#organised crime targets lonely f1 driver au?
f1-disaster-bi · 8 months
BIG YES to new mafia au pls. but also omg please what is this rumour?? is there a link to the reddit post?
I don't have the link but I think it was the deuxmoi reddit? The rumour is McLaren are annoyed at Lando because he keeps getting robbed when having one night stands and allegedly crime groups are now targeting him by this method 🤣
Which then gave birth to this little scene here:
Charles spotted his mark pretty easily. He had only just entered the high end VIP bar of the hotel when he spotted his mark alone at the bar. It was pretty empty for a Thursday night, and his mark was sipping at a drink that seemed to be a violent pink colour. He wasn't even dressed to fit the atmosphere of the bar. He was just wearing a simple pale blue hoodie over jeans and what were expensive sneakers. His hair was left free and messy, and probably hadn't been combed in at least a day which had Charles rolling his eyes a bit but hey, the look was cute. And it always helped when his mark was cute. It made it so much easier to seduce them and sleep with them. Then, once they were put cold, he could make away with some of their stupidly expensive watches or all the cash in their wallets before they woke up for a round two. An easy job, and one Charles often enjoyed because he liked sex and robbing dumb rich people of their things so he and his crew could feed their families. As he approached his mark, Lando as the brief had informed him, Charles knew this would be like any other job. "One vodka and lime, please", Charles asked as he settled at the bar, leaving a space between himself and Lando. The formula one rising star gave him a quick side ways glance. His eyes widened a little when Charles met his gaze, and a cute pink blush filled out over freckled cheeks, "Hi there, I'm Charles" He offered his hand out to Lando who shook it with a warm cautious hand. "Lando", the other answered softly before dropping his hand and turning away from Charles. "It's a beautiful night, no?" Charles continued, tapping his card when prompted by the bartender and accepting his drink, "So what brings you here, Lando?" He made sure to let his accent slip more on his name, and to bat his eyes as he sipped at his drink through his straw. "Work", Lando hummed but otherwise tried to keep to himself which annoyed Charles, but he liked a challenge. "Oh? And what kind of work has a cute man like you sitting here all alone?", Charles hummed, reaching out to touch Lando’s arm. Instead of making the other melt and turn towards him, the touch just made Lando sigh as he finished his drink. Charles watched in surprise as he started to undo his watch and held it out to Charles. "Just take it. We don't need to do this whole dance where I think a guy actually might be interested in me only to rob me, alright? I'm tired of it, so take the watch, and just leave me alone please"
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