#orv novel chapters 369-371
pttucker ยท 8 months
They scammed the scammer!!!
Well, okay, yeah, maybe calling it a scam is a bit much since it was all very disjointed and it doesn't seem like Sooyoung or Joonghyuk were actually working together and it was still very possible somebody was going to die if the right things weren't said or the right actions weren't taken, at exactly the right times, but it worked out in the end!
Also... awwwwwww.
I really didn't think Sooyoung was actually dead at any point (because it's Sooyoung) and I've been hoping that Dokja was going to be able to get through to Joonghyuk (if Joonghyuk hadn't already decided not to kill him) but I didn't at all expect that this was actually a plot to get through to Dokja.
Dokja basically having to be tricked into actually defending himself (both verbally and physically) and yet still being unable (and unwilling) to tell his side or apologize because he doesn't feel he deserves to be forgiven ๐Ÿ˜ญ and instead relying on both Sooyoung and his and Joonghyuk's shared stories to speak for him. In fact, Sooyoung literally saying to his face that he sucks at telling his story.
And the fact that she says that both of them are bad at listening... I have the feeling what they're bad a listening to isn't necessarily other people's criticism and hate but instead the exact opposite. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
"How did it go?" "He went crazy and attacked me." Han Sooyoung smirked and lightly pinched Kim Dokja's cheek as if she was proud of him. "By the way, what's the matter with his chest?" "He's paying for making me eat dirt." "โ€ฆDirt??" "There is something like that."
Oh man though, Dokja just losing it not for himself, but for Sooyoung. For his happy ending he's been working so hard for where everyone gets to see the epilogue without becoming a monster along the way. His ending that's been completely reduced to ashes right before his eyes and he can't even process that everything he went through and everything he did means nothing. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
And then him just losing all willpower as he lets the devastation wash over him. As he lets the guilt wash over him. As he acknowledges, as always, that he can't ever possibly kill Joonghyuk. Just letting Joonghyuk attack him even after Dokja had him defeated. ๐Ÿ˜ญ Which is exactly what I feared would happen!!! Especially after the Fourth Wall thinned and that stupid Fruit started messing with his head!
Ugh! The Fruit of Good and Evil!!! Oh man, I hope that this helps tie up the loose ends and he doesn't continue to be affected by it (and his own general emotions that were already there) and just hate himself even more than he already did, thinking he's just a callous constellation who watched everyone's suffering for his own entertainment and possibly even contributed to it via his comments.
It was a book Dokja! A BOOK! It's completely different from being inside of the world and refusing to help, something which you have only ever done once, and that was out of pure necessity because you knew you weren't strong enough to help. And you immediately sent in someone else to help in your place as fast as you could.
And now I guess Joonghyuk is going to see exactly what that feels like. Uh...I assume Sangah dragged him into the wall??? Which sounds both hilarious and terrifying. I'm not certain Dokja can handle a mind Joonghyuk. Doesn't seem nearly as nice as having a mind Sangah. Though maybe Joonghyuk being able to see things from Dokja's eyes for once might do them a world of good, in addition to this "conversation" they just had that leveled the area.
Also...Joonghyuk, my guy...DON'T TRY TO BREAK DOKJA'S FOURTH WALL!!! Oh man, so he was actually trying to destroy that when he "cut him down" and while that's better than attacking Dokja himself...it's really not better. HE NEEDS THAT WALL JOONGHYUK!!!
The Fourth Wall thickening and thickening and thickening all through the fight too. I assumed it was to protect Dokja's mental state as he's going through all this (and probably that was part of it) but now I'm kind of wondering if it knew Joonghyuk was going to try to destroy it. Hmmm.
But at least Joonghyuk said he's a former Regressor, so I'm taking that to mean he's made his peace with everything and he's chosen to stay in this life with Dokja for certain? Even if he's a little too aggressive about wanting to break through the Fourth Wall and devour all of Dokja's (and TWSA's) secrets. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Oh, and now Sooyoung has Predictive Plagiarism? So that means all three of our main duo has some form of "prophetic powers" not to mention Sangah who's read all of TWSA too by now and also Anna Croft who's starting to be able to read Dokja's moves (very not happy about that, I hope it's just because the Fourth Wall isn't working properly here) and also Secretive Plotter and possibly Metatron via Secretive Plotter.
So...yeah...looks like we're maybe about to enter into a big battle of the prophets going forward.
Also, don't think I didn't notice that 1863rd's face was blurred just like Dokja's is blurred. But not blurred to Dokja. Hmmm.
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