#or colonial Williamsburg my beloved
theinconveniencing · 6 months
estate sale haul while I wait for dani to get food on our video call
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MY BELOVED RECORD PLAYER CD PLAYER CASSETTE PLAYER RADIO. it was $15!!!! huge!!!! and my new fine china collection. there was a set of ten cactus glasses for $6 (originally $12 but it was 50% off day) and my friend and I each took 5. the little cowboy kitchen tile that I love. I got bigger purple versions of my little red plates. my worlds fair plate I love. and. I went to colonial willaimsburg on my 8th grade trip to dc and it changed my entire life so well. colonial williamsburg plate.
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lois-bryan · 7 months
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"The Palace At Colonial Williamsburg" … The main portion of the stately #GovernorsPalace building in #ColonialWilliamsburg, #Virginia is a lovely sight on a bright summer afternoon. #Williamsburg is filled with architectural jewels at every step, and the #Palace is one of the most admired and beloved of all. "The Palace At Williamsburg" is a cropped, vertical version of the horizontal image "Colonial Williamsburg Governor's Palace" which is also available in my portfolio. Hand painted digitally from my own photo in #CorelPainter.
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I just blew $100 on books today, and wanted to show some of what I bought :D (plus one that I bought while at Colonial Williamsburg)
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I bought Fallen Founder at Williamsburg and I am so excited to read it. That and How To Be A Victorian my beloved <3 I’ve wanted that book for ages, so I was very happy to finally find her ^_^
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aviesnapkindoodles · 3 years
In general!! Flowers my beloved so hdjshjs
yeah flowers are pretty ! i wanna have a backyard with like stepping stones and benches and flowers and fountains and a gazebo and whenever my family went to williamsburg i would spend all the time in the colonial gardens,,,, so pretty
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
Eeeep thank you so much for tagging me @snikker-doooo 😊😚❤️
Name: Sara
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5'7" (5'8" on a good day)
Sexuality: Disaster/Chaos Bisexual
Favorite animal: Every cat that ever has or ever will exist, also if I see or think about elephants I Can and Will Cry
Dogs or cats: Tbh I love dogs for other people, but they're basically like toddlers and I can't jive with that level of neediness so it's cats for me all the way
Current time: Fuck if I know g
Dream job: Don't have one. I don't dream of labor or obligation of any kind 😌
When I made this blog: October 2019 I believe, it's almost been a year!
Why I made this blog: I played Julian's route and knew the game was gonna be a huge problem for me, but then I played Asra's route and I just needed to SCREM about him on the fuckin daily because that's my baby, that's my fuckin cinnamon apple 😙☺️😍
Reason for URL: I really wanted to call my blog "SpitInMyMouthAsra" (don't @ me about my kinks okay lmfao) but I felt like that might be... Too much too soon lmfao. So I stepped it down half a notch and decided on StepOnMeMrAsra because I would also like him to step on me if spitting in my mouth isn't immediately available. (Originally it was Mr Asra because it's considered good manners to address your Dom with proper respect during play, but later deleted it since he's not a Mr)
Followers: Somewhere around 650, no idea how the fuck that happened
Following: I've had my main blog (this is a sideblog) for like ten years so it's roughly 1,100 😂
Thing I’m into none of my mutuals are: Watching Ken Burns' "The Civil War" made me a HUGE history nerd lmfao. Not in like a gross racist way, in like a "I've also binge watched Prohibition, The West, and Jazz, as well as Boardwalk Empire (the portrayal of 1920s America is so rich and in depth) and The Tudors (as well as A Man For All Seasons and Wolf Hall) and spent a couple grand on a vacation to Colonial Williamsburg a few years ago and haven't shut up about how fucking cool it was since" kind of way. Oh and I'm a HUGE jazz hound, much like our beloved Julian 😌👌 you hand me the aux and you're getting some good ol fashioned jazz. (I personally prefer ragtime and 20's/30's era jazz, Jelly Roll Morton and Duke Ellington kind of stuff, and obviously we cant forget Queen Billie ❤️ Swing doesn't do it for me, it just reeks of being white man's appropriation of jazz, don't @ me. Unless ur talking Artie Shaw of course, Artie Shaw owns my entire fucking ass that was GLAMOUR baby) (I could talk about jazz for hours so pls if you need some saucy music recs get @ me) (or if you wanna hear me gush about the fucking badass female blacksmith we met in Williamsburg that I absolutely fell in love with and think about at least weekly then also get @ me) (oooo or about the time we visited the site of the battle at Fredericksburg and I cried so hard I had to be physically removed from the field) (idk just any of these just hit me up let's talk history and music and art and shit yall)
I tag - @asraftw420 and @popcornaddict500 😁❤️👌
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agespecific · 6 years
Were you a reader as a child? Did you snuggle up in a chair or under the covers at bedtime while an adult read to you? If so, chances are you were impacted by the wisdom found in children’s books.
Reading helps us to understand ourselves, the world around us and other people. Reading also allows us to experience things we could not experience personally.
Some children’s books, especially those written in the 18th and 19th centuries were thinly veiled attempts at imparting morals and manners to children.
Later books were more focused on entertaining children, though lessons seeped through like water in a sieve, impacting us – even if we were not consciously aware of what we were learning.
I still remember my mother reading aloud the novel Heidi, one chapter at a time. My sister and I anxiously perched on the bed, waiting to hear about Heidi, Peter, Grandfather and the goats.
We imagined the far away setting in the Alps, almost breathing in the fresh air as Heidi did. From Heidi, I learned compassion, feeling homesick along with the little orphan girl and her wheelchair bound friend Clara.
Compassion is just one of the many lessons I learned while reading classic children’s novels. Here are six other lessons we may have unconsciously learned as we read and reread the beloved stories of our youth.
We Can Be Independent
Part of the work of childhood is gradually growing into people who are independent from our parents and caregivers. Children’s books are full of stories of children who take the reins and control their own destiny.
Remember Nancy Drew? She was very independent, driving around in her blue roadster with only the slightest supervision from her father. The Boxcar Children successfully lived alone in an abandoned box car, working to get money for food and taking care of each other.
The children of Narnia managed quite well in their adopted fantasy land, conquering foes with little adult help. Pippi Longstocking lived in Villa Villakkulla with nary an adult in sight.
Children’s stories helped us to imagine living independently without actually leaving the safety of our homes. We could escape our everyday lives and live in a tree like Sam, the young boy in My Side of the Mountain, who runs away, adopts a falcon and survives on his own in the Catskill mountains.
These characters and others like them taught us that with resourcefulness and hard work we can take care of ourselves.
Pluck and Grit Will Take You Far
Remember Laura Ingalls Wilder? The child of the Little House on the Prairie series was known for her spirit. Other young pioneers such as tomboy Caddie Woodlawn, Jody in The Yearling, and Travis of Old Yeller were also courageous and not afraid to act.
Creating a home in a new and untamed land is one recipe for developing kids with pluck and grit, but clearly not the only one.
Young Ramona in the Beverly Cleary books is gutsy, audacious and bold. Velvet, of National Velvet, is strong-willed and determined.
Homer Price manages to foil bank robbers and control a situation with a donut machine gone berserk. These are characters who persevere and tenaciously deal with life’s challenges.
Many of us also devoured biographies. The Childhood of Famous Americans series, little blue and orange books, were wildly popular in the 1950s and 1960s.
The books, which were later deemed to be more fictional than reality, focused on the lives of courageous children who grew up to be heroes. These and other biographies inspired us to do worthy things.
Be Open to Adventure
Children’s stories are full of characters who have adventures. What would The Adventures of Tom Sawyer have been like if Tom, Huck and Becky had stayed home and played board games all day?
Think of Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys and the Tollivers solving mysteries. Young Jim Hawkins has his map of Treasure Island and goes out to sea. The children of the Melendy family have a new adventure every Saturday.
Travel appeared in children’s books before it became mainstream for many people. Donna Parker goes to Hollywood, making us long for the world of glamour and movie stars.
Nancy Drew travels to France, Nairobi and Austria. The Bobbsey Twins visited Plymouth Rock and Colonial Williamsburg, imparting history lessons along the way.
Children in books also traveled across time and place. Tolly in the Greene Knowe series meets children from the past. Charlotte in Charlotte Sometimes travels via magical bed to an English boarding school in 1918. In children’s books, time travel – with all of its adventurous possibilities – is an option.
You Need Friends
We all need a sidekick or two. Friends help us out of sticky situations and encourage us to be our best. They provide laughter and help us to find insight just when we need it.
Charlotte had Wilbur. Betsy had Tacy. Nancy Drew had Bess and George. Donna Parker had Ricky West, and Trixie Beldon had Honey Wheeler. The two sets of Bobbsey twins had each other.
Anne of Green Gables had her bosom buddy, Diana. Like Anne, many of us had or longed for a friend who was our steadfast companion and kindred spirit. If we lacked such a friend in our lives, characters from the novels we read often became our friends.
It’s Fun to Stretch Your Imagination
The fun and fantasy of children’s books enriched us by stretching our imaginations. We love to suspend willing disbelief in order to accept the magical.
Remember Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle? She was a little old lady whose husband was a pirate. She lived in an upside-down house and imparted ‘cures’ to children who misbehaved. What fun it was to imagine playing in an upside-down house or digging up treasure in the back yard.
Fantasy could take us on adventures. We could step through a wardrobe in England and walk into Narnia, where we could meet witches and battle evil. We traveled to Oz with Dorothy and had fun believing that lands like Oz, with all of its magical creatures, exist.
Mythology and folklore also gave us fantastic tales. We imagined what it would be like to be a giant like Paul Bunyan and have a big blue ox for a pet. We could also have dragons for pets or ride one conquering the air. We soured across the skies and into the oceans with Greek gods and goddesses.
Some fantasies were closer to home. The adventures of a lowly house painter, Mr. Popper and his twelve penguins, kept us laughing. We imagined what fun it would be to have such amazing creatures in our own homes.
Believing in the impossible opened us up to creativity, which feeds our souls and helps us to solve problems.
Kindness Matters
Children’s books often bring out the simple theme that kindness matters. In the beginning of Charlotte’s Web, Fern saves a runt pig, Wilbur, from her father’s ax. Saving Wilbur’s life allows friendship in the barnyard to blossom.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, we learn the hard way from the story of Wanda, a young girl who is ridiculed for wearing the same dress every day.
When she proclaims that she has a hundred dresses, the other girls laugh. Her bullies eventually learn the truth, too late for Wanda but in time to teach them – and us – a lesson about kindness.
In children’s books we also learn to love and care for animals. Books such as Bambi, Lassie and the horse stories of Marguerite Henry gave us insight into the lives of animals. Many children experienced the love of animals they met through books.
The books we read as children often shape us. What books did you love as a child? What do you think you learned from them? We would love to hear your experiences and memories in the comments below.
Michele Meier Vosberg, Ph.D. is a writer and freelance educator. She left her career of over thirty years in order to create the life of her dreams. She is passionate about helping others understand their unique personality and gifts and design their best lives. Michele is married, has two grown daughters and lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Connect with Michele at liferedesign101.com
The post 6 Lessons Baby Boomers Learned from Classic Children’s Books appeared first on Age Specific.
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Justices release financial disclosures
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts released the justices’ annual financial disclosures for 2018 today. The forms do not provide a complete picture of the justices’ finances: They do not, for example, include the value of the justices’ homes, and the values of their stocks, investments and bank accounts are reported only in a range. But at the same time, the forms do offer a glimpse into how the justices spend their time off the bench – as well as potential conflicts of interest.
Most, but not all, of the nine justices have side gigs, often teaching law school. Justice Clarence Thomas taught at three different law schools – Kansas, George Washington University and Georgia – in 2018, earning $28,000. The court’s newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh, earned nearly that much teaching at Harvard Law School, while Justice Samuel Alito earned just over $20,000 teaching at Duke University’s law school and Justice Elena Kagan earned $17,500 teaching a class at Harvard in the fall of 2018.
Justice Stephen Breyer continued to hold the most glamorous outside job, serving as a juror for the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Justice Neil Gorsuch served as a member of the board of trustees for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, while Kavanaugh held three positions even closer to home: coaching girls’ basketball teams.
The justices also earned income from book royalties. Gorsuch led the way with $225,000 from Penguin Random House – presumably for his upcoming book, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It” – and $782.55 from Princeton University Press for his book on euthanasia, which was published in 2009. Justice Sonia Sotomayor earned $33,000 in advances against book royalties for her memoir “My Beloved World,” which was published in 2014, and “Turning Pages,” a children’s picture book published this year. Royalties were a family affair in the Breyer household this year: Breyer earned $4,415.69 in royalties himself, while Joanna Breyer – who has a PhD in psychology – also earned an undisclosed amount of royalties for her own book, a guide for parents of sick children.
Sotomayor also reported receiving (but then donating to charity) $2,000 from the Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation as part of the Lifetime Leadership DVF Award. Sotomayor was honored at a ceremony in April 2018 along with (among others) ballerina Misty Copeland and Jaha Dukureh of Gambia, who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work to stop female genital mutilation and child marriages.
The justices racked up the frequent-flyer miles again in 2018. Octogenarian Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg went everywhere from Park City, Utah, to Rome, Israel and Jordan, while Breyer hit (among others) Ireland, Spain, Paris, Aspen, Nevis and Sun Valley. Chief Justice John Roberts flew domestic, traveling to speak at law schools in St. Louis and Minnesota.
Some justices had robust stock portfolios. Roberts reported holdings that include Texas Instruments, Sirius XM, AT&T and one-eighth of a cottage in Ireland, while Alito’s stocks include Molson-Coors, Boeing, Caterpillar and Johnson & Johnson. Breyer also owns stocks, including – through his wife – the sports-entertainment brand Topgolf International. Other justices, like Kavanaugh, had simpler finances: He listed only a Bank of America account and a Texas state retirement account.
This post was originally published at Howe on the Court.
The post Justices release financial disclosures appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/06/justices-release-financial-disclosures-2/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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