#opposing faiths …starcrossed affection…both being avatars of their god…
m-art77 · 1 year
Cleric!Durge is so good. Like imagine a young Durge who starts worshipping Selune (or any other god) as a way to stave off their urges, thinking they can be “cured” if they try hard enough. But obviously that fails (thanks dad) and their faith becomes more and more of a facade. Before they know it, they’re just going through the motions but their faith is practically nonexistent. And of course, none of this is helped once their Butler comes on scene and leads them to papa dearest’s cult.
But then, once their memories are lost, Durge holds onto the fleeting vestiges of their forgotten faith. They think they’re a loyal cleric, but still feel uneasy for some reason. But they continue to try being the “good cleric” people want, even at the expense of their own health (by resisting the urges).
And of course, this is all made better if Durge is a cleric of Selune and romances Selunite!Shadowheart. I mean…two people who lost their memories, serve a corrupt god who is using them, AND are starcrossed due to their goddesses’ hatred for one another. Sign me up. And then, they find one another in the darkest moments of their lives, help each other overcome their traumas, and go on together to find their true faith in Selune after all. Also!! going to help Shadowheart build a house for her parents in the end? They are in love, your honor🥺😳
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