#or 'accidentally adopted this kid but if anything happened to them i'd etc etc'
atomic-insomnia · 2 years
the hard-won sudden realization of “my god, i would LITERALLY walk into hell with this person if they starting walking in that direction” is the epitome of fictional relationships be they romantic or not and i accept no substitutes
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sir-subpar · 3 years
More Cursed!Bf ideas
As I have mentioned before, since Bf is adopted by Sarv in this au, Selever is his younger brother.
Bf and Pico knew each other when they were kids (like the "Love Conquers all" Pico's School mod)
Selever grew up knowing Pico, and Pico is kinda his idol. Sel thinks Pico is really badass.
When Selever finds out Bf, Pico, and Whitty are together he's very excited about it. 
He also thinks Whitty is badass when he meets him (how could he not? The dude's 8'11" tall and has a bomb for a head)
Bf tries to hide what happened to his arms/legs from Selever for a while, not wanting to freak him out
Selever did know Bf went missing, but like everyone else, didn't know why. All he knew was that his brother went missing for over a month, then when he came back he broke up with Girlfriend and now has 2 boyfriends instead. He also noticed Bf's change in behavior (his anxiousness, how quieter he is, etc.)
When Bf first comes back, Selever avoids talking to him for a while. He's upset that his big bro won't tell him anything, he was missing for weeks, everyone was worried, and now Bf won't explain why he disappeared in the first place. (He also gets agitated that Sarv found out what happened and didn't tell him)
Eventually Bf and Sel talk it out.
Whitty didn't know Bf was adopted until he got to meet the family so he's a bit surprised by it at first. But, stranger things have happened, so the surprise fades pretty quickly. 
Whitty is still surprised to find out that Ruv is actually taller than him, that's a first.
Whitty is touch starved, he always wants affection from Bf and Pico but he's also really afraid of accidentally hurting them.
Pico is mostly indifferent about Selever. He's not fully aware that Selever looks up to him, and he switches between thinking Selever's annoying and being like: "heh, I used to do that when I was a kid too"
Pico is fascinated by Whitty, he loves learning new things about him.
Out of the trio, Pico is the most protective (not surprising, I'm sure)
Bf's arms and legs constantly hurt, but he does get used to it (chronic pain)
Speaking of Bf's arms, I headcanon that they're unnaturally strong (I mean, have you seen week seven?)
Bf is adopted by Sarv when he is ten years old, Selever was five at the time
I headcanon that Bf's hair used to be brown before he started dying it blue (not really an important detail, but I thought I'd share anyway)
Are there any characters in this au you'd like to know more about? Let me know!
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
💗 & 🕰 & ✨ and your choice of beeb/s!
Thanks so much for the ask, anon! :D Assorted beebs asks coming right up, courtesy of the random thing picker!
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
I got Tanza for this one! :) As far as friends, her closest childhood friends (both of whom she's still in contact with) are Aysel and Crackling Frost--the latter's a kodan from the homestead where she grew up. More recent friends include Cio, who they relate to re: Elder Dragon corruption issues, and Minei, who was one of Tanza's first friends in the Vigil. Family-wise, she has her adoptive mothers. In terms of foes? Both of the individuals who I'd wholeheartedly put in that spot for them because Tanza's issues there are personal (Ryland and Jormag) are dead, so...currently, whatever threat the Vigil happens to be facing.
Tanza isn't a particularly angry person, but she can get extremely frustrated with people who think any deviation from whatever is the "norm" for them is bad solely because it's different. They've dealt with enough weird looks for their burgeoning revenant abilities over the years that their fuse is much shorter in that area, though actually seeing them explode is rare. On the other side of things, there's plenty of different people/personalities that she'd be able to and has gotten along with, but she tends to end up with close friends who are more than willing to break out of whatever zone's considered "typical". To be clearer, Aysel and Frost were never big into rules as kids, and even now that they both have responsibilities tend to think and reach outside of their expected boxes as much as possible. Cio has been telling the Arcane Council and the Inquest to fuck off for her entire life, and Minei's life is so far from normal (and she's strong-willed enough) that she's never been shy of questioning orders. I didn't even fully realize this trend until I'm typing it out, but of course those are the people Tanza ends up closest to--they make them feel the safest.
Is there anything that'd ruin a friendship for them...probably several things, but the first two (more extreme ones, maybe) that came to mind were a) hurting her mothers in any way or b) trying to control her like she was a thing and not a person.
Everything else under the cut so this doesn't get too long! :D
🕰️ Has there been an event that happened in your OCs past that affects their future or one that they think about still? Is this a bad event or a good one? What are a few of their childhood memories they can recall?
Chieko's up next! :) And oof, oh boy, let's see. She's been comparatively more sheltered than a lot of Tyrians--she's a noble-born human who grew up in Divinity's Reach and really hadn't gone far afield for a while. She has plenty of various happy memories to call upon--spending time with her drake Damien back when he was closer to hatchling-sized, her mother helping to teach her the violin and both of them laughing when they made mistakes, every time her father failed to keep a plant alive and thus gave it to her instead (she has a whole garden of rescued plants), etc. (Out of order, but I just realized I accidentally answered the childhood memories question just now, so...ye!)
The first negative memory/event that really shaped how she sees the world was during her first Priory assignment, which was to Siren's Landing. She helped research the ruins there, as well as the unchained Risen. She made friends with both Rose and Dahlia, and after Rose's disappearance, she was the one to investigate and find Rose's journal. And the one to kill the unchained kingpin responsible for Rose's death. It was the first time she'd ever really lost someone like that.
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshiped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
And for this last one, Casca gets to be a god, apparently! xD This is such a fun thing to think about, but I'm also having such trouble making a final decision...hm.
I think she'd be some sort of a trickster god, but not one who's completely amoral--she'd very much be one who believes in consequences. Some amalgamation of illusion and justice as her domains, to express it in the GW2 sense, maybe?
For what she'd look like...it'd be a godly avatar form, so larger for sure. My brain's picturing another set of horns, as well as wings (which is probably just because I love wings, but I'm keeping it). Her form wouldn't usually be very stable in appearance, kinda like some combination between a hologram that's shaky and someone trying to use a projector on a screen made of mist.
She wouldn't expect public worship, mainly private if anything--small altars, in homes or hidden away. Offerings-wise, wouldn't be particularly demanding of those either, but she'd take a small portion of things liberated Robin-Hood style if her worshipers offered it. She'd have followers among small-time criminals trying to do good and people trying to shake up authority in various forms.
My brain is way overthinking trying to write teachings for her, so I'm just going to leave it there, but hopefully this gives you a decent idea of what I was going for :)
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sodasyrup · 5 years
I love,,,,, domestic lava au... You should do more of it. I'd love to know more about reka and monty too!
Okay as I said it’s an au with kittie (6kuro) so I’m gonna grab the things it said and I said lmao
warning its a LONG disjointed post bc im too tired to make. a good post fdhghdf
lovelypeaches08/28/2019cole and kai would settle down real late like....in their late thirties because they want to keep their children as safe as possible, being elemental masters and having enemies and all
at first wu wants them to fight longer and shit but hes OLD so who cares and theres probably conflict on thatbut kai and cole are old enough to realized they dont have to be controlled
so they get married, symbolically if anything, because they've been dating for probably a little over a decade now and known each other even longer, AND been living together for the same amount of time
theyre the first of the ninja to settle down, and they buy a small house in a village thats maybe an hour away from ninjago city
the tininess of the house is made up for by the largeness of the yard, where cole likes to garden, especially fruits and vegetables
cole works as a stay at home free lance artist, doing stuff like commissions, book covers, comics, etc for moneykai does something that puts his charisma to use, probably something in business that lets him advertise and talk a lot..he could never settle down for a stay at home job or anything, even with all his thrilling ninja stories
they have enough money from donations and awards to thrive off these jobs, and ninjago probably pays them kind of like retirement
cole cooks for kai so he always has a meal ready when hes home, so then kai cooks on the weekend
anyways, they have two kids, about 3 years aparti haven't figured them much out yet, but kai and cole cook and bake with themcoles parenting style is very protective and rather spoils them, while kai lets them do whatever as long as its not immediately dangerousthey balance each other out well, so their kids grow up loved and well rounded
lovelypeaches08/28/2019coles always buying them sweets and treats and Kai pretends to be annoyed but thinks its really cute
the kids go to a small school on the outskirts of ninjago city, and get asked about their parents a LOT. they kind of like the attention but it gets irritating
moving on to the other ninja who also start to settle down,jay doesnt really want kids, so he passes on his powers with ~science~ or something, but only when hes a lot olderhe does engineering at borg industries or something, and he messes around a lot but gets away with it bc hes the blue ninjahes like kai and coles kids Fun Uncle, since he lives in a big apartment in downtown ninjago city, with a bunch of cool techkai and coles family often take elongated road trips therejay thinks hes a cool relative but besides being super lenient hea actually kind of embarrassing lol
nya settles down a bit later than the rest of them, because she wants to live her ninja days to the fullesti could go on about my domestic samurai au but her and pixal have a kid who gets nyas water powersnya is much more eager to train her kid than cole and Kai are (they want to start properly training thwir children when theyre like 16, much to wus disappointment)nya doesn't force anyrhing on her kid but she doesnt protect her kid from the fact they'll have to train sooner or latershes determined on still changing the world, so she's a strong political leader, with innovative ideas who doesnt approve of ninjagos government and wants to change it for the betterShe also lives in downtown, but isn't as fun as jayher kid is younger than kai and coles, but kai and coles kids look up to them because they're very independent and skilled! their mom is also super cool, but not in a silly way. she rocks leather jackets and drives her kid around on a motorcycle
lovelypeaches08/28/2019zane is tricky for me...i like to imagine him sticking with lloyd to being a ninja or whatever, since hes going to be alive a lonnggg timehe also wants to respect wus wishes, so he teaches students and fights alongside lloydhe does so much less however, and finds a lot of time to visit his friends
kai and coles kids are shy around him at first, him being a nindroid whose still a ninja, but hes so much nicer and softer than expectedhe always brings them presenrs and enjoys quality time with them, so he's basically their favorite uncle
now lloyd continues his master training, to become the next master after wu dies. hed be the one to guide the next generation of elemental masters as well as their parents in training thembut don't worry, he gets a break too, since the other ninja help him out. hes much less burdened then wu was in the later years of his lifeok thats all i think
My commentary now
little boy whos like 3 and super wide eyed and excited and loves pink (when he foudn out zane at one point had a pink gi he asked if he could get one too)older girl around 6 whos a big daddys girl and loves to garden with cole and make mud piez
the little girl is the fire em - she had temper issues linked to autismz which they worked through her with early and never thought of it but she has a big passion for gardening they mistook for elemental connection when rly she just LUVS IT
little boy is em of earth - hes a natural born leader and stubborn, wide eyed and excitable. again bc they worked w both their kids about their tempers and such they never realized he was just naturally good at keeping his composure. also a lot like jay keeping morals upnaturally strong but both their kids are and i hc the super strength doesnt come in until peubertyz
shes a bit of a late bloomer with em powers but one day their little boy accidentally makes a pot hole inside the kitchen bc he was excited over zane cookingthey took too good of care of their kids and his true potential was simple bc he was a litol kid which was im going to live my best fcuking life with friends and family *rips a hole in the ground
kai and cole are the gross sappy parents that trade kisses n their kids are like thats DISGUSTING youre DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE
Kittie pointslovelypeaches08/28/2019YEAYEYAYAYYEYAYAYEoh god the little boy is part scenecorelikenot full on scene but like punk y2kwhich is a part of scenealso at first cole and kai are super concerned being a ninja will be as mentally damaging and ack as it was for them at times, but lloyd and zane are genuinely good mastersbutnot to get sadbutwhen tragedy does happen somehow, since neither Lloyd nor zane can ease that, cole and kai are so good at helping their kids e thatthey help them recover from it without downplaying their kids concerns and feelings amd give good advice and loveand make being elemental masters a lot easier for their kids than it ever was for them
me again.....
they always get so fucking scared thokai custom makes weapons for themarmor too he spends hours upon hours making sure its perfect and even prays over them to keep their kids safe
anyway when kai n cole visit w them (idk if theyr just adopted at their current age or like.... adopted as babies or surrogate or?? idk but) they visit lloyd and kai softly says "Look! its uncle lloyd" and lloyd starts SOBBING hes just fucking bawlinghis eyes out and when kai offers to for lloyd to hold him lloyds just like are you suure arre eyyuuu thherye so smsmm all kaiii are yoruur suureee thheyrey babbeises
nya is hesitant but ends up being a really good aunt, i meanshe took care of kai /j
zane is a fav uncle and hes always making sweets for them jay is. also sorta a fav bc where zane comes jay follows and jay has a sweet tooth and also makes Cool Toys + hey wanna prank your dadsalso im dramatic and likekai and cole sitting down and having a convo about master wubc he was sorta a shitty mentor and they really REALLY dont want their kids going through any self confident issues nor over stressing bc theyr KDISeventually kai and cole talk to master wu and actually has wu face his terrible practice towards kids and wu accepting he was.............................a bad 'parent' in a senseblebleblelelelelelellekai works but cole absolutely watches over any training when wu is there at first but lloyd is the master now and lloyd is like..........................i dont want kids to go through what i went through kai is like i trust you but also i will murder every single one of you in this dojo if you ever hurt my little girlim doing what i do and taking an au and running im sorry ghdghdfhJACK RAMBLES....their son refuses to wear shoes he lieks dirt on his feet they never really think much of it but its actually really comforting for him to feel the earth under his feet and feel stablethey think its just a stim thing maybe? theyr unsurebut! turns out him Element(also a fear of heights)lloyd tries to be a serious master but hes a big ol goof and can easily be manipulated
ironically.......its the lil boy who often is like HEY!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOTTA TRAIN!
kai and cole agree not to tell anyone what theyre thinking of naming their little boy until he arrives so when the day comes kais holding this tiny little boy and holds him out gentlyand lloyd is already EMOTIONAL because this is a BABY and lloyd softly asks his name n cole cuts in like "hes named after a really brave dude, montgomery. but we're thinking monty as a nickname"lloyd, choking up:(hc garmadons first name is montgomery)
the girl is Reka which means sweet in maori (a personal headcanon for cole) and shes their sweetheart
lovelypeaches09/04/2019bhrnrng this is in domestic au but col and kai teachign their kids instrumentscole and reka wud play piano duets togetherand monty doesnt like instruments much but he likes to singlike a LOT he belts out a song for everythinghe just lieks his own voice
lovelypeaches09/04/2019YEAAAHhes like the type who makes a song for everythingmonty voice we rr goinggg to the parkkkkk and the grass isss.........GREEENNNNNNN and there are LOOK THERE ARE SQUIRRRELSSSS and a playground and the skyyyyy isssssssssssss...*deep inhale* BLUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE1E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kai and cole: you are literally so talented
jay tries really hard to be the Cool Uncle at firstbut Monty just :^TReka gives him an awkward chucklewhen jay stops being Cool ™ hes goofy and thats when they start giggling and liking him more
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