#or maybe I'm thinking way to deep and grasping at straws/stretching things far beyond
lil-kissy · 2 years
/ Ngl the way Kaze’s heart resides in the Magun and Kumo’s the sword has the same vibes Kisara and her connection to the dragon
like not eve talking fanon/hc straight cannon and also genral Egyptian belief with the Soul, being made up of many parts. (seems to depend on the dynasty anywhere from like 5 or more)
Khet - physical body
Sah - Spirtual body
Ren- Name
Ka- a bit more vague, frequently translated as double which actually isn’t correct as there’s really no exact Egyptian definitian that can be used for the word/ has many meanings. Simply it’s just another part of the soul/ what’s viewed to make up a person. With a seeming strong connection to like fostering emotions and manifesting in the physical world
(So I’d say the spirity monsters are a good reflection of it fostered by emotion and with the ability to also have agency in the physical world)
Ba- Personality
Shut- Shadow
Sekhem- Form
(I’ve also seen listed Ib heart)
Out of all of these it’s especially the Ka- and how even if there’s no physical body the Ka would remain living seperate.
And in away that’s kind of how Kisara is (or how I interpreted it) in that if her physical body is killed she lives one in spirit as the Dragon.
However on the flip it still does need a physical host to survive (Much in how she comes to reside with Set/Seto and also kinda what Aknadin’s plan is)
Oh and also how with everyone else with their Ka summon is connected to a physical stone tablet (that I’m pretty sure if it was destroyed and it was your own and not a different spirit beast summoned you’d be dead maybe)
All this to say idk kinda like how they’re tied to their weapons and I mean yeh they can still get hurt but so long as the physical weapon isn’t damaged they’d remain I guess?
idk if I’m even making sense or if I’m just the ‘I connected 2 things’ “you didn’t connect shit’ meme
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