#orv lsw
almond-tofu-chan · 5 months
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more orv as posts because i am not okay
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crumblingink · 11 months
The Most Ancient Dream wakes up to a hospital room, when instead it should have been the grey, dingy metal of the subway he'd been living in for the past... hm.. ...
"I wonder how long it's been..." he muses to himself. It's definitely been an undoubtedly long time. He'd say he's been there for eternity, but he's not there now, and even if he can't remember, he knows that he wasn't there in the beginning.
The Fourth Wall probably knows. All sorts of information get recorded within the sentient wall. Surely, a record for the years he's been here would be in there somewhere, but he's a little afraid to ask.
He finds the prospect of forever to be frightening when nothing in his life has lasted for long. He knows this for a fact, but he doesn't have any examples to rely on.
It's in the middle this thought when, without warning, the door to the room opens, and a very familiar figure walks in--
--and promptly drops the glass of water she'd been holding. She looks as brittle as the broken glass cup.
The Most Ancient Dream wonders where he is, to be facing her at this time. Certainly not the subway cabin he wishes he was back in.
( sometimes, when he wasn't dreaming of or watching Yoo Joonghyuk, he'd find himself in odd places. )
The Constellation decides that this is a very weird dream, one that is spurred on from The Fourth Wall trying to make him remember his... morals..??
He's never met a Lee Seolwha in person, but she insists that they've known each other. And that, apparently, The Most Ancient Dream does not remember what made him... "him." He thinks it's foolish for Lee Seolwha to try to compact her version of his essence into something like a human, when he's anything but.
It's not exactly arrogance that makes the Constellation remind her of that. Like his name suggests - because "Kim Dokja" is a terrible name, and really, his imagination should be better when naming himself - The Most Ancient Dream is incredibly old.
And, it's been an incredibly long time since "he" was human, if Lee Seolwha is to be believed. According to the dream doctor, he's spent a good few years being a mix of a Constellation, a Demon King, and.... an Angel? The Fruit of Good and Evil was an interesting concept he'd thought about before. The Oldest Dream wonders if it and he would be discernable upon consumption and how affected he'd be with The Fourth Wall blocking emotions.
Despite the very amusing things she's been saying that's contradicting her character,  Lee Seolwha's written nature is to be a very kind and skilled doctor. It shows as she checks up on his physical state.  He feels safe, and The Most Ancient Dream supposes that feeling comes from knowing her for a millenia, in the only way something like him can know someone. He knows her capabilities, and even if he's fine without it, he appreciates this weird dream's gestures.
When she leaves him for a moment, The Oldest Dream entertains the idea of possessing a body that belongs to someone else. It'd align with the claims the woman was confident in saying, but there was definitely no one who would fit the criteria.
No one he could remember, anyway. Who'd be as crazy and self sacrificial to save all those other people? The Oldest Dream doesn't think he'd ever be close enough to anyone to do that, if it were him.
( The Oldest Dream has only looked the doctor in the eyes once, when she first opened the door. Something in him pains to see her face. )
She comes in again, this time with a tray of soup and water. The smell wafts over, and he didn't even know he could feel hunger in dreams.
"They'll want to see you, you know." She speaks, unprompted, carefully setting the food on his lap. The weight feels so real, and faint warmth seeps into his bones.
The Most Ancient Dream focuses on the futile attempt of steadying his hands to eat a spoonful before responding. He wonders why this dream version of himself is so weak. Maybe he's always been this pathetic and was just lying to himself about his capabilities.
The Constellation misses the subway cabin because there he wouldn't have to talk about things he'd rather not mention. Sure, The Fourth Wall would be there, but he's gotten used to that existence. He doesn't know how to face this Lee Seolwha. Knowing it's a dream doesn't help him escape or change the plot of events from unfolding, as powerful as he may be.
"....I," he begins, and then stops. He looks towards the windows. He wonders why he's humoring her. She and his protagonist go well together. The Most Ancient Dream has seen them together many times, but she had never been his favorite. Still, he decides to think about it.
The Constellation doesn't truly know who these people are that she's talking about, the ones who apparently risked their lives and wasted their time, but already he knows how it'll end.
"I'm not the same." Is what he settles with. The Oldest Dream watched his protagonist far too many times to feel any semblance of pretend comfort.
Just as Yoo Joonghyuk felt burning confusion and despair when meeting his companions who hadn't remembered in the first few regressions, these strangers will only feel soul crushing guilt, remorse, and despair when they realize "he" does not remember.
He does not like this dream anymore, and he does not wish to meet any more people.
The Most Ancient Dream might not remember who exactly "he" was, or the characteristics of the person he could be taking possession of, but he'd like to think he wouldn't enjoy any first-hand levels of pure agony meeting futile attempts.
"Lee Seolwha-ssi," The Most Ancient Dream begins again, after a pause, "would you be so kind to me when you realize what, exactly, I am?" He thinks this question can have a lot of answers, and he wonders what his subconscious will tell him now. The Constellation still doesn't look at her.
For starters, "he" was a Demon King. The feathery mass behind "his" back, easy to carry as "his" muscles stretched and pulled three times "his" original size, but heavy enough to remind "him" of "his" devilry. They were massive, reaching from the top of "his" head, all the way down to "his" feet. "His" horns sprouted from "his" skull, piercing "his" skin in a bloody red. Elegant, but painful.
Or, perhaps maybe a liar. The doctor mentioned in passing that "he" said "he'd" come back, that "he'd" leave the subway. And yet here he is, years late, and wanting to go back and to wake up. He's even forgotten about the people Lee Seolwha desperately wants "him" to meet, and isn't that the most ruthless lie yet?
Above all, however, "he" was a Constellation. Is one now, now that The Most Ancient Dream is here. He doesn't personally know any other Constellations, but he knows he's no different on a fundamental level. He consumes the stories of others to live because he's too pathetic to live on his own. It's ironic how the more power he has, the less he's able to live by himself.
"Dokja-ssi," Lee Seolwha begins slowly. Her hands gently cup The Most Ancient Dream's hands, who have stilled. Selfishly, he keeps himself from moving because it's been so long since he's felt a semblance of human warmth. "You said you don't remember us, so why are you trying to decide how we'll react?"
"Because I've seen the horrors of disappointment, and how raw the aching is once hope is ripped apart. Lee Seolwha-ssi, I have lived for a very, very long time." At his words, the doctor's face hardens, mouth set in a firm line. He doesn't see this, as his face is still turned away.
"Kim-- no, The Most Ancient Dream-ssi. Let us teach you how to live. You know too much about the future, and you choose to forget about the past, but you don't know how to handle the present. Even now, you can't look me in the eyes, because you don't know my answer to the question of your identity." Lee Seolwha slips her hands away, and places the cup of water in his hands. "You must be tired, so I'll leave you."
With that, she stands up, and walks towards the door. He wonders what will happen once she leaves, and if she's the tie to this particular dream.
"Doctor," The Most Ancient Dream calls. He's turned to watch when her hand reaches the doorknob, "don't tell them I'm awake."
This time, it's her who doesn't look back.
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sofonn · 1 year
I will never recover from the damage that last webtoon chapters gave me (in question: took away my babygirl lhs's boobs)
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and + credits to the original comics, i find it hillarious
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+ version with spoiler
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pttucker · 8 months
"You don't need skills that aren't for combat. "But Dokja-ssi has this skill as well?" Yoo Joonghyuk's eyebrows twitched. "Kim Dokja has this skill?" "Yes, he said this is required if you want to be popular with constellations…" "That guy wants to be an idol." Yoo Joonghyuk gritted his teeth and kept moving. Lee Seolhwa looked at Yoo Joonghyuk like he was funny. She didn't know why but this cold-hearted man became angry whenever he heard Kim Dokja's name. Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes shifted towards a stand. –50% discount on skill books.
Joonghyuk looking at all the "useless" skills available to purchase:
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Joonghyuk looking at all the "useless" skills available to purchase .2 seconds after learning that Dokja bought one:
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aishirakawa · 10 months
Lee Seolhwa and Yoo Joonghyuk is the epitome of "I love you in every universe and I will always search for you no matter what".
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Her 🥰
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almond-tofu-chan · 8 months
shoutout to Yoo Mia and Lee Seolwha, both extremely important characters (literally yjh’s sister and ex-wife) who never get to do anything, they’re deadass two of my fave characters
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pttucker · 8 months
It was a bustling street reminiscent of a battlefield. On the way to the auction house, countless merchants were selling all types of items. Yoo Joonghyuk spoke behind him. "Go quickly." Despite his harsh words, Yoo Joonghyuk was constantly concerned with Lee Seolhwa's movements. He blocked the front of her like he was worried she would be hurt by the passing incarnations and constellations. Some of the incarnations cursed him but Yoo Joonghyuk didn't care.
The wise know that when dealing with Yoo Joonghyuk, his actions always speak louder than his words. In fact, just ignore everything that comes out of his mouth entirely.
Now if only a certain oblivious squid could figure that out...
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