#or like maps who date transage kids
transillusionisms · 7 months
holy SHIT i hate antis. guys did you know if you lie about a community you can make it look like you're the good guys
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yanderemommabean · 6 years
I tried to look it up, but I couldn't find the right information, but what are MAPS, TransAge, and TransRace?
Minor Attracted Person, is a MAP, they literally brag about liking little kids and people who aren’t adults 
Trans age people are people who say they feel a certain age younger than they really are, and that can lead to many issues such as trying to date minors, trying to groom minors, and many other issues like trying to get away with acts they know damn well are illegal 
Trans race is something straight up stupid. Its when a person feels that they aren’t the ethnicity they’re born as, and a good example of that is a white person saying that they’re “Black on the inside” 
Look, when you start saying stuff like this, it hurts the ACTUAL trans community, and makes it harder for them to get the respect they deserve. Transgenders don’t deserve this bad attention, and it’s sad that people do this kind of thing -Mommabean 
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