#or how the bahkauv was maybe made up by women who were sick of their husbands spending the whole night drinking in a bar
tarn-ati0n · 6 months
Please tell me about your extensive knowledge of german folklore, Forest Guy
Yipeeeeee :))))
Das Bahkauv
Objectively a funny little guy. This Cow/Mermaid/Bear/whatever hybrid lives in the Kanalisation under the city of Aachen. According to legends it has glowing eyes, a giant tail covered in scales and chains around his neck and legs, that rattled whenever it moved.
You could hear the sound of the rattling chains coming from fountains during the day, but it would only ever climb out of the sewers at night, looking for people who wander the streets in the middle of the night, usually drunks who just came out of the pub. If it spotted them, it jumped on top of their backs or on their shoes and let them carry it to their homes, it was impossible to get it off once it was on you. Because the Bahkauv was a creature from the devil, it got heavier when you prayed, but lighter if you cursed. (In case you ever happen to come across it, that’s probably good to know)
However, it never killed anyone! Once it’s prey arrived home, it would just jump off and look for the next person to latch onto. Also, it never bothered women or children. In conclusion: the Bahkauv did nothing wrong and was actually helping when you think about it. I rest my case your honor.
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(Here’s a statue of it on top of a fountain)
Das Klageweib
After that delightfully silly little guy, let’s move on to a staple of German folklore: creepy woman that pull people to their doom!
The Klageweib is Said to be a gigantic woman with a pale face, black eye sockets and a fluttering white dress. On especially stormy nights she can be seen wandering through fields by moonshine. If she raises her arms over a house, one of it’s inhabitants is destined to die within a month.
But don’t worry! Like the Bahkauv, she also has a neat little trick: if you bury a dead dog within the walls of your house, she will stay away from it. Neat. I can’t defend her In front of a court though, even though being a prophet of doom is very #girlboss of her, forcing me to kill a dog is not.
No picture for this one, sorry.
Hans Jagenteufel
„It is commonly believed that if any person is guilty of a crime for which he deserves to lose his head, he will, if he escape punishment during his lifetime, be condemned after his death to wander about with his head under his arm.“
My boy Jagenteufel is like. The first example (and probably origin) of the „headless rider“ figure that’s been adapted Time and Time again. And honestly? He seems pretty chill. He rides around as a ghost without a head on his shoulders and will just leave you alone. He’s gonna warn you to not do the same mistakes he did though, but tbh he’s just looking out for you not to end up like him. He doesn't really need a life hack to keep him away, just... don't be a dick I guess. Jury of the court, he has done nothing wrong! … in… in the afterlife I mean. He did fuck up spectacularly when he was alive.
Btw, it is never said what exactly he did to deserve his execution, but if I remember it right it had something to do with him disrespecting poor people. Kind of a dick move, but he changed.
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