#or maybe ravi i could see him saying it 🤣
weewoo911 · 5 months
You ever think about the fact that Eddie, Hen & Bobby have all canonically been shot? That’s crazy
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
I love how AS!Tetra is the Zelda that is always getting messed with when she hates being the damsel in distress 🤣
I don't know if you've already got something for AS!Aurora and AS!Dawn but maybe Dawn could be the princess of Hyrule while Aurora is the lost princess of Termina? Just a thought that's been bouncing around my head. I love this au so much! Keep up the great work!
Yeah Tetra is straight up not having a good time in this au. I haven’t played most of the games to know exactly how she impacts the plot, but tbh she’d likely take a more active role than Fable does canonically. At the very least, I’ve decided that she and Ravi team up with Wind during the TFH adventure. She also doesn’t get trapped in a painting the whole time in albw, and instead has some important moments with Princess Hilda (AS Hilda is much like Ravi, where she’s the counterpart of Tetra specifically and thus very different from the canon Hilda). But that’s a story for another post lol
As for Aurora and Dawn, I honestly love that idea! Hyrule spends most of his adventures alone, seeing as he doesn’t have a fairy companion. He’s his own fairy, after all (though he wishes he had some sort of companion).
He became close to Aurora during his first adventure. She had faked her death and taken on a different persona in the older time (going by Borealis rather than Sheik, since there’s already a bunch of sheiks in this au and I’ve gotta differentiate them somehow).
When Hyrule was sent back to relive his childhood, he met Aurora. An Aurora who had never been Borealis. An Aurora who hadn’t been there for the hardships he’d faced. An Aurora that he didn’t recognize and didn’t know. It hurt a little too much and he kinda avoided her, grieving a friend she’d never become and not healed enough to try and create a new friendship with her (something he’d go back and do later, after the events of LU, but he’s not quite there yet).
As for Dawn, I had pretty much no ideas for her, so having her be the lost princess of Termina is really cool! Or, perhaps, since Termina is a world parallel to Hyrule (according to the wiki, I haven’t actually played MM yet), she could be a lost Princess of Hyrule, trapped in a magic slumber for an unspecified amount of time until she’s found in Termina.
Either way, I like the idea that Hyrule awakens her and she then helps him with the loops, somehow being able to remember them along with him (perhaps due to her inherent magic abilities?). She would help him take notes, plan, and prepare for the next loop. She’d teach him how to read, help him take his own notes, and generally act as a sort of motherly figure to Hyrule. Though, perhaps due to her extended magical sleep, she’d be weak and unable to directly assist him.
Hyrule is glad that he doesn’t have to face this adventure alone, but accepted right from the start of it that he’d never see her again afterward (just like Borealis). As the loops progress, he shifts his thinking slightly to “if I ever escape this, I’ll never see her again”. Maybe he wastes a loop or two spending time with her. What does it matter? These days will just repeat again. Dawn can hardly fault him for needing a break, after all. He’s just a kid despite everything he’s facing.
I’d like to think that Dawn comes to Hyrule with him after Termina. She reconnects with Aurora and the rest of her family (I’m not sure how exactly Aurora is related to her, but she is, and some of the older relatives probably recognize her. I’m not sure how this plays out and I hesitate to say anything concrete despite these older games not having any serious lore lol). Anyway, she’s given her own place to rest and recover from her magically induced slumber. She opens her doors of Hyrule, of course, but he doesn’t stay. After spending all that time adventuring, he’s become unused to just relaxing. He can’t stand to stay in one place, and as he gets older that shifts into a desire to travel. Having Dawn’s home as a safe place he can always go to and rest has helped him immeasurably, and he even wrote a particular song to warp to his bedroom in her home.
After the events of LU, he’d go and try to make more connections with people. He’d stay with her more often. Time, someone he’d eventually look up to, said that he began to heal from his adventures by reaching out to family and friends (namely his siblings and Malon), so he tries to do the same. He’s still got a sense of wanderlust and often goes traveling, but he visits more often and starts to build a friendship with Aurora once more (who has become a lot more like the Borealis he remembers, but enough time has passed for him to stop comparing the two as much).
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 5x18!!
God I'm so excited haha
jfc this is so stressful - I know Bobby's gonna be okay (bc he's Bobby) but like.... 😳
damn, Taylor fucked up and Buck blames himself... dude, just break up with her (I still lowkey like her as a character tho haha)
oh no... and Bobby is blaming himself for Jonah 😢😢 nooo..
aww Buck and Eddie fixing Eddie's wall 😍 "I'm the guy that always wants to fix everything"😭❤️
aww Bobby 😢 I already know this episode is gonna make me cry haha
yaaay Maddie's going back to work!!! I guess it makes sense since May's going to college, and we need one 'main' character there lol
also, can Madney please get back together (eventually) ???
oh jesus fucking christ why did they show this to me, I was eating 😂🤮 tbh all the wounds, blood, bones, all that I'm fine with - but any worms and such things are just... 🤢🤢🤮🤮 *cue Dee dry heaving gif 😂*
awww Karen's mom is getting married 😭😍love that ❤️
aw Karen 😭 and now I'm crying 😢💔
Maddie is back!!!! ❤️❤️ (btw I like her nose piercing so much, it makes me think about when I was 15 and wanted one but got talked out of it by my fam... should I get a nose piercing? it's so cute)
"Is this the part of our day where we share our opinions about each other's relationships?" 🤣🤣 I love them all so much 😂😂😂
"isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?" omg Ravi yaaaas 👌 not to be too buddie-obsessed but... "you can have my back any day" 👀👀👀 (sns this was literally the first thing I thought of lmao)
oh my god this scene was so fucking funny 😂 and to end it with "when did you two kiss" 😂😂😂 I'm really glad Buck's not being weird about it anymore, and I agree with Chim sns - we like Lucy 😂 also, Buck, baby, you can't avoid your problems and hope they go away lol
oh no, Bobby's doubting himself as the captain nooo 😭
that poor pregnant woman... I hope she's okay (my mind immediately went to Annalise Keating when she lost her baby and now I wanna cry)
I love Buckley siblings talks so much ❤️
okay, Amari and Cole are making me fucking cry right now
oh, wow, the "sorry you're upset" 🙂😂
"just not together" oooh wow, I loved that, I'm so happy they broke up 😂 tbh I do like Taylor - not as a person maybe, but like, I really enjoy her character - but Buck and her just don't fit - I gotta be honest, I kind of shipped them more before they got together, when they were friends, and then when they got together it was meh 😂
Eddie came to see Bobby, can't wait for that convo, but gotta stop for a sec and just say: damn, Eddie looks fucking good 🥵
oh my god, that conversation was so good, and probably just what Bobby needed, loved it so much (also, when is Eddie coming back to the 118 c'mon)
oh wow, it's so good that Eddie came over when he did... 😳
awww Hen and Karen vow renewal 😭😭😭😍😍😍 they look so gorgeous 😍
and once again, Eddie looks so fucking good, I just 🥵
aww and Athena and Bobby are going on that honeymoon 😍
aaaaah Eddie's back at the 118!!!! the way I screamed omg 😂😂😂
okay, so
this was such a good episode, I loved every second of it (aside from the maggots, I could live without ever seeing that 🤢) I loved the Hen and Karen wedding, I loved how Eddie helped Bobby, and how Bobby's struggle was portrayed, and how Bucktaylor breakup was handled - especially that last scene when she gave him the key, and they seemed to separate on good terms more or less, and, of course, Maddie being back at the dispatch and Eddie at the 118 ❤️
it was so fucking good, I can't wait for season 6 - and I'm so excited that they got renewed yaaay ❤️❤️
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