#or outdated FAQs and help pages that don't do anything
stupot · 1 year
I mostly feel sorry for whatever engineers have to keep implementing these dog shit changes because the chucklefucks at WordPress think they're knowledgeable about UX. If you have ever used the commercial version of WordPress to make a website you know this is not true at all
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 9 months
Kink meme archiving project: Star Trek
Hello! I've started a personal project in 2024 to archive the old kink memes on livejournal for my favourite show: Star Trek. I'll be working my way through them all slowly- so while I'm starting with the reboot one (which is a huge undertaking! will definitely take me a while) this blog will go through every single one I can find. This is not to repost fictions, you will not find actual works posted here just links to the original threads I find them on with additional links whenever possible to authors personal livejournals and other places they may have posted it, as well as a final link to where I am archiving said fics via the wayback machine-- Which seems to be as screenshots of the kink page as otherwise the comments (where the fics are) does not appear so please forgive any clunky/outdated appearances
This is not an ask blog, a rec blog, or anything else of the sort. It is purely for archival purposes to have everything located in one place-even then it is mainly to be used as a reference point for myself with my work with the wayback machine. As such asks will never be open and besides this I will not be posting anything besides links.
As it is not a rec blog or anything of the sort I will not be vetting the fics- by this I mean I will not be leaving anything (purposefully) undocumented in regards to these fics, regardless of how I or anyone else may feel about their subject matter--it is a Kink Meme and all possible warnings apply. I will be adding verbatim how the original prompts listed its kinks/warning and if an author added any warnings to the very start of the fic I will do my best to add them as well. But if you see a post and decide to read the fic it contains please do your own research if you know certain content upsets you.
I will not be saving unfilled prompts but the content that is there may not be complete either, basically as long as some sort of fill is there and available I will be posting it--If there claims to be a fic but I have no way to access it it will be made into a special post with screenshots and asks for help in regards to original content if I can not find it on any other archive-- a long shot but maybe someone knows someone who has screenshots or was the original author who can add a link to where they have saved their work!
All of this to say, while tumblr is questionable my posts may or may not end up in the tags, so I hope this pinned post is a useful as a sort of FAQ and that I don't get reported for spam or anything
projects like this are a big undertaking, and it's just me doing this, I can't be sure how fast or if at all I will complete this but I believe it's important to preserve fandom history, the kink memes are a big part of my fandom experience, and I've been so so happy to see them start to make a reappearance as 'prompt memes' on tumblr and A03, as the kink memes on livejournal are over a decade old there's bound to be TONS of fans who have never experienced them and find livejournal confusing to navigate, I'm hoping this inspires people to give older fics a try, give lots of love to those fic writers who might come across this blog, and even gives a boost to the current prompt meme revivals!
While asks are off, if you need to contact me you can reply to this post, I'm hesitant to give out my personal tumblr in case the content causes fandom wank--the internet is a very different place than it was a decade ago and terminology and kink that was commonplace in those circles may be harshly met now but we will see how it goes!
ALSO!!! if at any point in the future you see this and think this would be a good idea for other fandoms ( I know Glee has a fucking HUGE kink meme presence for example) you can just straight up go ahead and do it! no need to reinvent the wheel or ask permission if you like how I organized the info you can have the blue print-- I think the important part is archiving on the wayback machine. Think of how much past fandom history has been lost, and how much will be lost once old giants like livejournal and ff.net go down-- hell I think I even use to read fics on sites like quizzila at one point, gone now, and all the other places that existed like geocities, MAILING LISTS!! EMAIL AND GOOD OLD POSTAGE!
While A03 is doing amazing at archiving, places like the kink memes are hidden gems, so many fics are just small bits of love that don't get posted anywhere else and it's so sad to think about what will be lost.
Edit 11/1/24
I think I'm making steady progress! I know its going to be a slug getting through it all, just this one kink meme has 14 parts to it with like an average of 8000 comments each which could be like . . . at least a thousand or a good few hundred fics in each (would it be an 8:1 ratio??? i feel like that's too high) either way combined i'm looking at a good few thousand fics for ONE kink meme and there's TONS out there-- and if i manage to get through all of them before LJ gets shut down (this could very well take me years) then there's all the communities they get cross posted in who have their own fandom events and a whole bunch of fics to maybe also archive. Or just all the authors i'm finding who have other fics on their Journals who haven't been active in years! But I can't think that far ahead or I get overwhelmed, this is at its core a kink meme archive.
I've sorted out an issue I've had with a handful of fics where the adult warning archives instead of the fic. as far as i can tell there's no solution through it using the main archive (there is with other sites, but LJ is a special old girl) but there's a different archive I can use-though i cant seem to then archive THAT on the main site . . . so that's still a problem, but I've tagged those fics 'other archive' to come back to at a later date.
I have a hard time trying to locate other places people may have posted their fics if they don't leave me very obvious bread crumbs so if you (yes, YOU, the person reading this sometime in the future) see a writer you recognize you're more than welcome to tag them or add additional author info in a reblog or just whisper in the tags or reply (if this blog is still active mystery person reading this a decade in the future)
either way, i'm hoping to get through this particular kink meme by the end of the year. I know it's only 11 days into the new year but i'm really trying to pace myself so I don't burn out. I'm almost positive I can get through the first part this month so an average of one a month shouldn't be impossible (so average like a page and a half a day, which is still like 18 fics/per day)
24/1 lmao ok so I started Vyvanse, and I hyperfocused and basically archived 163 fics in the last 24 hours and finished the first of fourteen sections of the first kink meme on my list-- which is golden! Awesome! Spectacular! 410 fics in just that first part,( they tapered off from an average of 11 fics per page to 8 basically) I'm doing amazing! And--this is looking way to far ahead-- but I like to think now that I'm in a solid rhythm (of how to archive not how to pace myself) once all the kink memes are done I'll start a whole new blog and archive all the other trek comms I can find, because theres a lot of crossposting going on and theres just so many comms with their own special events and things that have been archived but on things like delicious which is gone or in blogs that have been deleted as a whole. like st-anon! But anyway I'm having a lot of fun! And I'm probably not gonna look at this blog for a week but I've got days in the bank baby!
19/2 I've reached part 3!!!! I'm right on track where I want to be mid february, there was a small decrease in the number of fics in #2 but a lot more than going through page by page made it seem-- a common theme I've noticed is misplaced comment fics, which is so fascinating! It's so easy to misplace your comment on threads, and instead of hostility or mod culling it's treated with comradery (get it?) and kindness. I'm still looking at around several thousand individual fics just for this kinkmeme and after this one there's so many more, one is already lost to a purge but there's at least one other huge one. My queue ran out the other day because I was dealing with a dead rat somewhere in my kitchen walls, very distressing, and a bit embarrassing cause this blog doubled its following in the last few days, and it definitely feels a bit strange to know that this project is getting attention. Feels a bit like I'm sitting on my bed, back to the window, and every time I peer around my shoulder I see more people peering down at what I'm doing. Which I WANT people to be able to do cause that's the whole reason I'm doing this but it's like a 'damn wish I'd thought to put pants on' kinda vibe. I don't feel very professional. But still . . . we persevere!!!
22/2 horrific news. Just realised I wasn’t counting the posts with multiple fics . . . As multiple fics. So even the posts with five individual fics. Have only counted as one in my count. The absolute buffoonery. The agonising idea of having to individually check each post. The massive urge to quit and sulk for five years. But still. . . We persevere. So I need to come back to stixk 1 & 2 and recount. But from the start of 3 we’re on track.
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softinsight · 1 year
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je0nghans · 7 years
hello! i'm very new to seventeen and the whole fanbase and i've learned their names only few days ago and i still mix them up sometimes lol. i wanted to know a bit more about the whole fanbase, inside jokes and the boys too :) i hope you can help me out a little and i hope that i'm not bothering you! have a nice day and thank you if you answer ♥ and if you don't have time or interest in answering this maybe you could recommend me a blog who would do so instead? thanks again ^^
ahh a new carat im bursTING
and dont worry youre not bothering me at all dont worry! I’m glad you ask me honestly!
So um i’ve known the boys since around 2013 lmao I saw a gif of mingyu and was like wHO IS THIS FIne SPECIMEN  but yk at the time he was just known as mr. wristband lmao rip *war flashbacks to watching seventeen tv at 5am without english subs*but I’m pretty forgetful and some of these stuff were a while ago ;;;; im sorry ;; If anyone has more to add please reblog this an add some im sorry ;A;;;
Firstly, I recommend going through pledis17′s faq page, about page and member profiles it’s really helpful! Also go through their tags for official pictures, fantaken pictures, fancams, videos (including eng sub!) and a lot of their other content!
I also recommend looking at some fyeah blogs and their member profiles as well. I mentioned pledis17 above but there’s also: @fy-scoups, @jeonghandata, @joshua-data, @fy-junhui, @fyhoshi, @fyjeonwonwoo, @fywoozi, @fyseokmin, @fuckyeahmingyu, @fyeahthe8, @datakwan, @v-hansolchoi, @dinodata, @fyjihan
Obviously there’s more but those are the ones I tend to use the most!
The rest stuff is under the read more because it came up to too much im sorry ;A:;
Ok fandom wise, as far as I know from that time to now carats are literally one of the nicest fandom’s I’ve ever been apart of like literally I love them so much. The fandom isn’t perfect, there’s some really not-so-nice fans like some who sexualise the members and like fanwars or yk have done some really shitty things (im not gonna go into detail but I know a few things) but the good fans really out weigh them! Don’t be intimidated to come of anon and talk to me or other members of the fandom trust me you won’t regret it at all!
So I mentioned Seventeen TV earlier and basically before seventeen debuted they had a program that aired on ustream that basically showed them practicing, playing games and other things as well. It was really entertaining and I really enjoyed it! Like seriously you should watch it it’s really funny I’m not even jokingg. 
Sadly, the ustream channel has a password now bUT you can watch some clips or full episodes here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here just to give you a few (I tried to give you as much as I could find really ;A:;;) but really youtube has a lot of videos on it. 
I forgot to mention but during the duration of seventeen tv there were other member but subsequently they left due to various reasons. These members include: Samuel (who was part of the duo 1punch which has now broken up, was on produce101 season 2 and has recently debuted with a bomb ass song), Doyoon (he is training to become an actor i think), Dongjin and MingMing.
They also had another predebut program called Andromeda. Subs can be found here
Right before seventeen debuted a program called Seventeen Project aired. Basically they go through a lot of trials and tests (? i think?) to get them ready for debut! You can watch it subbed here. You should definitely watch this one because you get to know the boys a little better.
For inside jokes this list on amino is literally a god sent but i was updated around january of this year. Speaking of amino, there’s a timeline on it, here. It’s outdated by a year but it’s really helpful as well. (Btw my favourite inside jokes are probably KIMBAP KIDDING and drink water lmao).
I also recommend watching all like17sub’s videos and what17says’s videos as well. As they’ve been subbers in the fandom for a fairly decent amount of time.Kwonvely is a more recent subber but I recommend you watch their subbed videos as well!
Svtunited subs  and SVTdiamond subs haven’t updated in a while but they still have a significant amount of videos, especially from the earlier days!
You can also watch subbed videos from here, here, here, here, here, hereOf course there’s more channels with subs but this is all I can think of.
A really nice way to know the members is through their Vlive channel where they do various live streams. Sadly, some vlives you have have to pay for called vlive+ because vlive likes to make us suffer BUT you can find some of the vlive+ videos in full here. The videos on Vlive are already subbed thank god.
The boys have had a reality show One Fine Day and a more recent one One Fine Day 2. They also have an ongoing series called Going Seventeen. On their Vlive+ there’s a series called ‘Where is my Friend’s home?’ where they basically visit the members’ hometowns (they mostly eat tho lmao). I believe minicarats only has the perf team’s one up right now but I believe the hip hop and vocal teams’ will come out soon. Someone uploaded theirs on youtube but obviously the channel got terminated.
They’ve released some DVDs as well which I totally recommend you watch. Seventeen Boy’s Wish CONCERT (1) (2) (3),  Shining Diamond Concert (1) (2) (3), Seventeen’s 2017 Season Greetings.
ALSO a great way of getting to know the members more is probably from mackenzie - ww’s why we love seventeen series, here, on youtube.I would also recommend her 10 reasons to love seventeen series here as well. Another good one is LoliKitty’s english time series as well, here. (IT kills me everytime lmao). Lolikitty has only 2 kpop meme origins but it explains 2 fandom jokes, jisoos christ and headlines headlines in a really funny way lmao.
You can also watch IGOTBTS MONTEEN’s Seventeen - Funny and Cute moments series.
Also in case you wanna know my favourite moments that I really love it’s: When sehun mistook jeonghan for nct’s johnny. You can watch it here and die lmao. Also when vernon slapped seungkwan’s ass it was the bES t.
So uh thats all I can remember off the top of my head really ;;; I’m sorry I know I definitely forgot some things I’m really sorry ;; I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help ;;
I don’t know much people who’ve known them since predebut but the blogs I know that I’ve seen during the debut era or at least around 2015 (and are still active) (i think i’ve seen them around since then I’m really not sure well except for the user junghan lol I definitely know they’ve been around since then) are probably: @junghan, @jungahns/@jeongahn (it’s the same person lol), @pledisseventeen, @hanwooz, @17dad, @jeonghan-1004svt
I really recommend you check them out! They’re really awesome blogs! I think you can ask them to verify anything I said or to give you more info
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choayb · 7 years
Online Marketing: The Do's And Don'ts For Success
By James Dollar
In the future, Online marketing will be essential. These useful tips can help you to earn more profit. In addition to the individual divisions of your site, be sure to have a main hub that gives an overall layout of your site. Remember, adding variety to your page is beneficial but you still want to keep your page structured. Incorporate Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets into your online marketing efforts. You can use these sites to advertise new offers or to share your latest articles. However, beware of being overly promotional in your comments and tweets. Rather, provide posts that are informative and witty, with a little bit of sales lingo scattered here and there. Create a FAQ section on your site. This gives quick answers to most questions pertaining to your site and business, while simplifying the process of your customers getting the help they are looking for. When your client can easily see the benefit of buying from you, they are more likely to. Post images and video relevant to your business to increase interest in your website. The addition of a short video to your site can really work well to attract the customer's interest in what you are offering. Enticing titles and unusual graphics can attract potential customers and may lead to increased sales. Use captions under images. The algorithm of the search engine will determine the way your website content is ranked when your keyword is struck. Your captions shouldn't be nonsensical, but they still need to include relevant keywords that are searched by your niche. Keep customers coming back by sending coupons with every purchase. Many customers will look at the coupon as an added incentive for returning to the website for more purchases. Web marketing is both alike and different than other kinds of marketing. For example, it's possible for search engines to change their approach and stop using title tags as a factor in rankings. If this happens, you will have to adjust your marketing strategy. If you have a robust internet promotion plan, you already know which products are your most profitable. Expand on the popularity of those products by bundling them with complementary products. Once you identify the popular products, highlight other items than are similar and can complement the best selling items. Your advertising for these products can be minimized while you let the popular products push them for you. If hiring someone who specializes in marketing is out of the question, take advantage of the many free online tools available. Consider joining an online business community and other online social groups that will benefit your business. Do everything you can to stay abreast of the latest trends on the Internet and the social media outlets. Keep pace with all the rapid changes and improvements on the Internet so you can always be ready to get your services placed in front of as many eyes as possible. Actually take time to figure out how good of a product or service you provide. An sub-par product will not succeed no matter how much marketing and advertising is behind it. A first-rate product will go a long way towards increasing your sales profits. Evaluate the actual merits of your the product or service you are marketing. You can have the best internet promotion around, though if what you are selling is below average, you will not see any changes to your bottom line. Providing a superior product at a competitive price helps ensure increased sales. If part of your marketing strategy is to include links in your email communications, make sure you change them up and send new material with each new email. If your links are always the same, your customers will begin to ignore them. You can keep your customers attention by changing up your e-mail links on a regular basis. This business may be one of the exceptions to the commonly held belief that you should not mix business and pleasure. That is because there is no high pressure, and it can almost be viewed as a type of lucrative hobby. Do it together with your partner, and see how it goes. In virtually every case, the core of a good Website marketing campaign is compelling content. You need to review your content frequently to ensure you are putting out the message you want your customers to receive. In addition, have the content reviewed by others. Fresh perspective can really help! Finally, always run a thorough grammar and spelling check before you publish your content to catch any typos or mistakes. Locating the right niche for marketing your web-based business is of the utmost importance. You won't have any luck selling cat toys to allergy sufferers. Customers do online searches for the items that are of the most interest to them and are more likely to buy those items. Market accordingly, since you do not want to attract the wrong audience. A big part of being successful with an online business is to find the right niche. Since there are no geographical constraints, you could easily reach out to a very small target audience. You might be able to, but someone that desires the baseball cards may look elsewhere than the person that wants the vintage Star Wars toys. Market accordingly, since you do not want to attract the wrong audience. A strong website presence is essential for successful Online marketing. Check to make sure your site is not outdated and everything works properly. If visitors have a hard time looking through your site, they will probably avoid purchasing anything from you. Give your customers incentives to refer others. You might offer a free item or service for anyone who brings a certain number of people to your site. People love getting free stuff and using this as a referral tool will help generate a lot of extra business for you. As has been revealed earlier, internet promotion is an amazing way to reach out to customers and to bring attention to your business and products. The opportunities are endless and the benefits are immense. By utilizing the information in the article, you can build your customer base and bring new recognition to your company.
About the Author:
Want to learn online marketing strategy to earn commission in your business? Check out this post online marketing strategies here.
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