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Absolutely unhinged subposting from the account that calls anti-Zionist Jews the most vitriolic antisemitic slurs, so let’s clear this up.
This organisation is Communist— we stand against Capitalism, Imperialism, Facism. We organise for a fair future, free of corruption, monetary value, free of sex-based violence, free of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia. Complete dismantling of the class system. We stand for a future where there are no violently enforced borders, no ethnostates or Christo-Facist institutions, where religion is for the people not the State. We are Communist because we believe in Community over exploitation, over starvation, over war.
The hammer and sickle in our icon is indicative of our beliefs— unity of the international working classes.
We have not once said that “good real Jews are Marxists”— that is entirely their interpretation of our words— we believe everyone who is politically active should educate themselves on the Red Scare rhetoric of the Western empires, and the anti-Communist narrative that has been at the root of masses of violence across the globe. Judaism, much like Communism, is about community, liberation from oppression and building a better future for ALL. And a reminder that the Nazi Party targeted Communists, just as America does. So tell me again that all that you have been told about Socialist and Communist revolutionary movements is factual! The people who wage wars on developing Socialist nations will tell you Communism Bad as a matter of feeble self preservation.
If you are ill-educated on Communism or Marxism, and you jump to ride the bandwagon of anti-Communist narratives then that is YOUR responsibility. We offer resources and spaces for discussion, debate and insight.
Spot-the-antisemitism has deliberately misconstrued our messages and what we stand for to push a very United States aligned, typically right-wing and violent narrative. This is the last time I will engage with any of their posts.
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