danchxku · 6 years
Orange Blues | Fem/Idol!AU
It was one thing to watch your favourite idol on TV or listen to their music while on the train to college ---- but to actually stand in front of them (kind of), looking up to the stage as they performed live was a whole different thing, really. The screaming fans around him, the glowsticks being moved around according to the rhythm of the songs, cheering, yelling, singing along, it sure was wild. And the way that redheaded girl was smiling and singing, dancing and performing, it had Ryuu right there on the spot. She was absolutely stunning, not even in a creepy-”I-want-to-kidnap-her-and-make-her-my-girlfriend” way, but more so in a manner that he respected her deeply, looked up to her artistic traits and really wanted to see her succeed with her career. 
People kept cheering her name ‘ORENJI-CHAAAAN!!!’ even when she was finishing the act, walking off stage after thanking everyone, it was mesmerising. That’s when it hit Danchiku -- the show was over, it’s time to go home. That after-event-depression hit him harder and sooner than it should, really. Everyone kept mentioning that phenomenon, but Ryuu was under the impression that people just exaggerated and tried to be over-dramatic about it. And here he was -- actually feeling that gloomy feeling first-hand. It was so odd, the afterglow of this show simply rolling down into a rather sad and triste emotion. 
Though, as everyone was busy talking and making friends out there, Ryuu just observed the stage a little longer, noticing a small staircase that led towards the backstage. Backstage, huh. His heart was racing when he thought about it -- he knew, he could’ve gotten into trouble for thinking about this, or rather, acting out his thoughts -- but before he could tell himself to do the most reasonable thing, he climbed over the small railing that kept the fans from going to the stage and sneaked his way up the stairs. This was exciting him way too much -- perhaps he could find a way to pretend he was a VIP-guest, someone with backstage-tickets... or a rookie-roadie that nobody knew too well, so, nobody recalled his face. Surely, it would be easier for him, because he didn’t necessarily wear a fan-shirt, or anything to indicate he was a fan, after putting away the glowstick to his bag, nobody could tell. 
His heartbeat was throbbing against his throat, it was hard to breathe. Once he noticed roadies and other staff, he was hiding around a corner, behind some packages that were probably filled with water bottles and whatnot for the idols and anyone else who had to quench their thirst from the hard work. Moving quietly, almost as sneaky as a ninja would, he made it to a room, the door opened slightly and light beaming from inside -- could that be?!?!
As he approached the door and opened it lightly, he saw a glimpse of her -- Orenji-chan -- all he wanted was to ask her for a signature on some merch he brought with him, just to take a picture with her, it would be alright, wouldn’t it?! Of course, he wouldn’t hassle her if she was busy, or if she was changing, really, but thankfully, she just sat on a couch, probably talking to a manager or producer. Preparing himself mentally, he inhaled sharply, wanting to enter to room, though suddenly someone grabbed him under his armpits causing the guy to gasp in shock and accidentally open the door a little rougher than he intended to, struggling slightly for it was hard to breathe the way that (presumably) bodyguard groped him.  
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Ryuu was terrified beyond belief -- and it was somewhat visible on his usual stoic face as he was mortified that Orenji-chan would think the same of him -- a nasty pig?!?! “N-No!! NO! It’s not like that!!! I just wanted an autograph from Orenji-chan!!! I’ll be out of here, I don’t want trouble!”
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