#or it’s. caudecus and joko.
something i really hope we see in the future, either in SotO or afterwards
is at least one canon m/m pairing that isn’t background NPCs, especially if it’s an existing male character that we already know
(and please no more “this creepy villain is implied to be bisexual because Oooo Look He’s Also Into Men!! Haha funny joke!!” ;; im begging you anet, no more of this caudecus and joko shit)
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diesvitae · 1 year
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First batch of March [VS] Art Party on NA 6/12 @joydrawsart (I didn't notice I loved TWO of your toons ahah) @false-oasis @bonethot @dhuumy-thicc (I had to. I made Caudecus hot.) @gift-of-astralaria
Hopefully I'll be done with the other 6 by the end of the month 😭 My art is sponsored by ArenaNet
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dhuumy-thicc · 2 years
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i'll post more pics tomorrow (if i remember) but for now i will bless your feed with maid joko and maid caudecus... aka jocus
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blufox3542 · 7 days
Homestead Decor I want ANET to add but it gets more and more specific the longer the list goes on:
Floors. Please. The floor is dirt, at least let me put some wood or something over it.
More paintings! We have such a small selection to chose from.
Signs that work as actual signs (like the statues and gravestones)
Plants that aren’t in pots. I get you can drag the pots underground so they’re hidden but it’s about the sentiment.
A station for the trading post and bank. I am so tired of having to leave my homestead to go to the trading post.
The Joko statues you could get as decor for guild halls. It needs to function the same too, I want my character to say “Praise Joko!” when interacting with it.
Accurately sized airship set pieces. For reasons.
A decor version of Mr. Quiggles so he can be in my house as well as in my shed
Bloodstone pieces. For reasons.
That one fancy stovetop in the Red Duck Teahouse in New Kaineng (for the modern chefs out there)
Literally just a premade house I can put in the corner
That one weird wall with Caudecus’ face imprinted on it from the scary room under Caudecus’ Manor that made its official debut in LWS3E4. For reasons.
A bunch of Jade tech stuff so I can build my own personal reactor (sans Soo-Won of course)
Joko’s Bonewall but it’s a decoration now
A bunch of Nayosian looking stuff so I can build “Little Nayos” and invite Peitha to come there for tea
Cat tree. For (obvious) reasons.
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just-eyris-things · 6 months
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vampiricsheep · 3 months
Alright. Okay. It's the topic of the night so I guess I'll Say My Piece and be done with it.
I stopped going to Tyria pride years ago because the sheer amount of tasteless things people would say, unchallenged, in map chat and I was uncomfortable but not interested in starting shit. Every time I have gone, I leave early because that same discomfort creeps in.
A non-comprehensive list of the things people have said multiple times that either piss me off or are just irritating to read ad nauseum:
jokes were the punchline is that lesbians hate dick / gay men are repulsed by vulvas
extremely explicit sexual jokes
jokes about caudecus stalking logan
"Praise Joko!"
I've complained about these experiences to friends in private conversations, but I don't try to start shit with unnamed jester #12 in the chat.
Which is why I find it absolutely bonkers that people decided to mock and harass someone for saying something they, personally, may have found tasteless but entirely within the realm of the game's fiction.
"No cops at pride" doesn't apply to npc cosplays / the seraph faction because those aren't real people that have hurt people in real life. You can write an essay on your blog analyzing the game's narratives and themes all you want, but harassing a stranger over it is...I don't know how to say this kindly. It feels like people are leaping at the opportunity to use a real-world phrase out of its real-world context to harass a stranger they were annoyed by.
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amnyatas · 3 months
Quick context for you:
Someone brought their Logan alt to pride, and occasionally said in map chat ‘Seraph pride’ along with the slew of other things people said (she later acknowledged that it was in poor taste, she wasn’t thinking about any connotations just having fun shouting about her favorite character)
The person then received bullying and harassment at pride, and got death threats and suicide bait in her dms. She was effectively ran out of pride and off of tumblr.
It was a lot to see happen, especially when no one cares when people being Rama, Joko, Caudecus, and a whole slew of other characters to pride
yeah i'm buddies with someone who regularly goes as joko, which like. yeah people are allowed to like what they like. i've seen folks act perfectly normal in cosplay. by all means if you want to bring up these other character cosplays, have an actual conversation about it, but don't just use it as a 'gotcha' to excuse someone else's behavior.
and yelling out 'seraph pride' is more than just cosplaying a character you like, y'all. if you're making statements with actual implications like that...would you want the caudecus you mentioned to go around saying 'white mantle pride'? like even if not for the very unfortunate and on the nose phrasing there, its still at best a really weird thing to be saying!
not necessarily saying they deserved full blown death threats but like. they shoulda fucking stopped the moment people were uncomfortable with it, and if you continue to be a dickwad, even unintentionally, people are allowed to continue to be upset. i'm not gonna 'both sides' this.
and like, time and time again fans of color have expressed discomfort in shit that goes down here, and they get ignored or berated and chased off gw2blr. hell, when i was trying to dig up the posts on the boneskinner, all the blogs i had reblogged stuff from, namely indigenous bloggers, had been deleted. all of them. that still haunts me. several others i've gotten to see leave after being uncomfortable with how the game itself treats norn and the enemy factions like the grawl, not to mention how the fans act. and this isn't even getting into where all the latine and black gw2 fans are -- i've got a friend who's very happy with the textured hair and face options for black humans, but they definitely haven't gotten far enough to have further commentary and i don't know the extent of what i might have to warn them about.
i didn't mean to sound like a 'fiction doesn't affect reality' person earlier. bc it does! if you have the privilege to not have a direct affect from fiction then you should consider yourself lucky it doesn't reopen wounds. not everyone gets to escape reality in fiction. just look at how people get when you mention braham, i had someone lose their shit bc of a tag i wrote on someone else's post! if people can be racist over a guy who doesn't exist, you can also be racist to real people by using the fantasy version of very real violent and racist institutions.
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i really wanted to send you an oc ask back since you sent me one, but i sadly do not know your folks enough to do the ask game (though i hope to eventually!!)—so i’ll instead ask: what’s the funniest story about one of your folks you can think of? or most chaotic story. either one’s fair game :) @kerra-and-company
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I feel like everything about Keelin is unintentionally chaotic or funny.
She met the sylvari Commander, Mavelle, while she was repeatedly shooting Bercilak in his "unkillable" magic armor while insisting, “He'll run out of lives before I run out of bullets.”
Says “Thank fucking Mordremoth for that” as her equivalent of saying, “Thanks, I hate it.” or “This situation is so awful, I kinda wish the jungle dragon had won so I wouldn’t have to be here”. 
She booby-traps her workspace, Home Alone style, and basically has to contort her way into and out of it.
Only agreed to help the Commanders because she thought the charr Commander, Damaris, was hot.
Steals works of art from the jerks the Commanders' stomp. She absolutely has the portrait of Logan Thackeray from Caudecus's Manor. 
Has a knack for imitating other people's voices. A skill that she usually only utilizes for mockery. It's also the only reason she survived being captured by Joko. He got a kick outta hearing her imitation of the human Commander, Esme, telling him he was the perfectest boy or whatever dumb shit he wanted to hear.
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likemesomesalads · 1 year
uncommon oc questions - all pair ones for my chicken nugget, spicy wings, chicken soup for the soul luca, all impair ones for shay my man shay, and all multiples of 5 for sherry my girlfriend sherry -fingerguns- destroying your blog's layout one ask at a time
U make me ork for it huh gsklghlskjh also putting it under the cut
2: How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Depending on the person trying to make him laugh it's either insanely easy or incredibly hard. no in-between.
4:How easy is it to earn their trust?
Hard. He's haughty and in a position where using him would greatly benefit others so he's quite cautious.
6:Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Laws are... for the betterment of the people...he's maybe..an exception..because he's: a god's herald, a military leader, a very powerful being, and a haughty little bitch.
8: What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Stop: playing around and do silly things with his frineds. Start: getting serious about his training. AND DO BETTER. every time, do better.
10:What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"I'm fine, everything is going great. Of course I enjoy the responsibilities trusted upon me" He still tells those lies.
12:How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
He asks Hugo (his bird companion) to help with it.
14:What animal do they fear most?
Balthazar's roast doggies.
16:What makes their stomach turn?
In a disgust way: probably whatever you can find in a sewer. As in a way of fear...Fire. he's really afraid of fire.
18:What embarrasses them?
Being found in an indignifying state. (like bring drunk or high as a kite)
20:If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
"Romantic love is wanting or rather NEEDING to spend every minute of a day with a person, platonic love is enjoying a persons company without having a need for them nearby constantly and familial love is what one may feel for their parents."
22:How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Oh he's definitely getting posessive. He'd often use his wings to protect the object of his jealousy (his partner most often) or to shut out the unwanted looks towards him from the one he's jelous at.
24: Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
He's. A whore. And the whole court knows that.
26:What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
Flying. hy need anything else if u got wings?
28: Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
To recieve? no. To give? yes.
30: Who do they most regret meeting?
Balthazar tops the list then joko then caudecus...no wait..Kormir actually. He would've been fine if she doesnt tell him the truth. He would ahve been okay not knowing he was a sacrificial lamb and not even a good one.
32: Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Not really. Most people know about all te things he did that he'd find worth mentioning.
34:How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
HA....impossible. everythin always is his fault : )
36:Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
He's seeking fuckbuddies, one night stands...he doesnt really believe he could find love with how hectic his life is so it jsut happens when it does and it surprises him so fucking much.
38:What memory do they revisit the most often?
Usually the time when he got cut in four or one of the many times his gramps cut his feathers short...not good ones.
40:How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
He sees only flaws so... very? he's not gonna admit it though.
42:How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
He has no end goal. Just die when all is done, probably.
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Maybe 2 minutes. Tops. He gets bouncy legs while doing paperwork
3:How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
....Fucking his husband until he cant no more.
5: How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
He's very open minded and gives second chances to everyone...but if u fuck up ur second chance ur gone (unless u r Mozz. Mozz gets unlimited chances because he looks cute when he bats his lashes)
7:What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Risen...talk abourt risen or zhaitan times or finding a body of one or....u get it.
9:Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
He does. He's really creative with it too. It was Fuck this shit!
11:How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
13:What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Red and green..I mean...he is red and green....
15:How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
He neever thinks jsut says whats in his mind. He's brawn not brain. he speaks quite fast and with uhh...idk a pirate accent? he spent most of his life in lion's arch soo...
17:Are they easily embarrassed?
Nope. Unless...Mozz. Mozz knowss what to tell him to embarrass him.
19:What is their favorite number?
21:Why do they get up in the morning? 
To see his hubby uwu. and to fuck him.
23:How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
He becomes very grumpy and quiet.
25: What are their thoughts on marriage?
Yes. he's married.
27: What causes them to feel dread? 
...RIsen..talk about his past...talk about the times he went berserk from anger..he hates that.
29: Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Well..he aint Trahearne...
31:Who are they the most glad to have met?
His hubby, Mozz. Thanks a bunch Velazquez.
33:Could they be considered lazy? 
No, not usually. He's quite the busybee actually.
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
He's supersupportive unless it's murder...Murder is illegal and he's not on board with it.
37:Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
It either sticks or he's gonna ask you like 6 times.
39:How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Easy. He leads a group of ex-courtiers and misfits...he has a spft dpot for flawed individuals.
41:How do they feel about children?
They are cute but thank the pale tree he's a plant and gay.
43:If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Gay, men, MENNNNN. SPECIFICALLY this one *Will Smith pose at Mozz*
5:How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Very. U look bad at her ay and u r no longer trusted.
10:What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"I son't have a crush. I jsut think he's hot."
15:How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
A bit posh and high class in public. the most potty mouth in private. She says whats on her mind and if she doesnt u can tell by looking at her. U cant rehearse the perfect comeback babe.
20:If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
"romantic is when you dont just wanna fuck, platonic when you dont even wanna fuck and familial is..well that's given isn't it?"
25: What are their thoughts on marriage?
Mayhaps, in the future...Depends on the aprtner too.
30: Who do they most regret meeting?
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
She's supportive until it doesn't blow down to almost killing them...
40:How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
SHe's perfect. she has no flaws. what did u say? too short? i give you too short.
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
The spymistress is human* after all
There are reserved people, and then there’s Ren; reserved by nature and then trained to hide herself, she has seen her own humanity become a highly personal thing. Rare few can say that they know her, she’s anything she needs to be at any given moment to the person she’s interacting with, to the point of some people thinking she’s an artfully made golem in human form.
But she isn’t. She feels for people. She isn’t heartless. And when Mordremoth took down the fleet, she came with the rest of the Pact to help out, the only Commander always on sight, as El is missing and Nyra’s off searching for Trahearne and Destiny’s Edge. As the highest ranking officer around, she steps up to the challenge and does what she does best - gathers information so the troops can continue to fight the enemy.
And without her spymaster expertise, the war would’ve been far longer. Pact inside joke of something being as impossible as “gathering information from a Mordrem” is a reference to Ren doing this, but ultimately failing and having to kill them for the safety of the camp, though they weren’t the only one who came into the Spymistress’ care during the campaign. But so many agents fell to Mordremoth, died or were captured.
At some point, as news of that come again and again and again, it becomes too much. One night, Ren’s bent over her table, silently crying into it. She feels like she should be a beacon of hope, but that’s Nyra’s role, and even if El were there, and he’s missing and with him is missing a lot of knowledge about Elder dragons that he’d gathered as their head researcher, he wouldn’t be all that capable of sharing the burden with her. She needs to raise morale, to represent stability, but her training comes at a large personal cost.
Another night, she doesn’t grieve alone. She grieves against the fur of her partner, Tybalt, the only person who knows her in and out. Sometimes, Preceptor Velazquez, who she tries to emulate in her work, rubs her shoulder in understanding. There are times to be strong and times to show how human you are.
And she decides it’s time to show it when she breaks out of Joko’s harem with Akila. Akila could’ve ratted her out to the Mordant Crescent, but beyond that, she didn’t want someone else to suffer for her sake, since the authorities suspected the theft of documents was Akila’s doing, not Ren’s. She wanted to show her the life beyond the harem, even if it took crossing half the desert in an escape attempt.
A year later, as Ren holds Demmi’s dead body, Nyra squeezes her shoulder in understanding as Ren struggles to contain her tears for a bit. Demmi was her and Tybalt’s student, and Ren felt responsible for failing to stop Caudecus from shooting her. At her funeral, she and Tybalt are standing in the corner, holding hands, both too well trained to openly cry, but aware and there for each other, and that night they both get absolutely drunk and cry on each other’s shoulder in the privacy of their headquarters.
Over the years, Renira the spy gave way to Renira the person. She’s still a professional, and can revert to being a spy if she needs to, but finds that maybe, just maybe, showing humanity isn’t as forbidden as she’d made it be.
* human/humanity here is used, for lack of a better word, not to denote her race, but rather, refers to a specific aspect of someone’s personhood
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what the fuck is wrong with you? people brought joko and caudecus alts last year, and no one batted an eye, but someone dares to bring a logan alt because they like him, and they deserve to be laughed at?
fuck off.
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neverloseguy · 3 years
How To Be a Villain in GW2
You have seen Elder Dragons, you have seen Joko, you have seen Balthazar, Caudecus, Lazarus, to name a few. They all fell.
Why is that?
They all lack one thing in common: Support.
Some chose to headbutt with The Commander, others tried to sow seeds of doubts into their allies, but none of them worked.
Because they are evil.
And that's what I would like to touch on today: how to become a successful villain in Guild Wars 2.
I would like to point you to the examples I have witnessed: Apollyon from For Honor, and Raul Menendez from Call of Duty. These characters have *support*, and not the "army behind their back" way, but rather a group of people to rally to their cause.
Now let's talk about The Commander a bit: You know by now they literally just punched The Void into submission to save the world, so even this world-ending threat is incapable of stopping The Commander and their allies. Force alone is out of option.
Then there's Joko and Jormag who tried to manipulate their allies, but they also failed, because both are seen as evil by everyone outside of their circles. No one is going to believe your cause if they find you to be another excuse to spam auto-attacks on.
One thing however that The Commander appears to be showing is their degrading mental health, namely their self-doubt and anxiety which seemingly becomes worse and worse as time goes on. They begin to become more jaded, but also have the tendency to snap at other people.
With all those said, the only viable method of beating The Commander is the same way they did to Modremoth: fight from within. You will want to garner as much support as possible, while also avoiding anything that would undermine your reputation as a character. You will want people to see you as a redeemable character and not a blatantly evil person, because the moment the world turns against you, you have already lost.
Instead, rely on slowly manipulating your way towards their allies, and begin to establish your status quo while undermining The Commander's position without doing the same to yours. If you succeed in gaining support, it will begin to have an exponential effect on The Commander and their allies who will begin to turn against them as more and more people desert from their side. This will further push The Commander to make mistakes that will damage their reputation to the point of no return, in which they will be no longer seen as a "hero", preventing them from saving the world or interfering with your plans.
Now, what if you lose? Well, thing is, by doing this method, you will always come out on top even if you die, because the damage would have already been done, and there will be people to pass the torchlight if you manage to be "convincing" enough of your cause.
The funny thing is: it matches a few lessons in the real world.
Sun Tsu's mentioning of winning enemies' hearts.
The Commander, even if they "win", would live long enough to be seen as a villain by the rest of the world.
So there you have it. This is how you become a successful villain. You may not live to see the outcome, but the moment the world is in disarray and turns against its supposed hero, you already have won.
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
can i get the punch emoji list for kerra, rel and nisha? >:] or just one of your choosing if all three are too overwhelming! @skritt-shinies
You may indeed! :D I just did one for Nisha here, so I'll give you Kerra and Rel! Kerra: 1. Caudecus (numerous reasons, and he's been on the list for a while, but she was VERY glad to get to tear him to pieces) 2. Anise (still haven't decided if Kerra actually ended up in the Shining Blade (as per game canon) or not, though I'm leaning towards no, but regardless of which it is, she isn't a fan of the Countess and would definitely fight Anise) 3. Balthazar (more for what he was planning on doing to Aurene than what he did to Kerra herself, though that's definitely also a factor) 4. Faolain (I did one of those character paragraph posts about Kerra and Faolain--feel free to look through her tag for it if you want more information on this one, but suffice it to say, yep, she'd fight her and be happy about it) 5. Joko (got on her nerves, hurt Taimi, wouldn't stop insulting her friends, has hurt countless people and conquered a crap ton of land...I could go on) 6. Bangar Ruinbringer (could go on for a while here too, so suffice it to say...yep he's on this list) 7. Ryland Steelcatcher (power-hungry asshole who enjoys causing pain in the name of getting more of said power for himself; it doesn't matter that he's her friend's son at all, he's on this list) 8. Rytlock (speaking of said friend--Rytlock's not currently on this list, but there was a good bit of PoF where he would have been; they're good now, for the most part, but it's still a bit tense) 9. Dragon answer: Mordremoth is at the top and Jormag is second Rel: 1. Faolain (he's close enough with Caithe that Faolain most certainly is on his shitlist) 2. Rytlock (specifically during HoT; he's pretty much indifferent to him at this point) 3. Bangar and Ryland (going together in one of these list numbers because he doesn't really interact with them ever, but he doesn't appreciate the crap they did and the injuries they caused, and they're a good part of the reason he had to temporarily "come out of retirement", so to speak) 4. Balthazar (for, again, a number of reasons, but killing his best friend is at the top of that list) 5. Mordremoth (actually giving the dragon a spot here rather than a dragon answer because this is probably the person/dragon that Rel is or ever has been angriest at) 6. Quite a few Pact soldiers who were incredibly shitty about sylvari during HoT
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vitaeplaysgw2 · 5 years
Things to pet:
Fern dogs
Chauncey von Snuffles III 
Lady Wisteria Whiskington
a baby griffon
an adult griffon
Mordrem Wolf
Mordremoth’s boopable snoot
Awakened Abomination
my skyscale
Qadim’s strong biceps
Kralk’s heart
Braham’s new hair
Ţ̛͚̭̜͔̹̝̔̏̅̍̊̚͘͢͟͟ H͔͇̻̘̱͖̹̪̿͑͆̈́͘͜ Ę̠̙̞̩͓́̏̎̇̒͒́͛̆͝ B̨̭̤̩̗̞̦́̎́̚͟͠ Ợ̴̤̻̯̖̏̑̉͛͂͗ N̖͖̗͎͔̈́̒̐͜͠͝ Ę̩̝̥͔̦̤̎͊̔͛͆͂͛̚͠ S̴̯̦͍̺̦̖͉̣͔̅́̓̾̽̒̐ͅ K̸͈̘͉̭̳̯̞̀̂̉́̀̂̂̓͆̌ Į̶̖̪̹͎̩̱̺̙̅̈̈́́̀̾̽͂͘͠ N̢̢͇̘͎̮̳̅̈̿͟͠͡ Ṅ̸̨̟͔̩̤͔̜̰̟̠̋̊͂̇̓͠ Ȇ̢͕̫̲̻̝̞̮̈̐̂̽̋̈͝͠ R̵̰̘͇͇̟̱̯̫̆͊́̽̽͠͞
The Deep Sea Dragon
A horse
Things not to pet:
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pact-mom-kyrie · 4 years
So I wanted more priest shenanigans, but I didn’t want to make the original post even longer so here we are. Also, blame @disaster-bi-canach for enabling my religious-themed fixations. Moments when Alessandro, priest of Grenth, got drunk out of his mind slightly inebriated:
“You know, the Elonian books didn’t say Joko was uncircumcised... that wretched wrinkly thing will forever haunt me“
“I would like to copy some aspects of Norn burial rituals so instead of saying ‘We are here to conmemorate Ulysses Oleander, butler of Rurikon’ I could say ‘HERE IS LYS OF RURIKON, BIG OF HEART, DUMB OF ASS, HIS LEGEND OF GLORIOUS SPANKING ENDS HERE”
“Stop saying ’Balthazar’s Might’, idiot got murdered by a drunk muscly norn, a charr with a fire sword, a mesmer disguised as a corpse, and a sparkly tiny dragon, so he wasn’t that strong“
“Yeah I sold my cousin’s undies one day you know? Mom’s birthday’s gift was not gonna buy itself“
“Dude has so much sex I think he was born from Lyssa’s clitoris“
“The good think about being tiny is that you can punch most humanoid menaces in the groin with no effort“
“If you think this is a gross violation of the code of clergy, wait until you realize I pissed on Caudecus grave for 8 days straight“
Maybe there will be more ideas later, who knows.
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 4 years
2 AM Character Thoughts; Morgan.
Her story involvment would technically start right during the end of LWS1 (Scarlet attacking LA). Short/Basic version; She would have went back into their home for something (haven't decided exactly what yet) and have run into an aetherblade on the way out, she then got hold of a rifle from the home and shot them. I can definitely imagine her then running into Braham and Rox while making her way through the city and them 'rescuing' her (aka picking her up and carrying her out because she refused to actually leave LA) and taking her to a medic camp/station/whatever where Kai would have been.
After that though I don't think she would be too involved until HoT. Somewhat debating the idea of Kai having been on the airship when they went down and Morgan going with Raghnoll and the main group to find him. (Which they would have, just shortly after Eir.) I also want to go with the idea of shifting the end slightly- with Trahearne. I can't imagine Kai using Caladbolg against him, instead trying to find another way. A Very Angry and Impatient Morgan however... would.
LWS3. I kind of want to use her for the Shining blade stuff since; 1- Kai would have very little interest or patience for Anise and the Shining blade and would try to go around them instead. 2- Edmund (who took out Caudecus) was recovering and simply wouldn't be able do it. Morgan on the other hand loves secrets and would especially love to get her nose in the Shining blade's business.
PoF. TBH she would either be doing her own thing or stuff for Anise. So no involvement in the main story.
LWS4. ohhh the second Ancient Powerful Liches get involved Morgan Is There. That said she would have been on the 'sidelines' a lot due to Kai wanting to keep her far away from Joko. After Joko she would have been working with the awakened directly, often as a healer of sorts for them (because Necromancy of course).
Icebrood Saga. Bound by Blood is just her getting dragged around by Kai to learn Proper Diplomacy Lessons, completey ignoring him and rocking out to Metal Legion instead. I mean around charr that would be diplomacy right?. After that is mostly following Kai around and mocking him whenever possible. Because that's what little sisters do. Otherwise she would be following Jhavi when possible because Necromancer and wanting to learn things.
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