harvestafarming · 3 years
Popular Ghee Products In Hyderabad?
Why Nature's Trunk Ghee Is Popular
Nature's Trunk has its own gaushala to produce natural milk products like ghee and A2 cow milk/ghee. We discovered that ghee is high in Vitamin A, D, E, K, and Omega-3s. This ghee will provide you with an immediate energy boost while also protecting your body from illnesses.
Still, this organic ghee is one of the stylish choices, if you want the topmost flavor and rate. It also carries the FSSAI certificate, indicating that this ghee is safe to consume.
Our Company policy is to prepare ghee without touching hands and without using any preservatives. the method we follow to make ghee. Milking by hand in a traditional way, then converting the milk into curd after it is hand-churned with Bilona to obtain butter. The final thing is to heat the butter to get the purest form of Ghee.
Better joint health, glossy hair, luminous skin, improved immunity, and improved heart health are among the other advantages. It has a granular texture with a complex scent and flavor. As a result, you may use this ghee to make a variety of recipes.
Is Ghee Good For Health?
Ghee is packed with essential fatty acids, butyric acids, and medium-chain triglycerides, which aids in clearing the clogged fat and getting rid of it. The omega fatty acids in ghee help to increase lean body mass and reduce fat mass. With all these amazing properties, ghee is a great value-add to your weight loss diet.
Nutritional Values.
1. Energy Cal/100g 890.4
2. carbohydrates mg/100g 0.0
3. Cholesterol g/100g 228
4. Proteins g/100g 0.3
5. Saturated fat g/100g 68.6
6. Trans fat g/100g 2.70
7. Monounsaturated
fatty acid
g/100g 25.0
8. Polyunsaturated fatty
g/100g 3.50
9. Moisture % <0.1
10. Vitamin A IU/100g 2931
11. Vitamin D mg/100g 1.61
12. Vitamin K µg/100g 13.2
13. Casein Protein % <0.2
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