#or do you want to believe that islam is a scary barbaric religion so you sleep better at night that they are being killed in a genocide?
rumplestiltrin · 6 months
must it take white people to report to you that what we say about our own queer experiences is correct? or will you get your head out of your ass and listen to what poc have to say about their own god damn experiences.
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Personal Stories & Lived Experiences
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It was one of the coldest winters ever 2010 I'll never forget my first oil sands job I was hesitant anxious and curious a family friend and I had applied to a housekeeping position out we were young broke and ambitious people kept talking about the land of milk and honey good old Fort McMoney also known as Fort McMurray my friend was 7 years younger than I and she considered me to be her big sister Both of us from the same country and religion our religion being Islam  she was born here I wasn't we both were not fully practicing Muslims some would call us modern Muslims we both got the jobs and were stationed out to Dawson's Creek BC a 36 hour bus ride that would introduce us to a Wild and rude awakening ISLAMOPHOBIA was silently waiting upon our arrival We finally made it and both of us like I had mentioned earlier were not practicing we had d assimilated so much that we went by nicknames instead of our real names sam and Ali instead of Samira and Aliyah our first couple of days were routine we did our work as housekeepers and then adapted to this remote life style same clothes same food same people there wasn't a whole lot of ethnicities at this camp so we kind of stuck out like 2 sore thumbs but none of that phased us it was 2010 and I woke up for my shift It was the year Sidney Crosby secured Canada’s record 14th gold medal of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games, and the nation’s eighth Olympic gold in men’s hockey, when he scored the ‘Golden Goal’, the game-winner against the United States at the 7:40 mark of overtime. We had just finished our shift and went into the cafeteria for supper time I hadn't seen Aliyah all day when we met at the doors she was wearing a beautiful rose red hijab I looked at her in awe and said mashallah which means may God protect you from evil intentions then I said hey where'd you get that she said I took it from your room she had quickly explained to me that she woke up and wanted to wear the hijab I was like right in girl I'm so happy for you now let's get some grub I'm starving as we both headed into the kitchen we were stopped by our head housekeeper Annie she was 5'11 280 lbs so she towered over us she said you guys can't come in like that with that thing on your head, it’s just not allowed for safety reasons. I didn’t want any confrontation so I just begged Aliyah to come back to the room with me and we’d get food later. Although I was really hurt inside I knew the best thing to do was not to cause scene and be more targeted. Aliyah was furious but because she knew how I felt she held back her anger for me. It’s sad to believe this still happens in the world but I believe no matter what race or religious background you come from, everyone should be treated with respect and dignity as well as feeling safe and accepted.
I've personally never experienced Islamophobia myself, but I've heard stories and to be honest it's as very disheartening phenomena. I believe woman of the Islamic faith are the ones who suffer the most from it because they are the most visible representation of the faith which makes them the strongest of us but in the same breath it's very scary being in that position. I honestly think education and spreading awareness defeats ignorance and that's all Islamophobia is, the lack of knowledge and ignorance. It's funny though because I feel like the more we talk about it the more people are interested in learning about Islam thus giving them the opportunity to see what Islam is really like. It's surprising as well how people realize how misinformed they were about the religion so it's a bitter sweet situation. I hope we can get to a point where we are united and come together with peace and love.
  Who am I?
That girl you stare at constantly From her head to her toe, I’m covered the most modestly That scarf you see
Only makes up one part of me But instead you chose to view that as me
You like to criticize
marginalized and put me in set lines
But I won't let you Because I’m not who you make me to be
You like to terrorize and emphasis that it is US versus the
Drawing the line between the sand but calling ME the enemy of man
You shout the words, “GO BACK!” with no hesitation not realizing I started in that very same hospital as YOU. With equal opportunities to grow but that equal opportunity begins to go.
but did you look once at how society has manifest.
It outlines its designs to redefine a woman from her appearance rather than what's inside.
Objecting her from all sides; from her Chest to her thighs.
Claiming her worth is brought down to mere size.
Deeming HER the product of plastic through YOUR eyes.
Those same eyes that rationalize the true crime of your actions that speaks hatred in your mind
Not knowing these eyes are traumatized by the assumptions made by lies
I don’t blame you, as the media has fed you
Twin towers, Al-Qaeda, Boston bombing, Quebec shooting, Charlie Hebdo,, Attack on Paris, ISIS, San Bernardino
Why do I have to justify for those who take God’s name in vain
Terrorizing people of all faith
Condemning their actions of shame
It seems, like every time you turn on the news Muslims are being ridiculed
You Terrorist
You Towel head
You Barbaric animal
You Extremists
You Sand Negro
You Backwards thinking, oppressed being, hair covering, abuse beating, voiceless speaking, victimizing Muslim women.
 I am associated by association of their Islam--I do not know
The snapshot of true practicing Muslims are overthrown
By the Muslims I do not know
Tainting MY Islamic faith as a whole
I’m suffocating from the mold
But it’s hard to recreate when you are told
You are worthless- powerless - voiceless
BEYOND your control
I’m subjectified in believing my religion Is misleading
When Islam represents peace but the media is scheming
My hijab is my choice
My voice to rejoice
To all my sisters out there
Who cover their hair
Behind your veil you can prevail
For the Creator as he made her
She tailors her hijab for her maker
She puts her trust in his hands
It is the law of God
she follows his commands
Oppression it is not
Liberation is what shes got!
As a muslim women
She fights to break the stereotypes
Reclaiming her right
Despite her injustice, she fights
As a muslim women
She represents her religion with pride
She turns the tides to achieve in everything she tries
Has her eyes set on the prize because she believes
She is capable on the inside
She doesn’t listen to the lies
As a muslim women
She’s the easy breezy beautiful covered queen
~Mariam & Asma
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