#or unique in any way but that’s what I got JAKSNF
t-tomuras · 5 months
what are yours and your fav’s little idiosyncrasies the other adores and maybe one they don’t like as much if ur feeling spiiiiicy
This took forever because I am THE WORST lol I even had to look up the definition about this so I also want to use the physical attribute that they adore
I have a few severed nerves in my face so when I smile one side of my lip / face doesn’t rise as much as the other does. It’s gotten better over time (or like maybe I’ve gotten better about favoring the other side so it doesn’t look weird) but the boys love it. Gyuutaro always passes his thumb over the apple of my cheek and grins and Ten always kisses that side of my face first even if he’s positioned on the other side.
They also both like (and have adopted incredibly easily) how I don’t like to talk about nightmares in particular before breakfast. It’s a weird superstition I was taught growing up that you shouldn’t talk about a nightmare before you’ve eaten or it’ll come true (how that makes sense I’ll never know)
And I don’t think it’s a weird behavior, maybe it is who knows LMAO but one they don’t like is when it’s time for bed and I have too much energy I WILLLLLL rut my hips at them lmaooo. Gyuutaro thinks it’s funny for like 2 seconds then it’s like ALRIGHT CALM DOWN Ten will immediately turn around and scowl before arranging us to where I’m now little spoon and cannot pretend to give them the good dick™️ lmao
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