#originalfic onajihanashi
franchesse · 9 years
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[Original Fic–Onaji Hanashi is my inspiration, please kindly to check this song!]
•All the time we share the same story•
No light were on. This room I’ve been leaving for several days because dozen of task theacer’s gave me for this past week. I’m still strugling to used to this kind of schedule as Nursery college, especially the scholarship one. Far from their country, family and the one they love.
“I’m home…” I said quitely, of course there will be no answer, I live alone afterall. I walked to the table that my PC were sat on, left my bag across the room and started to turn on the machine and connect it through internet. Skype icon clicked by me. There, Monogatari808 appeared on the screen asked for video call.
I can’t help but smiled at the screen as my PC’s camera turn it small flash and this named face show. It was he, and he is my boyfriend from my home town country smiled gently at me. His “Hi,” made my heart’s went crazy.
It’s just a simple greeting he always did whenever we’re have a chat like this. But today it feels so different, is it just me who overacted over simple thing or what? I dunno.
“Hi,” I greet him back, “How have you been?”
“I’ve been fine since you were here in front of me, darling. How about you?”
“Cheesy…” I chuckled, “I’m fine if you asked my condition.”
“I got it, you’re home sick aren’t you?”
“Maybe… I want to meet you soon, here it’s a bit lonely and the task didn’t help at all.”
“You should bare with it, dear. It’s your dream and I know you can make it,” he smiled again, more gentle than the last one. The more I saw his figure through this small screen, I feel hollow. How can I survive here without him nor my family and friends in someone’s country? What’s so good about dream if it made you distance with people that you love? Now, the sudden realization hit me. About my parents that against my will to take this scholarship, about my friends who said that I should stay but I refuse to heard because of stuborness. I start to regret…
I want to go home.
I want to share the warm feel with people I love.
I want to meet him, for REAL. Not with this shitty skype thingy.
The water that I hold back behind my eyes start to flow along with his voice and story about his day this past week when we can’t met. I sniffled tried to hold the tears but of course if failed. He realized it and stop his story, his face made a worried looked.
“Are you okay?” His first question.
I didn’t answer still trying to hold the tears. My mind is full of sad thing and regret ‘cause my heart hurts. I want to go home… I want to said sorry to my parents and friends about my stupidtidy. And the most, I didn’t want him to saw me at this state, crying over my decission like a child.
“I-I’m sorry…” I said, “I want to sleep, you don’t mind right if I offline now?”
“I do mind, if you don’t tell what’s wrong with you,” he answered firmly.
“I’m sleepy,” I lied of course. I’m not sleepy at all, what I wanted was chat with him all night long, revenge for this week we haven’t met each other. But I didn’t want this tears poured in front of him, I want him to knew me as big girl not a child as he used to know when we’re still at the same state. I want him to smile more often than worried like this!
“Stop acting like you don’t have a boyfriend.”
I looked at him shocked of his words. He never said something so like that before. I’ve lied about my puffy eyes and wet checks a lot of time to him, but never in any time he said something like I didn’t have him as my boyfriend. He always so caring 'till the point I’m worried about himself being too kind to me.
“Am… I?” I questioned to myself, but it seems he heard it.
“Yes, you are. I know you lied every time you cried when we’re still on the same state. I forgave you back then, but not today when we’re away from each other. We need trust more than anything.
…and if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you like this, I feel useless as your boyfriend. Most, you don’t trust me.”
“I am sorry…” said me. “I don’t want to be here anymore, I don’t have motivation left to continue this dream anymore.”
It’s a minutes paused before he chuckled. “Sorry…so you’re really home sick?”
I nodded.
“Why are you home sick?”
“I miss everything that I leave, my family, friends especially you…”
“If you were go back here, what will you get?”
“They’re presence?”
“And what will you loose?”
I stopped before answered it. “….my dream? Is it really your goal?”
“What goal do you mean, darla?” He laughed. “I just want to remind you to something that precious to you. 'If you don’t give up I don’t know what will you through and get but if you do give up, I can say that you will have nothing,’ hehe.”
“Don’t use that quotes to me 'because I know everything,’” I grinned at him.
“No, no, you can’t beat me, Seena dear. Because 'the one who can beat me is me.’”
“Urgh–shut this impersonate conversation up-nanodayo.”
“You’re the one who didn’t stop-ssu yo.”
“FINE, I’ll stop and so did the convo, 'kay?” I puffed my checks, tease him.
“Mmh, okay….. I’ll be offline first than good-”
“NO!! Don’t leave meeeeeeeeh, please!!!”
Again, that guy laughed full of victory. “If you insist then, let’s have an all night convo, shall we?”
Hola and sorry I didn’t post fanfic like what I said at the last post haha. I’ve write Neji half way but feel don’t want to continue it sooooo no fanfic until my mood come back.
Also, sorry if I write typo or grammatical errors.
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