#oscar isaac is a menace and i'm suffering
im-his-druidess · 2 years
I'm in a Cecil mood 🥺🥰
I mean...just look at him 😩👌
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years
Dune Part 1 - First viewing review
I just came back from having watched Dune Part 1, and yes it is Dune Part 1 in the opening credits of the movie, and I feel like its a movie where I could have radically different opinion of the film when I watch it again. I went into this movie with high expectations. Barring Enemy, which wasn't my cup of tea, I have loved all of Denis' movies since. Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 were all outstanding. Because Blade Runner 2049 was so good, it made very excited on how Denis would handle Dune. I am a big sci fi fan, but I haven't read Dune. Coming out of Dune, I can't help but feel like I missed something. The reactions have been so positive but I came out of this movie very underwhelmed. And it is possible I missed something, which is why I feel a second viewing is necessary.
Firstly, the good stuff is really good. There is just amazing artistry at work. On a technical level, the film is perfection. The scale of the production, the blending of practical locations and visual effects, the costume design etc... all are exquisite. The lore of the book is obviously very dense but the movie does an excellent job of setting up the lore so that newbies like me can understand. The actors are also obviously all top notch across the board. The first hour of the film is interesting. The build up of House Atreides, House Harkonnen, the rivalry, the spice production etc... all very fascinating.
Where the film fell off for me is in the second half of the film. It feels like there is a tight 2 hour 15 min film lying in this almost 2 hour 40 min movie. Without giving spoilers, there is a major sequence and turn in the story that happens roughly midway through the film. Unfortunately I found myself getting bored after that point. The film needed to be a part 1 but also suffers from being a part 1. The last half of the film doesn't really build to a point where it feels like a satisfying end point. Its unfortunately probably just the narrative structure of the book, but it really doesn't feel like a film of its own and the last 45 mins of the film are just kind of boring. I think about 20-30 mins could have been cut from the movie. If the film is just being faithful to the book, then at times adaptation means taking out portions that aren't necessary. There are definitely parts that don't feel necessary.
The cast is excellent across the board like I mentioned. But, if I'm being honest, barring Timothy Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson, they are largely wasted. Oscar Isaac brings a lot of gravity and pathos to his role as Leto, but the film doesn't demand that much of him. Similarly with Brolin, who does a solid job playing the toughened warrior, but it isn't a role that remotely challenges an actor like him. Jason Momoa brings some of his trademark personality into the role of Duncan Idaho. Stellan Skaargard is terrific as Baron Harkonnen. He's a truly menacing villain. Zendaya and Javier Bardem are barely in the movie enough to make any impression. The film really relies on Timothy Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson to do the heavy lifting and they do it wonderfully well.
Overall, I walked out of the film a little let down. I do think a second viewing might change things significantly for me. Right now the film is around a 6/10, which is disappointing but a second viewing could seriously change things for the better.
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
Okay...so apparently a single gif has got me hot and bothered swooning over a new Oscar Isaac character 😩
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When I tell you my imagination went WILD when I saw this 🥴 (and yes I then spent hours reading smut about him don't judge me)
ALSO why
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Pretty?? 😤
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Basically his character (Rydal Keener) plays an American con artist who is also a tour guide in Greece who scams the tourist and then preceeds to try and steal the main character's wife during the whole movie.
So, yeah, I'm in love now 😍
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
I need some more Oscar Isaac characters on my list 🥺
I'm thinking about adding William Tell from The Card Counter because just look at him
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That is Papi 🥵👌
Is there anybody else you guys think I should add or would like me to write for? I'm just falling down the rabbit hole and I'm in need
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
I know this sound crazy. But. Poe and Leto as space brother 👀 and they decided to share you. I’d love to be in that sandwich 👁👅👁
OMFG 🥵🥵🥵
Why didn't I think of that???
Between Leto's intense demeanor and Daddy Dom energy and Poe's playfulness you would be utterly ruined
I want to be in that sandwich too 🥴🥴
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
I haven't seen Mojave, but I added this psycho grime boy to my writing list 🥴🥵
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Don't judge me 😤🥺
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
Do you have any of your own hc's about any of Oscar's characters that you'd like to share? No prompts, just something from your own imagination :)
I've recently watched Big Gold Brick (only watched it for Oscar Isaac and I loved his scenes) and fell in love with the character "crime lord Anselm Vogelweide"
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He is so completely chaotic and crazy and I just totally headcanon that he brings that same energy to the bedroom. He looks like he's into some freaky stuff and I'm into it 🥴
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I love him so much 😤💙
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
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Bruh I -
Bestie why would you do this too me 😭
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You KNOW I'm going to be staring at this forever now 🥵
I want this tattooed on the back of my eyelids k thanks👌
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
OMG so the accent he uses for that character idk why but I giggled like a school girl. I haven’t actually SEEN the movie yet but I saw a clip and I was like “this man is dangerous to my insides” as per usual. All I know is, he could ask me to do anything and I would do it submissively and breedably 👌🏻😤👌🏻
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OMG get out of my head
(honestly I recommend just watching his scenes because that movie made my head hurt 🙃 it was only worth it for him)
That is EXACTLY what I thought while I was watching his scenes in the movie 😩
The entire time he was on screen I was watching like
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Like I said I just know he's into some kinky stuff and my imagination was running wild, my friend 🥴
Also "I would do it submissively and breedably" had me s c r e a m i n g 😆
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
which is your favorite Oscar Isaac?
Oh! That's an easy answer! My actual favorite Oscar Isaac character is-
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Just kidding I have no favorite 😅 please don't make me pick one 😭
My horny self can't pick just one to love and it's something I willingly suffer over
It really just depends on the mood I'm in 🤔 Some days I'll be thinking more about one certain character and then the next it will be someone else. Sometimes I'll go a week obsessing over one or two of his characters and then swap one of them out the next week 🤷
For example (and to answer you somewhat better 😅) right now I'm obsessing over Papi Duke Leto and Prince John 🥵
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