#or follow my shitty example and just be super vague / unspecific LMAO
mindsmade · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: eh. i mean, i have a few otps for several muses but they also tend to shift with time. i’ll grow more enthused and inclined to call something an ‘otp’ if i’ve been given the time to explore it in rp threads as well rather than just watching it on tv / in a game. fact remains that i’ll rarely have only 1 ship i stan 34838x more than any other. i just geT REALLY EXCITED IN GENERAL OK.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: p much everything, really. even touchy stuff, should the need arise, but only well acquainted with the mun behind the other character. in fact, any and all shipping’s just a lot easier if i’m free to yell at you about our dweebs, lol
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: depends. any supernatural muses / muses that are immortal or just grow really old will handle the age of 18 - 20 probably as the lower limit — which might’ve been a higher number if my muses didn’t all look relatively young, themselves. barring them, the likes of e.g. krem will maintain about 8 years down, 10 years up; whereas nate, being the youngest on here, will probably not go below the age of 20 nor above the age of 35.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: HM. i’d say i’m somewhere in between selective and easy to ship with. i’ll give every idea some thought at the very least and whilst i’ve had a fair amount of ships ( that have come and gone across my accounts ), i’m not the sort of person to just ship anything. besides, some muses are just easier to ship with than others. for example, i’m not gonna ship celebrían with anyone other than an elrond and nothing of yet has managed to change my mind on that lol, whereas the likes of ethan chandler i find quite easy to ship with to at least some capacity, and then sylvan ( an oc of mine ) is a single dad so that takes Serious Thought™. tl;dr: i’m sort of selective.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: i tend to just go with what you really wouldn’t want to be caught reading at work. anything beyond a make-out session’s 99% likely to be tagged accordingly.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:   WELL THAT’S HARD TO ANSWER HERE. i’ll just refer you to my muses page; there are icons ( linking to active blogs ) on the side of each bio with descriptions as to who / what a person is to each muse.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: more like i’d rather be informed about someone shipping their muse with mine. of late, there’s a significant chance i’ll already be bouncing to ship said characters as well LMAO. seriously though: at worst, i’ll defer to an unrequited sort of thing or platonic ( though the latter only works if my muse likes yours to begin with, tbh )
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: ... i entertain the idea/s of a lot of ships, though there are precious few that actually reach any sort of fruition on tumblr, in small part due to the fact that i try to keep the number per muse down to 3 at most since i also want to explore platonic / familial bonds. that doesn’t change how i’ll have a few additional ships in the privacy of my own thoughts in the meantime, though. the ones on here just take precedence  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: i’ll think about ships i’m really into / engaged in over here on tumblr throughout the day, sure, but i’m my head’s too clogged up w my own problems for any more than that. in any case, i do tend to funnel thoughts / aesthetic ideas etc. into pinterest boards for my pairings to help organise my thoughts. :’)
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: yep, save for over on @peredhellen​. had a very brief dual ship thing going on in another verse there a long time ago, but that all fell through before anything really came of it here, which makes me all the happier to have a superb shipping partner in @vezely​ tbqh. on a side-note: i don’t ship with duplicates of canon muses. i’ll only do that with 1 rendition. uwu
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: i have too many fandoms on here tbh and, really, i tend to get equally hyped about my ships once i get to thinking / talking about them. though i’m sure you’ve all noticed my heart’s been stolen by liam & peebee as well as ethan / eve LMAO.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: the first thing i’d recommend is to just write with me. get a first thread or two set up so we can get a feel for the ship ( of whatever nature ) as well like the other person might’ve. second: talk to me out of character! it really helps to get the gears spinning, i’ve found. third: give it time, fam. as much as i love pre-established relationships, i don’t like pre-established romantic things unless it’s been set in canon. and even then, if we’re not given a lot of background to work with, i like to flesh out what led to these people being together. basically, development is one of the biggest prerequisites for me to become invested in a pairing.
tagged by: @archontem ( thank you!! ) tagging: @kaleiidoscopehearts / @motherwolf / @siirensung / @ghulardi / @bloodiedicon / @aroseofyork / @allianceofficer / jgfoidjgoi whoever wants to tbh just take iT
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