#or shower at home half the time and my autistic ass is starting to slowly turn to dust
gayspock · 1 year
btw #dadrant time
so our showers been "leaking" for like the past however long.. and so we're not allowed to shower at home . he'll literally stand outside the door and bitch you out and respectfully i get really fucking freaked out by him being near me at all nevermind when yeah. anyway so i shower at the gym but thats by the by. bc FINALLY he was like "ugh. i'll do something about it youre so ungrateful" and so he fucking got some shady plumber off facebook. who smashed up our bathroom looking for the "leak" (there's now a huge hole in the side of our bath) and said he couldnt find it. and then charged us. SEVEN. HUNDRED. FIFTY. POUNDS. without fixing the hole. and my dad PAID with my MAM'S CARD AND EVERYTHINGGGG. and hwen she was like what is wrong with you. dont pay that. the guy had already left (he . had . been there 15 minutes) and when we were like dude we needed a receipt or at least the name of the guy so we can get ANYTHINGGGGGGGGGGG DONE. and he THEN laughed and said he said he cant remember and went onto his tablet to look it up. but it wouldnt load apparently so he smashed it on purpose. literally. smashed screen he fucking beat the shit out of it in a tantrum. and then went and got himself a new tablet with my mams card TODAY and refused to go get the old one fixed because its too late now ahtever give it up. and its like i really will fucking lose my fucking mind with you bro i really will fucking (explodes into a million pieces)
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