#or technically up mikeys sleeve wink wink
onionninjasstuff · 8 months
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when all else fails
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Chapter One: Boys’ Club
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,700+
Dudes being dudes, taking shit and hanging out
It was the afternoon before the first day of junior year. In an effort to escape the dreadful summer heat of Derry, the boys were lounging in Bill’s house with the A/C cranked up.
“So Billy Boy, how’s life for ya?” Richie asked, leaning back into the old couch. Stains dotted its fabric from unknown substances and years of regrets.
“Puh-Pretty good,” Bill said, trying to shake off the laid back and cozy atmosphere surrounding him. He was currently sandwiched between his two boyfriends trying his best not to fall asleep but quickly losing the battle. “How are you, R-Richie?”
“His name is trashmouth, not Richie.” Stan said, not taking his eyes off his phone.
“Damn right!” Richie beamed, reaching over to ruffle Stan’s hair.
Stan made a disgusted face and leaned out of Richies reach, this caused him to wake up Eddie in the process.
“WHAT THE FUCK RICH!” Even though Stan woke him up, Eddie tended to blame things like this on Richie because more often than not Richie was at the source. Eddie grabbed a pillow off the couch and chucked it at Richie’s face.
Mike grumbled from beside Bill, “Knock it off, you little kids. The adults are sleeping.”
In an effort to try to break up the fight brewing between Eddie and Richie, Ben scrambled toward his bag and pulled out his school schedule for the year. “Hey guys maybe since we’re all kind of waking up we could compare schedules maybe?”
“Sounds fun to me.” Mike said, also grabbing his schedule.
“Ugh fine.” Richie said, trying to find his own schedule in his backpack, which he had shoved to the bottom as soon as he got it. He hadn’t even bothered to clean it out from sophomore year.
“Hey I’m j-just gonna keep napping,” Bill said burying his face into Stan’s shoulder.
Stan laid his head onto Bills, sighing, “Mikey, will you hand me mine?”
“Sure thing.”
“Aw you guys are too cute.” Richie gushed, resting his chin on his hand.
“That could be you and Eddie but you guys are playin’” Stan said, giving Richie a blank stare.
“Stan, I will cut you,” Eddie deadpanned in efforts to hide how much he was blushing.
Stan just shrugged, not putting up a fight in this conversation.
“C’mon Eds, you know you wanna piece of this.” Richie stood up, wiggling his eyebrows and doing a full turn for the losers to admire.
Mike wolf whistled, playing into Richie's little game. Richie shot finger guns and clicked his tongue at him, all of which caused Ben to laugh his ass off.
Eddie glared at Richie, “In your dreams, trashmouth.”
“Every night babe.” Richie winked, sitting down on the floor by Eddie.
“Anyways, Ben. What do you have first period?” Stan addressed Ben, leaning towards the boy and ignoring the antics of his friends.
“I have trig first, what about you?” Ben offered his schedule to Stan to compare. Richie nodded at Ben, indicating he also had that class for first.
“I have English. Bummer, I don't like Berkeley.” Stan said, slightly frowning and grabbing the paper.
Mike rubbed Stan’s back, to comfort him. “Hey, so do I. At least you won't be alone in that class. Anyone else have English first?”
Eddie pushed Richie off and pulled his schedule out of his pocket, “I’m pretty sure I do,” he checked his schedule, “Yeah, I do, it’ll be pretty fun if we all have it together.”
Stan rubbed his temples, looking stressed out. “This year is going to kick my ass, I can already tell. Ben, it looks like your tutoring is gonna come in handy.” He then handed Ben his schedule back and laid his head back down onto Bill’s.
Ben smiled, “Thanks Stan, but my tutoring isn’t helpful unless the people there really care about school so I’m sure you’ll be fine this year!”
Mike smiled at Ben’s encouragement, “Yeah he's right babe, you're gonna kill this year. Not the other way around. And if you need help, all of us are more than willing to help.”
All the losers, minus Bill who was still napping, nodded in agreement.
“Okay, so who has US Gov. for fifth?” Richie asked, looking around. He did not want that teacher by himself.
“I do,” Mike said, nodding at Richie. “Good thing too, because that Johnson does not like you.”
“I really don’t see why he doesn’t like me. I’m the funniest and smartest kid in that class.” Richie shrugged, shaking his head.
“I'll give you funniest, but I think I earned the title of smartest last year, buddy.” Mike laughed loudly.
“Bullshit!” Richie yelled back, sitting up.
“Beep beep, Richie, you're going to wake up Bill. I don't care who is smarter or who is dumber, we all have our own opinions.” Stan whispered yelled, making a hitting motion at Richie, though his eyes showed amusement.
Richie laid down, pushing his glasses onto the top of his head and rubbing his eyes. Sleep is for the weak he said, he doesn’t need sleep he had said. Now that was biting him in the ass.
“You okay, Rich?” Eddie asked genuinely concerned for Richie’s well-being. He knows that he’s harsh on Richie a lot but he actually does care and right now he can tell that something is wrong.
“I’m fine spaghetti man.” Richie smiled at him. He was practically blind, but could still see Eddie’s frown, which he thought was adorable.
There was a loud knock on the door, it was Georgie Denbrough, Bill’s thirteen year old younger brother. The noise woke up Bill.
Georgie came into the room, “Bill! Mom said your friends have to go soon. It's a school night, Asswipe.”
“J-Jesus Christ Georgie, I was trying to suh-sleep!” Bill said getting up and closing the door leaving Georgie in the hallway.
“Don't shoot the messenger, Mom wanted me to tell you. This is why I'm the favorite!” The young boy screamed, making his way back down stairs and signaling the end of the conversation.
“S-Sorry about Georgie guh-guys, he can be ob-nuh-n-noxious sometimes.” Bill made his way back to the losers.
“Your brother is my son, and I love him.” Richie said, chuckling at his own joke.
“You’re Bill’s dad?” Eddie smirked.
“Nah, Bill’s daddy is either Stan or Mike, but nobody really knows which one.” Richie replied, nudging Ben with his elbow.
Bill blushed, “I’m luh-leaving.”
“Ah yes, Georgie. My favorite Denbrough.” Mike said, looking at Bill, waiting for his reaction to the obvious joke.
Richie laughed at Mike, causing the whole club to laugh at the blushing Billiam.
Stan smiled at his boyfriend's red cheeks and cooed, “Baby, your brother is more loved than you.”
Bill tugged his sleeves down and tried to hide his face in the neck of his flannel to pout, “Well I g-guh-guess you shuh-should just go date Georgie instuh-stead.”
“I never said I loved him more than you. Because that would be a lie. Right, Mike?” Stan said, turning towards Mike.
“I'm not gonna be apart of this.” Mike said laughing.
Ben’s face scrunched up, “I just pictured Stan dating Georgie and I think I’m ready to leave this world.”
“Oh my fucking god no no no no,” Eddie covered his face like that would help.
“Well I would hate to break up this party but I gotta go. Mom will kill me if I’m late. See ya guys.” Richie laughed, standing up and grabbing his backpack. He waved and walked out the door, and the losers could hear him scream goodbye to his son, Georgie.
Eddie gathered his stuff and yelled down the hall, “Wait Rich, I’ll go with you!” He turned back to the others, “Bye guys, good luck with whatever this is,” before running outside to meet Richie.
“That's our cue to leave,” Mike said, offering a hand to Stan, “Need a ride?”
“You know I do, stop bragging about your new car. Ben, do you need a ride home?” Stan asked kindly to the still sitting boy.
“Yeah, that’d be great, if you guys don’t mind of course,” Ben said with a smile.
“No, not at all, buddy.” Mike told his friend. “Just give us a minute to say goodbye to Bill and we'll meet you out there.”
Ben gathered up his stuff, “Sounds good, Mike,” and ran out the door to give the boys some privacy.
Bill glared at his boyfriends, “You suh-sure you don’t wanna go say buh-bye to Georgie?”
“He's not really my type,” Stan deadpanned. “I'm into older boys. And boys that are actually taller than me.”
“And we love you romantically, he's technically our brother in law.” Mike grimaced, slightly laughing.
“Wait we’re getting m-married?” Bill looked up, blushing about ten times harder than before.
“When it's legal, I guess. Not really allowed for three people to get hitched” Stan shrugged, blushing also.
Bill smiled, “Okay so muh-maybe we don’t get married but I f-forgive my amazing b-boyfriends for loving my brother more than me?”
“We love him in a different way,” Mike laughed.
“Yeah, I k-know,” Bill agreed. He gave them each a quick kiss, “Okay you guys m-might really have to leave now t-though.”
They then said their goodbyes and Mike and Stan met Ben at the car.
“Sorry we took long,” Mike said, sliding into the driver's seat. Stan got into the back since his stop was first.
Stan tuned out the other boys conversation and thought about how the next day would go. He wanted it to be calm and relaxing, like any another day of school, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be that easy. His stomach was in knots about it so he rubbed it, trying to get the feeling to go away.
Besides the lingering anxiety, he felt pretty good. The summer went amazingly, besides a few bumps in the road. He had two good boyfriends and lots of great best friends. Overall he felt peaceful. Sitting in the back of  car, listening to him and Ben ramble about a book they were reading. Something about gods and monsters, and some huge quest with a time limit.
Stan tried to refocus and join the conversation, but it was no use. He was to caught up in his own head. Instead he just sat with his back against the door and watch Mike speak passionately with his hands about his favorite character and some symbolism about the characters green eyes. The sight alone relaxed the tumbling, rumbling anxiety and Stan felt better until he laid in bed for the night and spent hours thinking of how the next day could go wrong or perfect.
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