autumnsorbet · 3 years
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This was going to be the main vacuo outfit I was going to do for Oscar but it takes too long to draw so I changed it it is the best look iv done for him I feel all of the colors on him suit him really well
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autumnsorbet · 3 years
Outfit I made for Oscar last year he got the lamp back XD
This is my favorite picture of him iv made over the past year this long ok takes about 20 minute to edit together caz I have to draw Oscar color him then
add the orange log in his outfit then at the I originally used in this look I add more color to it and stars in new art iv used bit the looks still come out about the same
This out for has layers to it as well for his accessories I gave his this necklace it was originally going to be a scarf and the gems and it were going to be dust gems I carried this over from another look I was going to give him where he had an outfit that was going to be powered by dust since he can't really use magic without him merging faster with ozpin but I scrap that idea but I kept the scarf and changed it to a necklace ,
He also has gravity cuffs and a gravity armlet on his left arm I was going to give him gravity anklets but with the semblance I was hoping he'd get or that he possibly gets I hope that Oscar will be able to fly that's why in this picture I have him like he's floating this isn't the full picture this is cropped out from when I edited I might submit the full picture later if I can find it it's on another SD card or I usually keep my art but I switched phones and I just added some of the art I could find to it
I've also given him rings based off of rings that I saw that I thought looked cool they are also carried over from another look where the rings were going to have magic or dust in them but I'm not still sure if I'm going to go with that when I keep drawing him from now on I might change it
And I know what you're thinking why does he have so many belts but let me explain the belts coming from under the necklace are actually a backpack on his back you just can't see it the red belt he has on with the gold buckle and leaf is a built that also
carried over from another look that I constantly draw him in now and just will always draw Oscar in from now on cuz I love how this belt turned out the orange woven belt is also another belt from a look I made for Oscar for his vacuole look it actually goes with the other layer that's under the jacket he's wearing and he just kept it on
The orange belt like thing under the red belt with a gold buckle and lease is actually like a sash that also carry over from another look let's be real a lot of parts for this current look I may Oscar carried over from others looks and I combined them mostly into this and I like it turned out when I was originally making this look I didn't plan on how the jacket
looked the only parts I had planned out is where I wanted to put orange on it because orange is really good color on Oscar and I know right now in the show we're seeing Oscar and more green because they're showing how he's wearing green represent that he's one of Oz's many lives but I hope that is we see Oscar still be himself he'll switch back to maybe wearing orange and maybe still have green somewhere in his outfit and I also has to do with the layer under his coat under his coat is like the sleeveless coat thing I have for men it's kind of like how wise has all those layers currently and her
Atlas look like if he removed the jacket it's another layer under it and it's like a sleeveless Long jacket thing that way if Oscar got hot and vacuole he could just tie his normal jacket around his waist and have that on and as you can see it's peeking from under the coat at the bottom and you can clearly see it it's orange and it has like yellow leaves on it and it has like a leaf charm at the bottom of it hanging off I had it where it kind of messed the belt but I also changed how the colors of this undercoat is sometimes in other words like recently I've been coloring it and more of a neon purple because it
makes the reds in his outfit come out more cuz Oscar is inside of his coat that you see on top with the Stars and orange logo is red on the inside of the coat and when I have his collar popped out in some of the newer art you can actually see the red
I also gave him new shoes I might change these shoes later cuz those shoes were like a first draft I just wanted to give him some new red shoes I added like gold to them to make them stand out more from his current shoes but I think they're okay so far the pants he has on they're kind of like leggings / jogging pants I guess and they have green and orange stripes going up them they're just kind of like normal pants under the orange jacket with the leaves on the bottom he has like a
undershirt on that comes in multiple colors I'll show that in art at another time but sometimes I just have it where it's a black tank shirt under that most of the time and my newer art cuz I've changed that as well sorry all this seems long-winded I'm just happy to start up this art account and start posting my art on here of Rwby and past fan art I've made I hope everyone likes it
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