#or go to America as discord boy asked me to for the sole purpose of a legally owned gun
kavehater · 8 months
Reblogging that one bpd post on the forsaken account where she can see it and just talking about it has finally gotten me feeling a bit better omgie
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renardtrickster · 5 years
I am going to kill you and ask you to do every number on that ask post
You devious yet cute bastard, I’m in.
1. What is you middle name?
Personal information so I’m not divulging it, but it abbreviates to X.
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
September 26.
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Libra/The Scales/The Dragon/Terepy
5. What is your favorite color?
Dark Green. #127712 specifically.
6. What’s your lucky number?
I think 2? I do like 12 though.
7. Do you have any pets?
Not anymore. I used to have two dogs though.
8. Where are you from?
Florida. I came out of the swamps.
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
28cm, Women’s 11.5, Men’s 9.5, that’s what my sneakers say.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Two. A pair of loafers so broken down I avoid wearing them whenever possible, and a pair of fine sneakers.
12. What was your last dream about?
All I remember is that Duff McWhalen’s theme song was playing throughout it and it was really annoying after a while.
13. What talents do you have?
I would say my talents are acute memory of obscure topics, vivid storytelling, and I’m pretty good at video games.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
It doesn’t happen with much frequency nowadays, but when I was younger and it happened a bit more often, I could always tell when I was being observed with no other clues. I could feel the eyes on my back. I can also bend spoons and set fires with my mind but that’s less interesting.
15. Favorite song?
More like favorite song right now, but probably Rocket Surgeon.
16. Favorite movie?
The Persona 3 movies currently.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Off of the top of my head, I’m imagining someone who’s heart-throbbing to look at (pretty women or cute boys), pretty sharp, tough to boot, has a lot in common with me, and is understanding too. I’ve got a few quirks, and it’d be nice to know that I’m not condemned to dying alone because of them.
18. Do you want children?
Not in the slightest.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I don’t even want a wedding wedding. If we’re partners, isn’t being together enough? From what I know, weddings just add unnecessary stress and complication.
20. Are you religious?
I’m definitely spiritual, and Religion connected to that, even if I don’t devote myself to a specific doctrine. It’s less pantheism and more “they’re probably all true to an extent and also SMT is real”. In any case I just try to be a good person.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
As a patient, none that I could remember but I know I went because of various injuries. As a visitor, quite a few times.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I’ve done things that would get me in trouble with the law, but have not run afoul of them yet. The closest would be that one time I was staying at a hotel, and the police knocked on my door and asked if I knew where someone was living. I didn’t, but I guessed anyway, and that’s how half the hotel had the police knocking on their door.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
White with grey soles.
26. Have you ever been famous?
I have a lot of followers on this tumblr blog, would that count?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I want to be a famous author, so kind of. But I want to still retain my anonymity and not have my real name and face attached to stuff. Yoko Taro gives me hope in that regard, because he’s rather famous but any information we know about him, we know on his terms. That’s how I want to live.
28. What type of music do you like?
I usually listen to video game OSTs, and most of the ones I listen to are so genre-blending so it’s hard to pin down. Most of it is instrumental, but I’m not opposed to music with vocals. Genres aren’t cohesive, so I’d say “music that makes you want to punch robots to” and “music that makes you want to talk to friends to”. J-rap is pretty good though.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Hell no!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I toss and turn before going to sleep and while asleep, but my back seems to be consistent.
32. How big is your house?
It’s pretty decent. 2 room 1 bath, and the living room is rectangular.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Milk & cereal, or pop-tarts.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
No, but I want to.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
I think once in grade school. I wish I could try again though.
36. Favorite clean word?
Cerebral just off the top of my head.
37. Favorite swear word?
Bastard or Shit. The former is innately funny and all-purpose to refer to someone. The latter is so versatile it can be used in any context.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
I think a day, although the standard is around 18.
39. Do you have any scars?
I don’t think so.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I think there was one person in school who had a thing for me but they were gay and at the time I thought I was straight, so I paid them no mind. There was also someone who said “X likes you”, but I didn’t know who X was so I said “cool” and went on my way. I was also propositioned once in middle school, but that’s less “secret admirer” and more “sexual harasser”.
41. Are you a good liar?
I think so.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
For good people, yes. For bad people, no.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Yeah. I remember playing Undertale and my little sister was nearby, and I decided to voice all the characters. I had a lot of fun!
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I’m actually the only member of my family that doesn’t have a Boston accent.
45. What is your favorite accent?
Russian, hands-down.
46. What is your personality type?
According the the Myers-Briggs test I just took, ISFP-T/Adventurer. Which is bizarre considering I’m pretty sure I got a different result a year or so ago. According to “what word would you use”, droll.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I have no idea. Either those sneakers, or the heavy winter jacket I got when I was in Colorado. Both were gifts, so I never saw the pricetag, but my Dad said they were pretty nice-looking.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
My knowledge of spiders is well enough that I know at least 2 types of spiders who can kill you horribly in one bite, and know little enough that I can’t tell any of them apart from common house spiders. I’m more afraid of dying stupidly because the boner spider snuck up on me than the idea of spiders themselves.
52. Favorite food?
Either Macaroni & Cheese or Cheeseburgers.
53. Favorite foreign food?
Burritos probably, even though I usually only eat meat and cheese on them. Are you detecting a theme because I am.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I try to be clean, but I’m usually a bit scattered.
55. Most used phrased?
“says something about”, “despite that” are some. Although I know I tend to use a few stock phrases When I Post Long.
56. Most used word?
I wouldn’t even know where to begin finding that out.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Maybe a few minutes, although I’m usually working on a set routine.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think I do. If I do, I tend to exaggerate it or turn it to a positive end.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
No matter how hard I want to keep it at sucking, I usually bite at some point. Don’t screencap this.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
Also no.
63. Biggest Fear?
Most if not all of my friends, and the people I admire as well, all either start hating me or end up hating me and I lose every social connection I have or want to have. The reason varies, whether it be my fault or someone slandering me, but being hated by people I like freaks me out. As does the idea of not being able to tell my stories.
64. Are you a gossip?
I’d like to say no but considering I rather frequently discuss discourse in my Discord chats, I guess I am.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I do not watch drama films.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
On myself, long-to-middle length. On others, any length really.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably not.
68. Favorite school subject?
Social studies was a strong suit of mine.
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Time passing and things not getting done.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No. The things in the dark can eat it too.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Yes, but I try to be kind about it. Or funny.
74. Are you ticklish?
I haven’t been tickled recently, so I wouldn’t know.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
No. At worst, I’ve spread information I don’t think is 100% accurate, but I ALWAYS disclaim that it shouldn’t be trusted without further research.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I’m an older sibling, so yes.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
No, but I was offered twice. Once by an irresponsible (and awful) authority figure, once by some kids in the bathroom. Both times I said “no thanks”, and funny enough the former tried to change my mind, and the latter just said “ok cool”.
79. Who was your first real crush?
Oh god here come the bad memories. I’m heavily abbreviating and redacting information to protect the identities of me and all involved, but in Colorado I met someone in middle school who more or less fit all my parameters for “ideal partner”. But I was terminally nervous and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so I left it at that. Eventually I had to abruptly leave the state for reasons I don’t want to get into, and all a week or so later I made a Facebook account and found all my friends. My contact with my crush was the most constant. Eventually, I was talking with a different buddy, and they mentioned romantic problems. I mentioned I had some too, and they eventually ferreted it out of me. They told me I should confess, and I said no, both because I want to remain friends, and because I can’t do a long-distance relationship. They told me they’d go behind my back if I didn’t, and I warned them not to. Five minutes later, I get messaged by my crush. To put it short, it wouldn’t work out. I stopped talking to both, and was pretty depressed afterwards, to the point where I couldn’t feel any romance, sexuality, or companionship towards anybody. I got over it sometime later, and I think I realized I was bi around the same time. I kind of wish I could smooth things over, but it’s been so long I don’t think it’s an option anymore. Plus Facebook has a horrible interface and is terrible so I really don’t want to.
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
Also VERY.
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
I looked in a mirror for a minute. I think it’s either grey, green, or brown?
86. What are you allergic to?
Pollen and bullets.
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
My Dad makes food at the mall.
89. Do you like your age?
I wish I had all the benefits of adulthood but was still 17.
90. What makes you angry?
People acting stupid when they should know better, things not working when they should, and things going wrong when they shouldn’t. While not my intention in answering this question, this site has all three :^)
91. Do you like your own name?
My given name is pretty okay. I really like Renardie though.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I am not having children.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Three times I have said I’m not having children.
94. What are you strengths?
Imagination, expression, intellect, and pluck.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Procrastination, anxiety, and obsession.
96. How did you get your name?
For my given name, I’ll keep it brief for privacy’s sake, but my parents are comic book nerds. For Renardie, I’m simply a fan of Reynard the Fox.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
My Dad’s a King in the figurative sense, does that count?
98. Do you have any scars?
This is a repeat question. Someone get OP’s ass.
99. Color of your bedspread?
Off-color baby blue.
100. Color of your room?
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You've opened the floodgates, lol! I have 3 questions right from jump! What made you want to put our resident Golden Boy in Hell? ;_; Um, how did you come up with the concept of those Shen Gong Wu (and even the newer ones in MW)? Just how big is Clay's family and do you have names and personalities for every single one?!
@nneefa okay, three questions here we go!
1.) so I was dorking around on the Xiaolin discord and I pitched an idea for a Wu called the Call of Hades because.....that’s how my mind works? I’m not even entirely sure how I came up with it. I guess I had Greek mythology on the brain and I was on the Xiaolin discord and the beams crossed and I was like “hey guys I have an idea for a wu!” And proceeded to pitch the CoH, and then it turned to a discussion about a potential fic.
And then someone suggested writing the story with Jack and Clay (as an offhand joke) because I had asked how to make this situation as funny as possible.
And at first it was gonna be played for laughs (with Rai instead of Clay as the damsel in distress)
But then I realized
A) I like Clay and Jack the most in XS
And B) I really liked the idea of playing it seriously. I liked the idea of innocent, kind Clay being stuck in a dark, scary place and Jack, the resident loser, being given one of the most daunting journeys and impossible tasks in history - defying death to save someone you love help an enemy in their time of need.
I don’t know, i just really liked the idea of someone as cowardly and selfish as Jack traveling to the depths of Hades and defying Death to save someone, and maybe in the process, save himself as well.
PLUS if you haven’t noticed I’ve been referencing a lot of Americana/Southern Gothic type songs? And it gives me a chance to mix two of my loves together and create an American South-based afterlife like Over the Garden Wall.
2.) my brain is always moving! It doesn’t seem to know how to stop so I’m always coming up with ideas. Writing and art is how I get those ideas out.
I already talked about the Call of Hades a little. I just thought it would be neat to have a dog whistle that summoned a very scary dog.
The Lyre Of Orpheus is straight up inspired by the Orpheus and Eurydice legend. So is this entire story actually. Maybe that gives it some romantic undertones?
When it comes to Wu I’m usually inspired by mythology, or the potential for fun, and sometimes wordplay or jokes that are only funny to me. Like, the reason Monkey Wrench! is called that is because the Wu was originally supposed to be a literal Wrench, the Wrench of the Monkey King. “Monkey Wrench” is a slang term for an imaginary object of sabotage, chaos and mischief and I thought it would be funny to make a game breaking Wu whose sole purpose was to cause trouble based on that concept.
Obviously it developed into something way more serious and way better! And anyways, the Crown of the Monkey King is more in line with Chinese Mythology cough cough
Ooh and sometimes me and friends just come up with dumb stuff together! Me and my friend came up with a Wu that is a gun that shoots more guns that shoots more guns and they all become progressively tinier but are still functional. We called it the Glock of Infinite Stupidity. It’s still my personal favorite.
3.) Clay’s family is huge huge huge. and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to assign personalities to every individual but there are some that’ll stand out more. Aunt Bea is the biggest one but so is Samuel. Others may appear with their own character.
One thing I liked about Clay is his commitment and loyalty to his fam and heritage. The Baileys seem like they’d be proud of their heritage and family ties. I just like the idea of Clay having a lot of loving family members on the Other Side who would protect him. It gives me a chance to play with people from different eras of America.
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rametarin · 4 years
If I had the ear of South America..
I would say, “Latinx is only the beginning.”
Yeah. It’s perceived as an anglo plot to colonize and imperialize the Spanish language, as it was born in the US thanks to a bunch of cultural marxist shitheads that are shamelessly trying to argue against gendered language on some futurist utopian transhumanist bullshit, white claiming it’s purely, “for diversity and inclusion of the transgendered and non-binary gendered people.”
But you aren’t going to stop or stem this tide of stupid by writing it off as some anglo plot. It just.. it won’t stop.
Here in the United States a guerilla cultural war went on. As a child I was exposed to radical feminists that took careful measures to engineer my experiences and get me to draw conclusions. That white people were evil, as individuals and as a group. That white people were destroying the world. That white people were soulless, cultureless imperialist monsters that just wanted to subvert all the innocent and harmless brown people and verifiably undeniably had enslaved everybody and everything.
That togetherness you enjoy under the label Hispanic and/or Latino? These people that formulated Latinx are working to subvert that, too. Here in the states, “I don’t see race” became controversial because the supposed progressives don’t like the egalitarian model that eliminates race and class from the equation to address if an individual is free or not based on their own personal merits, poverty level, education, etc. They DO like to ask, “Are these COMMUNITIES and MINORITY GROUPS (self identified) thriving and growing? If not, is it because the majority isn’t helping them grow at their own expense?”
In the United States, for the longest time, the narrative was that Spanish colonialism was irrelevant, at least in the US conversation about race and oppression, because, “Spanish speakers are marginalized and oppressed.” And also implied to be synonymous with being as different from white people as Asians and black Africans. So giving the Spanish the same stigma as they give, say, people descended from the English, or the French, or the Germans, was considered wrong.
But now that they’ve decided they want to cement more ties with drug cartels and guerillas across South America, the conversation and discourse has progressed. Now they want to kick up activity in Latin America to make society divisive and talk about how the black Latino is inherently oppressed by the white Latino. Rather than the discourse assume everybody south of the border is some big happy singular culture and family, it’s becoming clearer they don’t like white Spanish, and want the progressive and hip and cool kid view that white Spanish people, regardless of their origins or immigration status, are oppressors of people with different skin, solely on account of their, “privilege.”
This mentality that encouraged minority groups to militantly self-segregate and declare themselves separate cultures unto themselves, being oppressed by a white majority, is being used to sell social theories and scapegoat majorities for any and all problems being faced by a community .Exploiting the very real colorism and history of discrimination, but not for the ends of ending it, but for exploiting it to motivate division, discord and violence.
Feminism’s surface stated values and goals in and of themselves aren’t all bad. Obviously, there are backwards and exploitative or outright misogynistic views, values and social policy put in place to prevent women from living independent lives or progressing in work or business. The concept of a niche of interest that covers that WOULD be good, except it has been co-opted and platformed by these same marxist guerilla people for the purposes of selling dialectic materialistic views on what is unfair and what is unjust, and they’re harnessing that anger to create a culture that makes women feel oppressed as a class and under the auspices of what they’re learning from the Marxists.
They use and exploit this niche, this legitimate advocacy towards equality and advancement for women, the way a horror movie monster wiggles into the skin of a crewmate to characterize itself as something it is not while sabotaging the environment and exploiting the situation for its own ends. Infiltration. So female uprightedness and empowerment in and of itself is not the problem, but ‘feminism’ as a social organization is. The banner has been platformed and tained, and a lot of the literature mixed in with it is more of the same Critical Legal Theory crap that tells them certain things are true and absolute based on arbitrary theory.
It is important to not see this egalitarian undertone as the problem. It is not. The egalitarian element that is appropriated by these conspirators and guerillas is not the issue. The issue is the people that have exploited the conversation of female equality, are doing so to stick lenses over the eyes of the people with the only outlet of social organization they can see or know to do anything about it. And that’s how you get populist radical feminism as the only or biggest, loudest game in town for their organizing.
That’s how you get buzz cut self-proclaimed radfems rioting and attacking churches and other, “patriarchal organizations.” That’s how you get the same sort of woman taking the liberty of telling young girls (whom then go on to see young boys so dourly and poorly) that “society is corrupted and evil.”
It is so, so important going forwards to fight shit like Latinx in the correct way. If you make the wrong arguments, you won’t break through to your daughters or sons. They’re being told that white people (and this now includes Spanish-Latinos) are monsters. And they’re being told that men are shit. Little boys (like I was) are being cornered by their female age-group peers, their peers older sisters, aunts, mothers, other peers, that men by default are oppressive, woman-hating monsters by default and by society/culture.
You need to understand that the things these supposed progressives try to fight for, they do it solely to take the niche away from anybody else and DEFINE progressivism as what they want, and anything they do not, to be more of the same oppression by race, by sex, by religion, by culture, by money. It’s a propaganda game, and the more any of you try to preach about Jesus or the church knowing best, or ‘things are just naturally a certain way and you need to understand that,’ the more you play into their hands.
Your enemy is radical, and it is only secular on paper. But they’ll induct people to have “important conversations” with your children and community that appeal to what they only call science and logic, that are in fact only loosely that. And really just subjective opinion, philosophy. Social science. You try and appeal to religion to argue their stuff, they’ll beat you like a drum and you’ll just prove them right in the developing hearts and minds of a generation that is trying to not be stuck with the stigma of their parents or ancestors in the eyes of their friends.
This is not an enemy you can just sing a song about Jesus and Mary and defeat. These people will take and twist any real or even perceived and interpreted flaw in your society and those that suffer from the ills the most will internalize it, if what’s made to appeal to their sensibilities takes.
In America, that comes in the form of mixing racial separatism and supremacism with conflating it for the struggle for black freedom and equality. And I cannot imagine it being any different south of Mexico, whatsoever. They’ll work on the girls and tell them that to be born white-Latino is to be an oppressor, tell the girls they’re largely exempt from this because women are a marginalized and oppressed minority/demographic, and tell the misc. non-white groups across South America that they should organize against the hegemony of white people and “whiteness.”
They’ll do it while pretending their attempts and desire to spread disunity and hostility is “sticking up for the little guy.” They’ll do it while confronting overbearing actual patriarchal culture and binary gendered culture (so long as it’s white)  and write off ALL of Catholicism in South America as equal to the WORST of examples of bad Catholicism.
American conservatives continue to struggle dealing with these people because they see an opportunity to polarize and capitalize on the totalitarian nature of this polarization. They see it as a way to incentivize people to vote for more conservative, religious and similarthings, because if their alternative are literal communists and socialists, they can afford to ask for more.
Meanwhile they lose when it comes to hearts and minds of the young because their messages are just utterly worthless when as a 2-13 year old, you’re being told religious, old, white, capitalist people are oppressing everybody and destroying everything and trying to force everybody to live and society to work under the totalitarianism of religion.
When the angry political lesbian type corners you as a small child and explains that men are why women are so afraid of men, and you can’t even rebutt that it’s a feminist talking point without them talking about how that’s a Nazi/conservative propaganda view, and the young girls they’re grooming go with that interpretation of the world and events because it holds more romantic value for them, things they want to be true and things that they’ve been given just enough facts and reason to think are true, it doesn’t help when competitive arguments are either, “you’re too young to think about or talk about social issues or political discourse,” or, confirm every negative suspicion they now have with, “well they’re right, we are oppressing them, but we have every right to.”
The only way to truly beat these manipulative, lying, exploiting animals is to beat them at their own game.
They do not care about minority welfare or rights beyond their solutions on how to address any given injustice they can think of. Whether it be by making society respect the establishment of different racial communities again solely to provide financail welfare to people on the basis of race, or rules that say they’re free to discriminate against groups of people in the name of hiring and defending others. They care only about using those struggles to give the state more power over not just people, but groups, and even how communities are defined. Right down to trying to demand biological sex be marginalized in importance of terms like gender solely because less than .4% of the human population claims to not be defined by the biological sex/gender binary.
So the only way to defeat them is to address the problems in a way that route and solve them, while you still have power and the means by which to solve them the proper way. For if you don’t, the Marxist village idiots will.
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