitar and his music. He needed to call Lima and have someone send them out to him. Perhaps Will would be able to accommodate him.  
All of that didn’t matter, though. He wasn’t going to call Will right now. It was late and the kids were in bed. He was just going to enjoy the drink at the bar and spend the evening composing until he needed to retire to the junky hotel he’d paid for. Even just a week in L.A had given him enough experiences to write. Something Lima hadn't’ done in at least five years. 
The cords to a well-known song struck up in the little lounge but he didn’t look up. He knew the song like the back of his hand, had spent his high school career listening to her music, but it was a recording or it was a singer employed by the lounge to give a decent rendition of the song. It wasn’t worth looking up from his own sheet music. 
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see-jess-write · 5 years
Parent-Teacher Night
Tagging: Matthew Davidson & Mercedes Jones ( @indiemercedesjones ) When: August 7, 2019 Where: Lewiston Middle School Notes: Matt’s late to his meeting to talk to James’ 1st grade teacher.
Mercedes made her way up the three rows of chairs, placing the name plates down. She had just finished doing most of the meet and greets. She had one last meeting but they seemed to be running late.  Walking to her desk she knocked down a stack of papers and bent down to pick it up.  Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." She said grabbing the last of the papers before standing fully.
Matt thought he’d get out of the station right at 6 but a call that came in at 5 kept in longer than expected and he rushed to the school to get to the whole teacher parent thing set up with James’ first grade teacher. Matt couldn’t get over his son being in first grade and as he hurriedly walked down the hall he felt a giant in there. Matt found the class and went in right when he was greeted by the backside of who he assumed was the teacher. “Hey. Are you Ms. Jones?” He asked as he stood and tried not to find this entertaining.
Mercedes nodded moving over to the taller man and extended her hand. "Hi yes I am Mercedes Jones. And you must be Mr. Davidson?" she said taking in his appearance. He was taller than her 5'3 height so it was an adjustment looking up to him when she usually looked down tot he kids. "Nice to meet you. Please have a seat."
“So...?” He asked asked after their handshake. “Do you prefer Mercedes Jones or am I supposed to call you Ms. Jones? Though I’ve got to admit it makes me want to sing that song.” He delivered this with one of his signature, dimpled smiles. Matt went to a chair and sat, feeling huge in the seat. “Sorry I’m late. Had a fire to put out. Literally.” He settled and leaned forward on this forearms. “Am I the last parent of the night?” 
"Mercedes is fine, and no thank you no need to sing." His smile wasn' lost on her.  "Its okay I was told you would be late. And yes you are. This is just to go over any questions you may have, any needs James might have. So you are a fire fighter?"
“You sure? I can’t sing with a damn but I do put on one hell of a show.” The thing with Matt was he felt right at home talking to people, even those he just met. “And, I don’t really know what to ask. I did read what you gave out on Monday and it felt pretty straight forward. He seems happy with things so far and likes the kids in his class.” Matt shared and nodded with a smile. “Yeah. Been slinging the ol’ hose for about nine years now.”
She looked at him and nodded. "Yeah I am sure. " She said picking up her folder for James. "Yeah well I like to be straight forwards. James is a very bright and fun child. I do see where he gets his sense of humor from though." She nodded. "Well you should come back for career day, I am sure the kids would love to get a look at you in your uniform." She placed her glasses on and smiled. "So I moved James to the Blue reading group. Which is good, he is very advanced for 6 years old, you should be proud."
What was with this woman? It was like talking to a brick wall that was all business and no joining along. Maybe with the fact she was around kids all day that it must’ve stifled her fun side...”I am proud of him. He’s a good kid and he’s taken over reading stories some time back. He prefers to read them to me but lets me join in whenever he gets too tired but doesn’t want it to end just yet.” Matt thought about the career day and it actually had him grinning. “Do you know when that career days happening? I want to make sure I give notice for it. Maybe see if I can get the guys and the truck over here.”
Mercedes nodded. "I can tell. He enjoys music class as well. I know its just the first week but I can pretty much tell when a kid really enjoys learning." She saw him light up and smiled. "Usually its in September. I can give you the date before you leave. We also have the camping trip you might want to participate in. Its just an overnight at the camp grounds but the kids really loved it last year."
“Has he tried to teach the other kids classic rock songs? I play a lot of that around the house. And awesome. That’s enough time to get the word out.” Matt then realized he had a question. “Have the kids shared what they’ve done for summer? We moved back from Amsterdam and I have pictures he can use to show our time there.” They spent a year and a half there and as much as he enjoyed it, this was home. “Camping, eh? Now that I can get behind.”
Mercedes smiled. "Yes, good to know he gets it honestly." She shook her head. "That is next weeks assignment. Pictures are always good. It allows the kids to feel like they were actually there.  Though Amsterdam is a very unique place to go too." She handed him the flyer for camp. "I give you enough time so you can take off. "
“I’ll get the pictures printed by then and let him have fun with picking out which ones he wants to share with the class. His mom moved to Amsterdam a couple years ago and he wanted to be close to her. Not that it did any good because she still hardly saw him.” Too much information? Doesn’t matter, he was still pissed about it. “Thanks, Mercy.” He read over the flyer and knew exactly where this place was. “I went to this camp when I was in 6th grade. I didn’t know it’s still around.”
Mercedes nodded and frowned as Matt spoke. "I am so sorry Mr. Davidson. I cant understand parents who dont wanna be around their kids. If I were a mom, nothing in the world would keep me from them." She didnt mean to speak up like that, but absent parents bugged her. "Mercy?" She raised an eyebrow then nodded. "Yeah the kids love it. And it's a great way for parents to bond with their kids."
He sighed and leaned back on the chair, stretching his leg out some. Damn that felt good, even when this chair felt ready to break under him. “Did I call you that?” He didn’t even realize it and chuckled. “I’ve got a thing of changing people’s names. Shortening them. Guess I did it without thinking.” He rolled his head to the side and looked more at her than he did before. Kind of checking her out but in a subtle way. “How long you’ve been doing this anyway? Can’t be more than a few years. I’d guess this is your first but you seem pretty on top of the show here.”
"You did, it's a first I mostly get Cedes." She closed her file, he seemed like he was tired and could use a break he did just come from a fire. "I've been teaching for five years, but I moved here last year. New change and all. And I mean I like to stay busy, it's just me and Chewy so I have more time than some of the other teachers." She stood. "I know you are tired and want to get home to James, so we can cut this short. If you have any questions here." She handed him a paper. "My email and phone number are there. And if I am called or emailed at night I try to answer by the next morning."
“Cedes, huh? I can see that but Mercy reminds me of Uncle Jesse and I can see myself going that route and possibly annoying with you with that line at some point in the future.” Was he hitting on her? Well.....she is pretty hot and Matt didn’t notice any ring on her finger. “I’m assuming Chewy is a dog or cat and that you’re not actually shacking up with a Wookie. But hey, I’m not one to judge.” His hands went up after he said this and chuckled, acting a damn idiot but still amused by his antics. “Yeah. I should get going. J likes to recap his day while we make dinner together. Thanks for the call. If I do reach out it’ll probably be more by text. It’s easier for me.” He got to his feet and felt wobbly and off balance for a second from being down so long. “Thanks for sticking around to talk.”
"Mercedes shook her head. "Uncle Jesse is still hot so I don't mind being called that." She wanted to keep things professional but the image of her dating Chewbacca was too funny.  "Chewy is my dog, he's my baby. And don't hate on Wookie love, I heard they give the best cuddles. And text is fine, I don't mind." She stood and when she saw him wobble she went to him holding his shoulders. "You okay?" She looked up to him. "Are you sure the fire didn't mess you up? Do you need to go to the doctors?"
Matt wanted to get into everything she just said but the reaction she gave, getting on her feet and everything, caused all his focus to land on that instead. “I’m good. That chair wasn’t exactly Matt sized and I hadn’t been down off my feet like that in awhile. But no, no need to rush me to the doctors.” He assured her. “Just seeing you react like that tells me J is in good hands while he’s in your class.”
Mercedes nodded. "Yeah, sorry about that. They chairs are pretty much kid friendly and not adult friend, if that makes sense." She smiled, letting him go. "I promise your son will be in great hands! Don't worry.  And you are free to come help out anytime you want."
“You just want me to come babysit the kids while you watch Star Wars.” He said as he laughed. “And I’m still not sure about this Wookie love, but whatever floats your boat there, Mercy.” Matt didn’t bother changing it back to Mercedes. Why should he? “Okay. I think I’ve taken up enough of time tonight. And that’s only because I can hear the floor waxer machine whirring down the hallway.”
"Excuse you I will have you know that the kids can watch themselves, I am just a glorified babysitter myself. And don't hate the wookie love boo!" she said with a smile. Looking out the door she nodded. "Yeah he hates it when I stay late. But yeah enjoy your night and say hi to James for me."
“Then you should put a cardboard cutout of you at the desk and hang out under the actual desk like George Castanza did on Seinfeld.  They’ll never know until one of them comes and asks a question. Then they’ll think you’re ignoring them and that’ll create years worth of therapy for that kid.” His damn imagination got ahead of him and he knew it was past time to leave. “Don’t tell me you’re the last one in here? I can at least walk you to your car since you stayed late waiting for my ass.”
"Lord I do not want to traumatize the kids." she packed u her bag and slipped it on her shoulder. "Its nothing new I am always late around here." She smiled at him. "Well if you are gonna try and be a gentleman the least I can do is let you."
“If I was trying to be one I’d have a suit and top hat. Fancy the shit out of it and look like someone straight out of a Jane Austen story. This is just me, doing my Matt thing. And why do you leave so late? I thought teachers usually called it quits around 6.” Matt went to the doorway and walked out to the hall where he looked over the artwork on a bulletin board.
Mercedes covered her mouth as a snort came out. "Wow. I can't even believe you said that." She shrugged. "I know they do but most teachers have families to go home too. I like being here, it feels less lonely." She shrugged it off.  "Ignore I said that."
“See. Now you’ve gone and hurt your dog’s feelings. He probably thinks you like being home with him but you’re here instead.” It felt surreal to be in a school after hours. As if he was about to disrupt some ritual the teachers do at night. “But I get it. The nights my parents have James its me and my beer and Netflix. Or Hulu. I like variety.”
"He is with the dog walker until I get home, I am not that mean." She locked her door and walked out the building. "Oh so you get your "netflix and chill" on huh? But I use Amazon too."
“Dog walkers hang out with the dog after they walk them?” Matt’s Silverado was parked on the other side of the building but he’d just hoof it after she left. “Netflix and chill’s when you’ve got someone over.” Matt grinned, winking at her. He needs to stop. “Ah. Prime. I let that go but I heard some shows are worth checking out.”
"My neighbor always wanted a dog but her mom won't let her so we worked it out to where she takes care of chewy when I am not there and she gets a dog and gets paid." Did he just wink at her? Was he flirting? No he wasn't she was definitely tired. "I mean I supposed." She reached her car and smiled. "Well thank you, I appreciate you walking me."
“Almost like you’re co-parenting a dog. That was a real nice thing you did for them. We weren’t allowed pets growing up so I feel that.” He stopped next to a car and did one of those bows and pretending to lift a hat off his head at the same time. “I bid thee a goodnight, fair Ms. Mercedes Jones.”
"Yeah well I wanted to make her happy and I did. I love Chewy and this way he gets the best of both worlds." Mat bowed and she smirked. "Why kind sir I do thank thee and wish thee a goodnight as well." She said unlocking her door.
He laughed, glad she went along with this. Matt walked back a few paces and stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets and waved her off after she backed up and pulled away. Matt knew he skirted a fine line there but it wasn’t his fault his son’s teacher smoking hot. “Not a bad parent teacher conference.” He said to himself as he started the trek to his car. “Wonder what she’ll say if I send a meme as my first text...”
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see-jess-write · 5 years
Story continued from here: 
Mercedes shrugged. “Yeah well me rubbing your shoulders was a joke too, until i felt how tense you are. Everyone needs a good massage every once and awhile so just sit back and enjoy it please.” She did think he was tense but she also didn’t want to go home yet. Last night someone tried to break in, the evidence was the shattered glass from her kitchen door, she had been so unnerved that she barely slept. That was one of the things she hated about being alone. SHe was brought out of her thoughts by his comment. “I guess you are right, even if me singing is just for an audience of one.”
She laughed as he recapped the night. “Well that is good, the kids wanted to make sure they performed songs everyone could enjoy, though I would have loved to see you dancing with the guy next to you. I bet it was entertaining.” She nodded as she removed her hands from his shoulder. “It did I mean we had a wardrobe malfunction in the beginning but it all came together perfectly.” She folded her hands to her lap. “Soooo where are you headed after this?”
Ryan’s eyes went to her and the stage and then back to her. It’d been a good night, that much was true, but he was thinking and thinking and thinking about what he should do. There was some type of way to make sure that whatever choice he made didn’t result with him getting mixed up with her private life. He liked it. She probably picked that up by talking to him, but he knew he couldn’t be that home wrecker type. It’s mess with his head for one thing and it wasn’t the right thing to do.
Yet, he wasn’t exactly ready for the night to be done. The last week it was him and a movie every night. That was boring when you didn’t hav anyone to share that with.
“Do you want to go and get pie at this restaurant down the street from here? It’s this sports bar type place actually but I swear to you they’ve got this killer pie. It’s worth hearing the games and people yelling at the screens.”
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see-jess-write · 5 years
meme continued from here
“Wha-” She paused, shaking her head at him momentarily, only to sit down opposite him on the ottoman. “Jeremy, if you think that this is all you’re good for, then you’re not in your right damn mind. You’re good for so much more than this.” 
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The man was drunk. After the last class let out for the day he spent time with a few of his colleagues; lost in discussions about ethics and the ever-changing system which founded their society. The private school underwent a few, mostly pertaining to voids, and as much as he wanted people to earn a right to reclaim their freedom - from wrongs they dad as children, Jeremy hesitated. 
This hesitation came from his own upbringing and how the entirety of his life they used voids to handle everything the St. James’ deemed as lowly
Now, with a young bride and a plan to move from Canada to return to the United States, James knew once they set foot in Boston Mercedes would see the world he’s most familiar with.
Those slurred words, no actual truth in them, left a heavy weight on his chest and Jeremy knew he needed to clarify. “I meant for our future. When we return to Boston you may not like the lifestyle I intend to return to. It’s not as progressive as here.”
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see-jess-write · 5 years
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.” (Samcedes)
“I’m fine, Sam. Did I or didn’t I tell you that when I’m in the zone I can get by on little food and sleep?” She’d never admit she was exhausted, to the point that if she went one more day like this she’d not be able to do anything for a week but this was the final day of recording and she’d get in some sleep and a good dinner. Treat herself to a vacation. Tropical and sunny and with those drinks that had the colorful umbrellas and music only played on steel drums.
One more day. 
Only one more day.
“I love you and I love you want to take care of me but let me do what I’m good at and then come tomorrow you can sentence me to bed or wherever. I’m too close to finishing this track and I don’t want to lose my momentum.” A hand went to take his and Mercedes squeezed. “I’m lucky to have someone who cares as much as you and if you want to come to the studio to watch this session, you can. Then you’ll see that I may be tired, and sore, and in need of a hot soak in a bubble bath, but that’s when I give it my all, baby.”
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see-jess-write · 5 years
have you already forgotten how good we used to be together? (samcedes)
It shouldn’t be this hard. Mercedes came to celebrate he dad’s 50th birthday and she thought getting in touch with Sam wouldn’t be such a bad idea. They sent countless Snaps to each other and FTed whenever she had free time. 
Fun things. 
The things friends do.
They were at the store and she wanted to get the perfect gift for her dad. Something he’d actually use and not try to pawn off to some friend or to their church. 
She’d been looking at a couple of tablets, not sure which to go with, and had he phone with all the specs with each one when Sam asked the unexpected, “Have you already forgotten how good we used to be together?”
Was this first time this was brought up?
Was this the best time to bring it up?
Her phone lowered and Mercedes’ head cocked to the side, “Are you serious right now, Sam Evans? We’re in the middle of the store and you want to ask me if I forgot about us?” Her phone shut up and she set it in her pocket. 
She went up to him, trying her best to not let their history cloud he judgement but they lived in separate cities and she had a career to focus on. Mercedes’ didn’t want to hurt her best friend’s feelings but she also didn’t think it safe to admit she thought about about how things used to be with them. 
Far, far too often.
A hand went to his cheek and for the moment her soft gaze looked into those green eyes, immediatly recognizing that look he always gave her ever since they got together back in high school. 
“No.” she shook her head and talked to him, as if they were the only ones in that store. “I haven’t. We had good times. God, I can’t begin to tell you how fun things were for us. But I can’t think about that now, Sam. We’ve got two different lives right now. You’ve got your job at McKinley and I’m this close to finalizing my album.”She paused, “You know I’ll always have a special place for you in my heart...” Her hand lowered but she took his hand next; not ready to break contact.
“Lets talk about this again another time.” She squeezed his hand. “Okay?” 
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