#or training to get better job opportunities or promotion in current job...
riturajjaiswal1 · 2 years
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bonefall · 5 months
i think nightcloud's pannage is perfect, personally. it gives her a great opportunity to compare herself to the sow in her mind; perhaps she even goes behind onestar's back to try and reunite some of the humbugs with their mother?
Yeah, I think it's all coming together. It should be Nightcloud's Pannage. I was a little apprehensive of eliminating the stoats, but I think this will actually work better.
Now I can use the hog and her humbugs as a vehicle for conflict, create a really interesting comparison to herself and the demonized mother boar, and also establish the very cute little detail that she REALLY loves piggies just in case the opportunity to make Sowstar presents itself later.
Friendship Ended with Stoats; now Sow and Humbugs are my Best Friend
When a litter of humbugs get lost in the tunnels and start popping up all over the WindClan Moor, their mother comes to try and find them.
Mama Sow is actually going to get a name. The new "Head of Hunting" role has this as a major part of their job; they are meant to keep track of major individual predators in their territory, so they name notable animals.
DETOUR: I kinda want her name to be Rashma in Clanmew; in English that's Oxeye Daisy, or Moonpenny or Marguerite. I think calling her Marge is the funniest possible thing I can do here.
Marge is notorious for liking the taste of moonpenny, which makes prey taste awful.
So, she's never been hunted, has lived to the grand age of at least 5, and is known as a prolific, doting mother.
So I might actually have the Head of Hunting of ThunderClan, possibly the newly promoted Lionblaze, come to WindClan to warn them that Marge is on the loose.
Onestar is currently in one of the lower points of his arc, like canon. So he pretty bitterly dismisses this warning, and cuts Lionblaze off when he tries to offer ThunderClan's help if Marge becomes trouble.
(Or Lionblaze might be training under someone else, currently. I'm unsure. The last cat I have planned to be the Head of Hunting in ThunderClan is Willowpelt.)
After more scouting, WindClan comes to realize that Marge's humbugs are all over the moor. They're JUST big enough to put up a fight, but not big enough that the inexperienced WindClan can't win. About 3 or 4 months old.
I know that at least ONE of these humbugs is killed by WindClan.
It was awful to Nightcloud, like, so uncomfortably sloppy that it caused her to disassociate with raw fury and finish the job.
That's important because it's how I'd open up the first flashback of her childhood, that night.
As the Clan is roasting the humbug, congratulating her, singing high praises, she realizes she was reminded of a gruesome hunting incident when she was a kitten.
Each humbug would be tied to some sort of thought she has on her own life, so I can use them as a framing device.
She probably gets separated in the end because reuniting the humbugs with Marge brought her far away.
BTW I want to make sure Marge is still very much an animal. They can't become "friends" in the end lmaooo.
But Marge could "return the favor" without breaking that rule too much, I think. Maybe have Nightcloud get chased somewhere by a fox and Marge comes out of nowhere to kill it without even breaking a sweat, then moves on.
So far, something I'm kind of enjoying about Nightcloud's Pannage is the way it's just sort of reflective. It's about the hogs and dealing with them, but in TRUTH, it's just a window into WindClan during an interesting point in time.
Crowfeather is reeling from NOT being respected anymore, suddenly losing something that was very important to him, because he misused that power and felt entitled to it.
Realizing he has no friends or family left, because he was AWFUL to them.
The Clan is now looking to Nightcloud, giving her a sense of respect she doesn't really like very much. But she's exploring what that feels like, for the first time, as she comes to terms with her past.
Breezepelt/Dodderheart reaches a very low point in his life, and starts pushing people who love him away to set up where he's going in the next arc.
Onestar is ALSO at a low point. I should include him nonsensically snapping at Brushblaze after Galekit and Smokekit are born in this SE, so Nightcloud can grapple with how on edge her leader seems.
(Possible trigger where she also is immediately ported back to Hillrunner snapping at her for something equally "random")
Plus the supporting cast of interesting cats with their own feelings on this; Harespring who's trying to stay diplomatic, Heathertail who's frustrated, Willowclaw and her budding friendship to Nightcloud, etc.
Hmmmm.... you know, now that I'm writing this out, it's kinda striking me that Nightcloud's probably SO sensitive at this time in her life because, it's the first time she's actually felt safe.
You know that thing with PTSD where it all hits you at once? Because you're FINALLY in a place where you can unpack it?
So it all gets worse before it gets better?
I should keep that in mind with this one.
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woobly · 2 years
SEND THE LOVE . . . 이재현 !
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PAIRING. spy! hyunjae x spy! fem reader (bosley! hyunjae) GENRE. fluff, action WARNINGS. graphic, violence, mentions of knives, guns, shooting, and strangling WORD COUNT. 2.6k
𓂋˚˖ A/N. finally back w another written fic! i’ve been watching a lot of charlie’s angels recently (films and tv show) so here’s one based on that ^-^ if you haven’t watched any of the films, you should jk i’ll explain references like “bosley” and “angel” within the fic but just know that bosley = hyunjae :) also let’s pretend it’s new year’s eve (post-edit note: ngl this was so rushed but i wanted to get it off my chest alrdy)
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“Good morning, Charlie! Happy New Year’s Eve!”
“Same goes for you both. Bosley, are we ready?”
“One moment, sir,”
“Congratulations on becoming an Angel, Y/N! I’m terribly sorry to be asking you and Bosley to work on a day like this, but opportunity knocks. Don’t worry; it should be a walk in the park for you,” Charlie began as Bosley turned the monitor on and handed you a few papers.
Bosley. The term comes from one of Charlie’s trusted assistants back in the day, John Bosley. Now, it is used as a title and refers to the only rank in the organization one can be promoted to. Bosleys are in charge of training soon-to-be Angels and keeping in touch with Charlie. They sometimes work in the field, usually doing the negotiating and assisting Angels, but ultimately leaving the dirty work to the girls. The only people who know their real names aside from family are Charlie and the Bosleys themselves, so everyone else simply calls them ‘Bosley’.
Angels. The women who make the agency and keep it alive. You are an Angel yourself; Charlie took you under his wing after resigning from the National Police. As an Angel, you work on missions handed by Charlie, putting on a disguise and carrying knives and guns as needed. At first, you were pretty skeptical about the entire setup of working for a man you have never seen, but you decided to put your trust in the one who hired you: Bosley, the very same one whose office you were currently sitting in.
Angels. The women who make the agency and keep it alive. You are an Angel yourself; Charlie took you under his wing after resigning from the National Police. As an Angel, you work on missions handed by Charlie, putting on a disguise and carrying knives and guns as needed. At first, you were pretty skeptical about the entire setup of working for a man you have never seen, but you decided to put your trust in the one who hired you: Bosley, the very same one whose office you were currently sitting in.
“Since this should be relatively easy for you, you’ll be working alone with Bosley for this one,” You looked up to face the man seated on his chair. He raised his eyebrows teasingly twice, to which you only quietly scoffed as Charlie continued the briefing. “Your target is Cheon Jaehwa, son of the founder of Cheon Industries. We have been monitoring him for a few months, and based on his activity, he has been stealing donations and aid money from the charities and orphanages associated with his father’s company. He holds a New Year’s Eve Party every year, which is where you’re heading later,”
“I see why I’ll be kicking ass instead of grabbing a drink today,”
“We’re going to a party, so you can still drink a little,” Bosley chimed in.
“No thanks. First day on the job. Don’t wanna mess it up,”
“You better get going then, Y/N. Other details will come from Bosley. Good luck, Angel!”
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“You look amazing,”
“You really think so? This’ll be easy then,” you nervously giggled as you retouched your makeup using the small mirror on the sun visor of the agency’s car. Once you finished, you turned towards Bosley, catching him already staring at you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Meet me at the pick-up later. I’ll be right here,” he smiled, easing your nerves a little bit.
You stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the mansion where a pair of guards were already on standby. You showed them the invitation that Bosley provided and entered, already turning a few heads as you walked further into the large home.
“Comm check,”
“Relax, Y/N. You’re doing great,”
“Are you watching me?”
“Of course. Gotta do one last perimeter check,”
You looked up towards one of the security cameras before grabbing a glass of champagne from one of the waiters passing by. You looked around the ballroom-sized hall for your target, but you could only recognize a few celebrities and business people.
“Oh no,”
“Something wrong, Boz?”
“Yeah. Looks like Cheon hired more security tonight than we thought,”
“Oh yeah, I did see one too many guys with guns outside. Do we abort? I’m sure this isn’t the only way to–”
“No, stay where you are. I’ll be right over,”
“You’ll be what? What do you mean you’ll be right over? Boz?”
“I thought you weren’t gonna drink,” Your body suddenly tensed as you felt a hand on your lower back, causing you to almost attack the man had you not recognized his voice. You whipped your head towards Bosley and slightly stumbled backward at how close his face was to yours.
“Boz, you– How are you wearing a tux?”
“You never know when you need to crash a party,” He smiled as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. ”Looks like I needed it anyway,” You looked away from him, your nerves greatly relaxing from his presence, but when you looked back at him and actually took in the man’s appearance, they started to act up again; you’re not sure it was first-day jitters anymore.
“First day and you’re already distracted,” he whispered right next to your ear and elbowed him lightly as you both fall into a quiet fit of giggles.
Once you have finally relaxed and scanned the room again, you finally spotted the host and man of the night. “Cheon. 10 o’clock,”
He looked in the direction you were referring to and took a deep breath in before raising his elbow for you to hold and motioning you toward your target.
“Alright, just follow my lead,”
You took in a few deep breaths as you both slowly walked to the other side of the room. As you approached the man slightly sticking out like a sore thumb, your grip on Bosley’s arm tightened, which does not go unnoticed.
“Mr. Cheon,”
The man glanced in your direction and excused himself from the guests he was speaking to. “Yes, hello!” He took a good look at Bosley, obviously trying to come up with a name but failing, as he shook his hand. “And you are?”
“Hyun—” You turned towards Bosley as he abruptly stopped and his body tensed up, but quickly gained back his composure. “... Jae. Bosley. But you can just call me Bosley. From Boz Enterprises,”
He placed the hand he used to shake hands with Cheon on your hand which was currently holding on to his arm while the man opposite you squinted his eyes and slowly nodded. “Okay … Mr. Bosley,”
He then switched his attention towards you and smiled, to which you quickly thrust your free hand forward. “Y/N Y/L/N. Secretary,”
He took your hand and shook it for an uncomfortably long period of time while staring and smiling at you, which Bosley thankfully noticed.
“I would like to discuss business with you,”
You quickly retracted your hand the moment he let go, and he sowly returned his attention back to Bosley.
“What kind of business?”
“I would prefer if we talked in private,”
Cheon simply stared at him as if contemplating his offer. After a while, he finally spoke up again.
“Alright, I’ll see you in my office in 10 minutes,” He put on an obviously fake smile and ordered one of his guards to guide you both to his office.
After you have made sure that the man was out of earshot, you whispered teasingly to the one whose arm you were still holding on to, “Hyunjae Bosley?”
He sighed and closed his eyes for a second as you both followed behind the guard. “Pretend you never heard that,”
You don’t listen to him and kept going. “Is that your real name?”
“I am not obliged to answer that question,” he said as he kept his eyes trained forward.
“So it is then!” You smiled and quickly scanned the hall you were walking in, noticing the expensive-looking chandeliers and decorations you were passing by. “I guess someone’s more nervous than I am,”
“If you tell anyone else, I’ll—”
“You’ll what, Hyunjae?” You turned towards him again and smiled cheekily, earning a glare from him, which could not intimidate you even if he tried harder. “People make mistakes, it’s okay,” You giggled as you pat his arm in faux comfort.
The guard then turned toward a pair of doors and opened one of them for you to enter. When you both stepped into the room, you looked around and took a mental note of the security cameras and sharp or heavy-looking objects that could be used as weapons.
Both of you took a seat on one of the couches, and as if reading your mind, Hyunjae whispered in your ear, “I’ve taken care of the cameras,” to which you merely nodded.
Two guards then entered and stood on separate corners of the room near the door. After a few minutes, the doors opened again to another pair of guards and Cheon trailing behind them.
You and Hyunjae quickly stood upon their entrance, your nerves rising once again every step closer they took.
“Take a seat,” Cheon said as he sat on the opposite couch.
You tried paying attention to their conversation, nodding every once in a while and laughing when they do, but you were too focused on your next move. You did notice that the man in front of you kept glancing at you, obviously wanting to talk to you but Hyunjae was too busy talking. So the moment he was about to ask you a small-talk question, you don’t even let him. “I’m sorry, but where is your restroom?”
Slightly taken aback, he takes a second to respond before telling you that the guard outside can lead you.
You smiled and quickly stood up, facing Hyunjae and giving him a small nod before leaving the room. The guard took you to the restroom and stood by the door as you pretended to use the toilet and washed your hands.
Before leaving, you took out the fake Altoids tin you hid under your dress and picked up one of the circular stickers, making sure you did not touch the wrong side. You took a deep breath and quickly swung the door open, surprising the guard and placing the sticker on his neck, causing him to faint and fall to the ground. You then pulled him inside the bathroom, making sure that you did not make too much noise.
Once you made sure that the guard would not be waking up any time soon, you go out and walked around, looking for any other guards present. When you make a turn and spot one, you put on an innocent smile and approached him.
“Ma’am, you’re not supposed to be here,”
“Oh, I was just looking for the restroom? This place is really big, so I was hoping you could take me there?”
He took a while to agree, but when his back was finally facing you, you took the chance to take another sticker and placed it on the back of his neck. Just like the guard earlier, you dragged the unconscious man towards the closest room and left him there.
When you’ve made sure that there were no guards close enough to Cheon’s office, you called Hyunjae’s attention.
“Boz, you’re up,”
You finally started paying attention and actually digested the conversation he and Cheon were having, which you have actually been hearing the entire time because of your comms. To your not-so-surprise, Cheon was rambling on about his most recent golf outing before Hyunjae cut him off in order to talk about “business”.
“I don’t want to keep you here long; I know you have a party to attend to, so I’ll just cut to the chase,” Hyunjae’s voice slowly lowered in pitch. “I understand that you are expected to take over your father’s company any time soon, which is coincidentally working on a revolutionary product that could make a significant breakthrough in the scientific community,”
“How do you—”
Although you can’t see him, you could tell that Hyunjae had a smirk plastered on his face. “And I just want a little piece of it. In return, we will be taking the money from your father’s charities and orphanages,”
Deafening silence envelops the room, feeling the tension rise quickly even from the outside.
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,”
“But we haven’t made a deal yet,”
A faint sigh can be heard from Hyunjae’s side, most likely from Cheon.
“Who are you, exactly?”
“Me?” Hyunjae taunted as he slowly stood up and reached for his pocket. “I’m just the decoy,”
You shoved the doors open and drew your gun toward the guard on your right, shooting him in the leg. Turning toward your left, you shot the hand of the guard on the opposite side, knowing he had already drawn his own gun.
In your peripheral vision, Hyunjae had already hand-cuffed your target to the legs of the coffee table and was busy taking on the guards behind him.
Returning your full focus to the guard in front of you, you tried punching him in the face, but he was too quick and kept blocking your blows. You then quickly switched to kicking him in his genital area, causing him to bend over in pain. You took the opportunity and finally knocked him out.
As if on cue, Hyunjae called your attention from the other side of the room where he was being strangled with a cable wire. Not wanting to prolong the pain any longer, you resorted to shooting the guard in the arm.
You first ensured that your target was still cuffed to the table before running over to Hyunjae.
“Are you okay?” You helped him up and gently gripped his face with one hand, slightly moving it to the side to check on his neck.
“Of course, I am,” he reassured you as he held your hand that was holding his face. “But you’re gonna have to kiss it later,”
You scoffed as a smile graced his face, letting him go before approaching the man on the floor.
“Who are you?”
“You are in the presence of an angel,” Hyunjae said as you chuckled and cuffed Cheon’s wrists together.
“Boz, what about the guests?”
“Oh, let them have their fun. I’ve called for backup,”
As the three of you exit through one of the back entrances of the mansion, you are met with other girls, presumably other Angels of the agency. You finally relaxed and sighed in contentment for the first time that night as you watched Cheon being taken toward one of the cars.
“Well, that’s an interesting way to end my year,”
“You’re gonna have more of those if you last long,” You turned towards Hyunjae who was standing beside you. “But we still have a few minutes left. Care to join me inside?”
“I would love to,”
He then signaled one of the Angels before taking his arm out once again for you to take.
“So, Hyunjae,” Giving up on you, he simply chuckled at the name you used. “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?”
“At first, it was ‘not getting myself killed’, but now I think I’m gonna have to change it to ‘legally changing my name’.”
© woobly, 2022. all rights reserved.
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yessu · 2 years
gggghh I am in such a state of stress every day about work
I’ve been trying to take classes to get certified for medical coding and only found out when actually getting to the half of Doing the coding that I can’t do it. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m essentially teaching myself- I mean that’s a huge part of it, but I’m just consistently bad at the part of “determining the thing To Code”. I can *find* the necessary codes just fine. I’m just looking up the wrong shit. And there’s a very sudden obstacle both ways here- maybe practice helps! But I can’t access practice without Doing The Work or being in the class that I keep failing. Maybe I just need someone to train me directly! Classes in-person or specific training programs cost Several Hundred More Dollars that would go to waste if I fail.
So I tried looking for just, I don’t know, An Office Job. I can do menial tasks. But my limitation is I can’t handle my entire job being phone calls/customer service, which cuts me off from clerical work and the like, and 90% of what’s open at entry level. I could find something more obscure, but How?? I don’t have the keywords to LOOK for and some of these larger companies just use their own hiring systems so unless I know to look for THOSE companies I can’t browse those either!
So what if I just stay doing delivery? I *like* doing it. I just need better pay, which I can Only do if I get promoted to management.. which would require me to not be a driver anymore, which anxiety aside I *physically* can’t do because of all the times I’ve twisted my ankles and chipped one of my goddamn knees! I could potentially change restaurants, allegedly one of them has better pay, but I know for a fact franchises will offer that higher rate only for a couple months. I’d have to guarantee the baseline is better than what I make now and if I can get raises on top of that. Plus, are they busier than my current store? How do their customers tip? What if I trade over and I’m downgraded on all fronts except my hourly rate? Tips are straight up half my income, on good weeks it can make double my paycheck by the time payday comes around. I quite literally can’t afford that lack of security.
I’m most confident about the paperwork/office/whatever kind of job option, tbh, I’m just struggling so much to find viable opportunities. I need to work on art again as a second job but I can’t. I feel so stuck and like I’m suffocating especially with how this rent situation fucked us over and I’m so scared that we’re not going to be able to get back on track like I had been on my own because we can’t get enough money together fast enough.
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strugglinguist · 1 year
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Disclaimer: It should go without saying, but all the views here are my own and do not represent any other person or my institution. We're just having a bit of fun and talking about Linguistics and Academia. Also, cannabis is legal both recreationally and medicinally where I live in New York State. I am also not physically at work nor will I be including identifying information of anyone involved [Please include any and all caveats you can think of here. I checked the university code of conduct and everything.]
Hey, Internet! Welcome to Episode 1 of High Linguistics with Taylor, which is when I... Taylor talk about the linguistics I am doing that day. I've got 3 big things going on professionally at this time. Let's talk about the first one: The Campus Visit. *cue dramatic music*
I have an upcoming campus visit after which I may or may not receive word that I have been hired as a tenure track (TT) faculty member of Linguistics and TESOL at my current institution. I have worked there for the past 5 years but as a Visiting Assistant Professor, which is a temporary year-to-year contract and makes approximately 10-15k fewer dollars a year. I teach 4 classes a semester (often times 2-3 of those classes that semester are instances of the same course: Introduction to Linguistics. The other 1-2 are upper-level electives like Syntactic Structure of English; Articulatory Phonetics; one of our core linguistics courses about phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, or semantics; or fieldwork/investigation of an unfamiliar language. I COULD essentially be let go at the end of every August unless they renew my contract. They like me, but also... they could take it away. So a TT position would mean I have job security, more money, support for my research, and maybe even opportunities to write off courses and teach a little less. I even qualify for teaching sabbaticals where I would just write papers and books and focus on achieving promotion/tenure for a semester or even a year.
At this point, I have applied with a portfolio earlier in mid-April. This consisted of a three page cover letter and a diversity statement (which is way less than for other jobs I've applied to). The cover letter addresses my research program, teaching philosophy, status in the field of linguistics, and how I am prepared to teach both linguistics and TESOL classes even though my formal training is in theoretical linguistics only. My diversity statement is a one page summary of how my research and teaching contribute to the overall diversity of the institution but also what I see the role of professional academics is in promoting diversity and inclusion in and out of their classroom.
Then, just last week, I sat for a 45 min Zoom interview. At this point, I was likely in the top 12 applicants. Most institutions will receive approximately 100 applicants for a tenure track position. Typically these applications open in the fall, however. In fact, most of those tenure lines are decided by this time in the year. So ours is late in the cycle. I honestly hope that gives me a better chances because there may be fewer applicants overall. Or... I've hurt myself? I don't know.
The campus visit is taking place May 30-June 1. This is the final round interview for the TT position. There are likely 2-3 candidates. I don't know. They legally probably cannot even tell me. Even though I've been there 5 years, the search has to legally be a national open search. So I could have worked there for 5 years, apply for this, interview, and STILL not get it. 🙃 At this point, this means I am hireable, but they need to decide who is the best fit for the department and university as a whole.
I have not received the official agenda/schedule yet, but on the evening of Wednesday May 30th, I will likely have dinner with the faculty search members. There are four on the committee. I met them on Zoom, and I know two of them VERY well because I have worked closely with them for the 5 years. Then on the 1st, I will have individual interviews/meetings with interested faculty, the dean, and maybe a provost. I'll have lunch with people who are interested. Then I'll give a job talk in the afternoon. This covers my research program and is geared towards an audience of Education/Curriculum & Instruction Department people (the tenure home for the position). Does everyone know what a tenure line is? Maybe that should be in another post.
Anyway, I need to do several things to prepare over the next 11 days including today. This is just a bit of what I need to do:
I need to draft and practice that job talk. I'll need to talk through the process and what I include in that.
I need to purchase a professional suit. I haven't needed one since early 2020 pre-pandemic, so I definitely don't fit anything old. I need to feel like a hundred bucks. I need it to give "bow down bitches." I need to feel pumped up and ready to take on the world.
I want to experiment with new makeup stuff, so that means I need to stop at Sephora.
I need new shoes that are both professional and comfortable that match the new suit.
And I need to prepare some questions/things to mention to have with me for all those individual interviews.
Okay, I need to go because we are ordering Chipotle for "lunch." I eat breakfast at like 10 or whenever I get up, we eat together at like 3/4, watch TV until 5/6, and then play a video game, putz around, or whatever want after that. Summer break routine is GREAT! I will be doing my prep between having a GREAT TIME! I don't want to burn myself out on the way to needing to be at top form.
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kundangupta · 1 year
Hand holding support available with 100% passing assurance.. Please let me know if you or any of your contacts need any certificate or training to get better job opportunities or promotion in current job…
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mansisingh28 · 2 years
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Hand holding support available with 100% passing assurance.. Please let me know if you or any of your contacts need any certificate or training to get better job opportunities or promotion in current job…
Contact Us : WhatsApp :- https://wa.link/22leuc
ISC2 : CISSP & CCSP Cisco- CCNA, CCNP, Specialty Google-Google Cloud Associate & Google Cloud Professional People Cert- ITILv4 PMI-PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, PMI-CAPM, PMI-RMP etc. CompTIA - All exams EC Counsil-CEH,CHFI AWS- Associate, Professional, Specialty Juniper- Associate, Professional, Specialty Oracle - All exams Microsoft - All exams SAFe- All exams Scrum- All Exams Azure & many more…
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martinsenbytlarsson · 2 years
Where To Start A Residence Company And Succeed
For a lot of a home company is a goal become a reality. Obtaining your own company, which you run from home, attracts many people. It can give us the opportunity for endless revenue. Nonetheless, you can find important elements you need to run a successful online business.
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Your organization domain name needs to be memorable and attached to your company. Selecting a domain address which is extended or too hard to recall can make potential clients neglect it. Catchy as well as simple to consider are what you must work towards in choosing a domain name.
Take a look at cost-free organization tutorials in your area. Free of charge training seminars hold a wealth of info, and can be an exceptional strategy to community with many other company owners. You will learn beneficial details about working your small home-based business and it is possible to jump your thoughts from other business professionals.
Enterprise slowdown? Might be holiday or the economic climate. That knows? Utilize this quiet a chance to ramp up your advertising and marketing, deal with your email, log into customer community forums, beef your web site and manage your workplace. Stage outside and system with other people with your field. Transform this slowdown into an opportunity.
Developing a online business can be quite a rewarding venture. It may also supply versatility and independence from nine to five constraints. The important thing to remember is possessing a home business means that you are currently accountable for everything regarding the business, which, eventually ends up supplying you with much more jobs and responsibility than being just a member of staff.
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soniskvlog · 16 hours
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🤝Hand holding support is available with 100% passing assurance🎯 📣Please let me know if you or any of your contacts need any certificate📣 📝or training to get better job opportunities or promotion in current job📝 📲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗨𝘀 : Interested people can whatsapp me directly ✅WhatsApp :- https://wa.link/8le28q 💯Proxy available with 100% passing guarantee.📌 🎀 FIRST PASS AND THAN PAY 🎀 ISC2 : CISSP & CCSP Cisco- CCNA, CCNP, Specialty ITILv4 CompTIA - All exams Google-Google Cloud Associate & Google Cloud Professional People Cert- ITILv4 PMI-PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, PMI-CAPM, PMI-RMP, etc. EC Counsil-CEH,CHFI AWS- Associate, Professional, Specialty Juniper- Associate, Professional, Specialty Oracle - All exams Microsoft - All exams SAFe- All exams Scrum- All Exams Azure & many more… 📲𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗨𝘀 : Interested people can whatsapp me directly ✅WhatsApp :- https://wa.link/8le28q
Thanks & Regards,… Krishna Sinha (Subnetting Guru) Intact Technology & Consultant Contact : +1-8176686697 (USA) & +91-9674277941 (India)
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riturajjaiswal1 · 2 years
Hand holding support is available with 100% passing assurance. Please let me know if you or any of your contacts need any certificate or training to get better job opportunities or promotion in current job…
ISC2 : CISSP & CCSP Cisco- CCNA, CCNP, Specialty Google-Google Cloud Associate & Google Cloud Professional People Cert- ITILv4 PMI-PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, PMI-CAPM, PMI-RMP, etc. CompTIA - All exams EC Council-CEH, CHFI AWS- Associate, Professional, Specialty Juniper- Associate, Professional, Specialty Oracle - All exams Microsoft - All exams SAFe- All exams Scrum- All Exams Azure & many more…
Contact Us : WhatsApp :- https://wa.link/pnespm
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rupasriymts · 17 hours
Top IT training classes to improve your skills
IT training classes at Takeoffupskill are essential for anyone looking to improve their skills in the technology field. Takeoffupskill offers a variety of courses designed to teach people about computers, software, and other tech-related topics. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience, there is a class for you. Beginners can learn the basics of using a computer, navigating the internet, and understanding common software programs. More advanced classes might cover topics like coding, cyber security, or data analysis.
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Taking IT training classes at Takeoffupskill can greatly benefit your career. In today's world, many jobs require some level of tech knowledge. By improving your IT skills, you can become more efficient at work, solve problems more quickly, and take on more complex tasks. These skills can make you a valuable asset to any company and increase your chances of getting promoted or finding a better job.
Takeoffupskill offers IT training classes in many formats. You can take them in person at a local community center, college, or private training facility. Online classes are also very popular and offer flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Many online classes provide video lectures, interactive exercises, and forums where you can ask questions and get help from instructors and fellow students
Overall, IT training classes at Takeoffupskill are a smart investment in your future. They equip you with important skills that are in high demand and can open up many new career opportunities. Whether you are looking to start a new career in tech or simply want to improve your current job performance, IT training classes at Takeoffupskill can help you achieve your goals.
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amanblog1 · 8 days
Digital Marketing for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide by DSOM Dehradun
Are you considering a career in digital marketing but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field with immense opportunities, but it can be overwhelming for beginners. At DSOM Dehradun, we offer the best digital marketing course in Dehradun to help you navigate this exciting industry. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to digital marketing for beginners.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with current and prospective customers.
Why Choose a Career in Digital Marketing?
High Demand: With the rise of online businesses, the demand for digital marketing professionals has surged.
Diverse Opportunities: From content creation to SEO and social media management, there’s a niche for everyone.
Flexibility: Many digital marketing jobs offer remote working opportunities and flexible hours.
Creative Freedom: Digital marketing allows for creative expression in content creation, campaign development, and more.
Key Components of Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages, thereby increasing organic traffic.
Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience.
Social Media Marketing: Using social media platforms to promote products, engage with customers, and build brand awareness.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: A model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.
Email Marketing: Sending commercial messages to a group of people using email, often to promote products or services.
Analytics: Measuring and analyzing the performance of your digital marketing efforts to optimize strategies and achieve better results.
Getting Started with Digital Marketing
Learn the Basics: Start by understanding the fundamental concepts of digital marketing. Online resources, blogs, and introductory courses can be helpful.
Enroll in a Comprehensive Course: For a structured learning path, consider enrolling in the best digital marketing course in Dehradun at DSOM Dehradun. Our course covers all aspects of digital marketing with hands-on training.
Gain Practical Experience: Apply what you’ve learned by working on real-world projects. This could include internships, freelancing, or even working on your own website or blog.
Stay Updated: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Follow industry blogs, attend webinars, and join professional networks to stay current with the latest trends and best practices.
Build a Portfolio: Showcase your skills and accomplishments by building a portfolio of your work. This can be a great asset when applying for jobs.
Why Choose DSOM Dehradun?
At DSOM Dehradun, we pride ourselves on offering the best digital marketing course in Dehradun. Here’s why our course stands out:
Experienced Faculty: Learn from industry experts with extensive real-world experience.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers all key areas of digital marketing, ensuring you gain in-depth knowledge.
Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience by working on live projects and case studies.
Placement Assistance: Benefit from our strong network of industry connections and receive support in finding job opportunities.
Flexible Learning Options: We offer flexible schedules, including weekday and weekend batches, to cater to your needs.
Embarking on a career in digital marketing is a smart choice in today’s digital age. With the right training and resources, you can build a successful career in this dynamic field. DSOM Dehradun is here to guide you every step of the way with the best digital marketing course in Dehradun. Join us and start your journey towards becoming a digital marketing expert.
By choosing DSOM, you're investing in a comprehensive and practical digital marketing education that prepares you for a successful career in the field.
Ready to take the first step toward your digital marketing success story?
Contact DSOM Dehradun-
🌎Website- https://www.dsom.in/
DSOM Dehradun: Empowering your digital future!
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ukbeautys-blog · 2 months
Pursue Beauty Courses with UK International | Best Beauty School In Noida | UK International
Have you ever felt like the universe of beauty is your calling? Do you have a desire of being an best beautician? If so, it would be better if you are prepared to produce gorgeous appearance designs and mark yourself visible in the beauty industry.Look no further! promoting many interesting subjects for people who are trying to become real beauticians.
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UK International London Beauty School, believe me, that this institution represents the best choice for everyone who wish to get involved in the beauty industry and develop their individual approach to beauty. We have a deep history of top-notch performance in the beauty domain with the added advantage of always being at the cutting edge of innovation and development. Thus, we have developed a highly comprehensive course that teachers students the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence for survival in the competitive world of this field.
Why UK International London Beauty School | Best Beauty School In Noida |
1. World-Class Training: The student body of the beauty school has been made the talk of the town, because of our uniquely superb training programmes, that have been imparted by the gurus in the industry and the professionals who have experience in the trade. However, we will not focus mainly on beauty techniques, we will cover a variety of subjects: from the basic steps to all the most sophisticated art. This will ensure that our students are well prepared and are getting a good 360-degree education.
2. Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Lead the class with our curriculam of the latest, advanced knowledge that includes the current trends, styles, and tools in the beauty industry. Either hairdressing, makeup artistry, skincare, or nail care, our courses’ objectives are to accrue knowledge and familiarize it with students.
3.Hands-On Experience:At UK International London Beauty School we take the approach that the best way to learn is to give you a real experience. And this is purpose of our trainings, to make practitioners pass through a lot of exercises, experiencing this on the real tech in a supportive and motivational environment. Student will have gone through various experiences while working on live models including industry events, workshops which will offer them the “real world opportunities” that they can challenge themselves.
4. Industry Connections:We have created partnerships with the industry’s top brands and professionals to maximize our credibility as a first-rate beauty school. In addition to internships, job placement assistance, and networking events, students will be able to start their careers by offering them a launch pad into the industry and through creating connections.
5. Flexible Learning Options:We recognize that each individual learns in a specific way, hence why we provide the opportunity for students to choose their style of learning. Be it, however, you would like to study full-time or part-time, during weekdays or on weekends, or whether you would like to enroll in a program that meets your time and commitments, we do have a program that fits you and we stands as the best beauty school in noida.
Profession as the Beautician with the UK International London Beauty School
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UK International Beauty School London is a place where you can discover and bring out your inner celebrity beautician. Driven by our learning expertise, with our modern workspaces and ceaseless care, with our professional learning environment, and by the end of the classes, you will have a better understanding of why Beautician is our passion, why it is your goal and why you can be “The Best Beautician” that you dream to achieve with the best beauty school in noida, UK international.
Uk International is the best beauty school in noida. Can you provide the best beautician course near me? We are the best bridal makeup course providers, and we provide you with all the different types of courses, such as cosmetology courses, haircuts, chemical makeup courses, and many more. UK International gives you 100% job assistance, and we are the one where the skill meets the expertise. our academy has the best trainers to make you the best artist in this field. our course runs on the latest modules to provide you with the best quality education.
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uswanth-123 · 2 months
SAP Controlling Training
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The Essential Guide to SAP Controlling Training: Master Cost Management
SAP Controlling (CO) is an integral module within the SAP ERP system. It empowers businesses with the tools they need to make informed financial decisions, streamline cost monitoring, and optimize profitability. If you're interested in a career in finance or looking to upskill for your current role, SAP Controlling training is an excellent investment.
Let's explore why SAP CO training matters and how you can get started.
Why SAP Controlling Training is Crucial
Informed Decision-Making: SAP CO provides real-time insights into costs, revenues, and profitability across all aspects of your business. This data is used to support strategic decision-making.
Cost Optimization: Identify areas where costs can be reduced, processes can be streamlined, and efficiency can be improved. SAP CO helps you pinpoint inefficiencies and optimize your spending.
Budgeting and Forecasting: Create accurate budgets and forecasts based on historical data and current trends, which will allow for better resource allocation.
Compliance: Adhere to financial reporting standards and regulations with accurate and transparent cost accounting.
What You'll Learn in SAP Controlling Training
A good SAP CO training program will cover fundamentals like:
Core Modules of SAP CO:
Cost Element Accounting
Cost Center Accounting
Product Costing
Profitability Analysis
Internal Orders
Profit Center Accounting
Integration with Other Modules: Understand how SAP CO interacts with Financial Accounting (FI), Production Planning (PP), Materials Management (MM), and Sales and Distribution (SD).
Reporting and Analytics: Generate detailed reports and analyses to visualize cost data and identify trends.
Choosing the Right SAP Controlling Training
Here's what to look for when selecting a training program:
Format: You can choose between classroom training, online courses, or self-paced learning; your learning style and availability matter.
Provider: Look for reputable training providers with experienced instructors and positive reviews. SAP also offers its training.
Prerequisites: Some courses may require basic accounting or SAP knowledge. Read the requirements carefully.
Certifications: Consider programs that prepare you for the SAP CO certification exam, validating your expertise.
Benefits of Becoming SAP CO Certified
Career Advancement: Demonstrate your skills and knowledge to employers, increasing your chances of landing a better job or promotion.
Increased Earning Potential: SAP-certified professionals generally command higher salaries.
Global Recognition: Your certification is globally recognized, opening up job opportunities internationally.
Start Your SAP Controlling Journey
SAP Controlling training is your gateway to a rewarding cost management and financial analysis career. By investing in your skills, you'll gain the knowledge needed to support organizations in making smart, cost-effective decisions that drive success.
You can find more information about SAP Fico in this SAP FICO Link
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rplmesblog · 3 months
The Importance of an RPL Trade Certificate
Whether you’re a migrant seeking to change careers, getting a promotion or just starting work in Australia, RPL can make the difference. This process uses your existing construction and trade skills to give you nationally recognised qualifications in a much shorter timeframe.
It’s all about assessing your past study and life experience to see how it can be counted towards your new course. Here’s how it works:
Boost Your Pride and Self-Esteem
Whether you’re already working in the field and want to get a formal qualification, or you’re interested in making a career change, an RPL trade certificate is an option that can make the process faster. The RPL certification, which stands for recognition of prior learning, allows you to assess your skills and experience against the requirements for a particular qualification or industry standard.
Often, people who work manual jobs in industries such as construction, electrical services or painting tend to have less pride and self-esteem for their work. This is largely due to the perception that such jobs are considered low-paying. However, getting an RPL certification can help them understand that they have the same level of intelligence and hard-working abilities as many other workers in higher-paying positions.
It also helps them move forward in their careers without having to spend years on study and can increase their chances of getting better, more reliable jobs.
It Makes It Easier to Change Roles or Start a New Career
If you have worked in your trade for years but don’t have a formal qualification to back it up, it can be difficult to get a job or upgrade. Some aspiring license holders pursue RPL because they don’t have the time to undertake classroom training, or they want a quicker and more cost-effective route than traditional methods.
RPL or Recognition of Prior Learning is an assessment process that considers your work experience, study and life skills to formally award you with a qualification. It can also help you get into a course and reduce the number of units you need to do.
It requires you to put together a portfolio of evidence which could include training records, job descriptions, references and other documentation. A visit from an assessor is also sometimes involved. It can be a time-consuming process, so it’s worth planning ahead and setting aside some time each week to complete the tasks required.
It Enhances Your Perception of Learning as a Lifelong Process
Whether you’re a digital marketer, business lawyer, or pre purchase building inspector, there may come a time when your skills and experience warrant an upgrade to the next level. This could mean a promotion or even higher compensation packages. But it can be hard to get there if you don’t have the qualifications to back up your abilities.
The good news is that RPL offers an alternative pathway to earning a qualification. This is especially important for people who are working in fields that lack formal training opportunities. The drawback, however, is that the qualifications made accessible through RPL procedures tend to be non-formal or semi-formal. This means that they are often not recognised in the labour market (cf. Maurer, 2019).
In addition, the RPL process often shortens the duration of courses for certifications and diplomas. This helps to motivate students, particularly those who may be discouraged by the length of time it takes to earn a particular qualification.
It Can Help You Secure a Job
If you’re a migrant with previous work experience or qualifications from your home country that aren’t valid in Australia, getting an RPL can improve your international immigration process and speed up the time it takes to get a job. It also helps you reduce the amount of study required to earn your Australian qualification.
RPL is all about recognising the skills you’ve gained through work and life experiences, so they can be applied to current training course requirements. It’s a quick and easy way to advance your career, change roles, or even start a new one.
Many people find themselves in situations where they know they have the skills for a specific role, but they don’t have the formal qualifications to prove it. This can be frustrating and hold back your potential. By earning an rpl trade certificate, you can demonstrate the skills you have to employers. This can help you secure a job and take your career to the next level.
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Canada and the US have been dependent on road logistics for a very long time as both nations share similar product needs which promotes trade exchange. Statistics show that there is a shortage of truck drivers in the year 2019. Currently, Canada reports being short of around 25,000 truck drivers while the US reports a whopping shortage of around 60,000 drivers. This is predicted to increase over the next few years.
The American Trucking Association projects that freight volume will increase by almost 30% by 2026. Foreign trade has increased demand, with trucking still the primary method of transporting goods. Drivers and dispatchers will continue to be needed to meet the growing industry.
Work from Home opportunities Dispatchers can work from home as long as they use the right technology. A cloud-based Trucking Management Software integrated with tracking and communication tools to connect with customers on one side and drivers on the other. AFM Suite(AVAAL Freight Management) meets these criteria by offering an All-In-One, web-based solution, fully integrated with a Driver Mobile App for smooth communication, tracking, and file exchange with dispatchers.
Salaries and Benefits Dispatchers' average salary is usually between $38,790 ($18.65/hour) to $64,940 ($31.22/hour) depending on the experience, performance, and employers. Drivers’ and dispatchers' demand will continue to grow over the years. It looks to be a stable career path for at least the coming 10 years.
Work Schedule This is normally a full-time position, but dispatchers can be on call 24/7, available to step in should a driver become ill or injured or if some other unforeseen event should occur. Additionally, drivers aren't on their routes only during business hours, so this job isn't always confined to Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Education Extensive education is not typically required, but some college background can help you land a job. You'll usually need at least a high school diploma or GED to become a truck dispatcher, but an associate or bachelor's degree is sometimes preferred.
At AVAAL, we rely on our decades of experience to provide custom-fit training for students interested in starting a career in trucking or/and starting their own trucking business with a solid foundation and the right support.
Training & Certification Thousands of students have trusted AVAAL to start or boost their careers and move on with better opportunities. We consider training as the best personal investment someone can make; knowledge is power, and all achievements will emanate from it.
After the pandemic, we made our training classes, Dispatch and Safety, available both in-person and online to overcome the geographical boundaries and reach all students in North America who are looking to make the move and get into the trucking industry.
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