questions-for-oshas · 2 years
Question 12
Does your character have any AUs? If so, do you have a favorite one?
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*Hetemit and Janitor had fallen asleep next to each other, curled up close. As the mind will do, Hetemit began to dream... though her dream wasn't something random or symbolic, no, her dream was a memory from years ago... of the time she first met Kishar, back in Mesopotamia...*
It has been a long long time since Hetemit last dreamed. This though…it felt like a memory from a dream not that, as Hetemit would soon realize, her and kishar were more connected than originally thought.
Ancient Mesopotamia
The being now known as embroidery as lived even before the concept of history was around and that is also true for the being when it is on earth. Embroidery- during this time known as Ellasyn, was a wanderer. The being a known scientist of the human world at this time would wander. Collecting knowledge, not that they believed there was much to collect anyways but sometimes humans may surprise them. Like right now give for example, standing in a city listening to a merchant talk of a strange man named alam and his knowledge.
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osha-tracker · 3 years
I hope this works.
...Can...You hear me? Is anybody there?
( @osha-janitor @osha-embroidery-department @oshafileclerk you done have to respond straight away, this could last a week and i wouldn't mind shsgbshs /lh)
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twilight-osha · 3 years
Radien still sat on the ground sobbing into his hands. He killed void he hurt void. He killed his very first friend. He’s a monster he turned into a monster he’s a monster. Golden blood covered his mouth and hands after he had once again lost himself. Despair was deep and Radien was drowning in it.
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21-fricking-oshas · 2 years
How my Osha characters came to- well,
Copper: They had a small room they hid out in, which then decided poof, It's in osha now. It now moves around the osha building as it pleases. Also may be infected with some spirit.
Sinia: Copper found her and brought her back with them. She never left because Copper is so far the only family she has left. She also occasionally sneaks out for a job.
Runaway: Ran into the osha building while hiding from the police, and hid in the walls for a while before coming out. She then proceeded to collect family members like pokemon cards.
Vermillion: Figured out that she was in the past and went to visit Merlyn who had been dead for a while. Stays around because she has found no way back.
Izzy: Needed a new dance studio, a large one, and found one in a totally real 'ad' in a building, turned out to be osha. She kinds just sticks around cause she doesn't need to pay.
Natty: Fought some companies who were definitely going deforestation, ended up getting that curved scar of their's, and tossed into a river, leading to a small pond in osha. Which was evil, and also hated Natty because they 'tainted' the water.
Cameron: Hacked one too many organizations, and eventually found a small hide out place after sneaking into the osha building. Connected all security cameras and added more, all without being caught somehow.
Meeai: The osha building felt off to them, so Meeai investigated the 'paranormal' activity, being a diety themselves. A giant room, first floor a library, opened up to them after they entered osha.
Inventor: Practically same thing as Izzy, needed a brand new workshop that wouldn't mind noise and wouldn't blow up; leading them to osha and sticking around because they didn't need to pay.
File: They don't remember, I don't know yet, let's just say they felt attracted to the building and hang around because they don't know where else to go.
267: He is here because of the SCP Site inside of the osha building which really can't do much about anything. He doesn't leave because he is required to stay to be a security guard.
Mich: They stay around to watch watch over Runaway and occasionally report back to the POSSD (Piece Of Shit Sperm Doner). Also because they think the mansion is a drag.
Aspen: He got here by letting Alatar wander around in a forest which then led the two to Merlyn's castle, where he stays. He doesn't leave because Alatar doesn't tell him too and Merlyn is nice.
Death Family: The Porcelain Twins and Rot find a dresser/cabinet that they step in to for laughs, which then lets them into a dresser in an old abandond room in Osha, to which they respond, "Cool!"
Here is the canon arrival stuff/scenes!
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warlockosha · 3 years
Okay so. Who/What *is* Alatar??
Alatar is (a creature of my own design if this already exists please tell me) what I call a Soul-Stealer! Kind of self explanatory but I will explain anyways.
Soul-Stealers are creatures who tend to latch on to people in need. Think sick, elderly, abused, etc. They pretend to be nice, helping them a lot, even if they seem a bit stand offish. After a while they get less nice, but by the time that happens, the person they latched onto depends on them too much.
Because Soul-Stealers can heal injuries and block off sicknesses. Now this doesn't seem bad, but think about this. Your body has been getting healed immediately by an outside source, so there's no need for your body to use healing functions. But then you get a cut without that outside force, your body isn't ready to heal it and fails to close the wound, making death to blood loss very possible.
Or, think of the same thing but with your immune system. You haven't gotten sick with anything due to said outside force, and then you catch a fever. Your immune system has probably forgotten how to deal with ilnesses, and then the fever will be much worse. And if you get anything worse, death becomes a very possible outcome.
Anyways, the Soul-Stealers help, and then become less nice. After this, the person seems to get less and less like themselves, almost a shell. This is because of the Soul-Stealers slowly draining the body away of energy more and more, until a lifeless husk is left behind and the Soul-Stealer has become powerful enough to survive on it's own.
On seperate occasions the Soul-Stealer will just inhabit the husk and use it like a body suit for protection. Another thing is that it is very hard to detect a Soul-Stealer, and nigh impossible to get rid of one after you realise it's taking away energy from a person. There's an incantation to get rid of it, which I will not currently release.
I think that's it! Hope this went in-depth enough!
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ocean-osha · 3 years
a large portal opens up above the ocean a creature in a pale orange hospital gown falls through and lands in the water she immediately starts to panic and sink (from Tiewai of jellyfish-osha)
*The seawater is black as night, and the pressure is immense. A massive pair of red eyes open, filling the dark with crimson light*
How curious. Who, I wonder, are you?
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typewriterosha · 3 years
@osha-embroidery-department can I, can we speak?
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thepalaceoffey · 3 years
The two newcomers were quick to find the girl they were looking for, the sweet little pushover who was so fun to boss around. It was even more fun when she’d cry but the purple haired man and redhead beside him would never actually say that out loud. It was bad business,,, well maybe the redhead would.
Alexander and Clara walk into to the diner run by @oshagram , quickly spotting her.
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Hello! As some may know, there are human characters in osha. Background ones if you will, most who live on the osha site. I have decided to grab one and give them a slow transition into not being a complete background character anymore. They will not be described until 5 or 10 interactions, I will only say they wear a facemask. [This has been achieved] I feel like this will be a fun character to try and keep up with! No, they don't have a name yet.
"I can't really remember when everything got brighter. Maybe a month ago? I remember my basic schedule. Wake up, eat, go to work, break, back to work and occasionally witnessing the other people in the building walk by, some stranger than others, go back to the apartment, eat, sleep, and repeat. But recently? I've done more. Fun little books that I kept finding in my apartment which were thrilling to read, noticing, actually paying attention to, the people walking by. More distinction between days, I don't know what exactly it means, but it's been pretty cool so far!" - |/|/|/|/|/
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nature-osha · 2 years
what are rot symptoms
Ooh I've been waiting for this!
Okay so generally you get the skin (tree bark like) discoloration, coughing up tar, and loss of muscle movement!
So an explanation, then the description!
Alright, so Rot is an otherworldly disease from Cielo's home planet! It is generally a fungus, which's spores can be spread to transmit the disease. I know it doesn't make sense it doesn't have to. So basically a few years back, Cielo's ship grew fungus on it. Natty helped clean it off, and got the disease. Which is just now taking affect. It is a disease that spreads on plantlife over on Keplar, but kinda mutated and latched on to Natty.
Skin Discoloration
Alright, the skin discoloration is related to, that on Keplar trees, Rot would well, rot tree bark. Making it either softer, or harder and blackend. The latter is what is affecting Natty's skin. It looks like a bruise when forming, and then is pitch black and like a scab. If you try to peel it, you will find it has engrained itself to Natty's skin, so it would cause their pink blood to flow out of their body at an alarming rate.
Coughing Up Tar
'Tar' is a loose term. It is just a very sticky substance that is pitch black and mixed with Natty's blood that hardens when getting hit with air. This is also why they were unable to talk, as Natty was getting choked by breathing, as the tar still in their throat started to slightly harden, no longer sticking to their throat, but becoming jello like? And not liquid.
Loss Of Muscle Movement
This is because the overflow of 'Tar' in Natty's system caused some muscles to stop working, in order to give more force into pumping blood to wash out the tar, and breathing so Natty wouldn't pass out from asphyxiation. This is also because of the hardened blackened bits of skin, started seeping downwards and causing some movements to be painful.
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questions-for-oshas · 2 years
Question 14
Just for fun, how easy is it to fluster your character? If at all, and preferably on a scale of 1 - 10.
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Embroidery reappears outside in their increasingly cracked humanoid form. To be perfectly honest, they are surprised it has broken yet. They step out, giving @union-of-mad-scientists a once over before stagger left. They have to get Mer some place safe, some place away from them
It will be..alright..we will leave you soon..
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runaway-osha · 2 years
Runaway really should've learned by now that every time she wants to take a walk, to expect a visitor. In particular, Mich. They always had a way of showing up out of no where, and this night was no exception.
Runaway had decided to take a walk around her side of town for once, and not the densely packed center. She passed by an old poster in an alleyway, "Have you seen this boy?" Of course, it was her in the picture. You think that her 'parents' would push aside their values and actually put up information she would respond to. Along with that, she also passed by the old cemetary. A place that brought back memories, especially those of her brother.
She missed Felix, and as she gazed at the cemetary, she thought of going in to talk to him. But it was best not to dwell, so Runaway decided against it. She walked passed the cemetary without her gaze lingering, and took a turn around to head back to the dense city. This place brought back too many memories, and she already felt herself tearing up. She could come by and visit Felix later, right now she needed a break.
Of course, on her way back, she ran in to a familiar face. "Mich. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Runaway asked with an eye roll. Mich simply laughed. "Just thought I'd stop by, and drop off some information." Runaway simply shook her head, "As always, I'd be surprised if you ever visited for any other reason." Mich nodded politely "Oh Runaw, you know me too well."
Runaway scoffed and turned her head away from them, "Please, don't call me that again." Mich, again, chuckled. "Too late Runaw, too late." Runaway glared at them, "What information do you have even? That's why you're here right?" Mich nodded "Yes, but first, do you remember the incident with your brother and his friends? You were what, 11? 12?" Runaway stilled, she was suspicious on how Mich had gotten this information anyways, but still nodded.
"Of course I remember. The official thing was that my Brother was trapped and burnt away in the flames, as his friend set off the fire work and ran? That's not something you easily forget, Mich." They nodded, "Yes, but what if that wasn't the whole story? Say, what if those remains weren't your brother's, but his friend's? I mean, it was never officially tested; right?"
Runaway stared at Mich across from her, "What?" She said in a tone of disbelief. Mich smirked, "Your brother's friends all lit the fireworks together, but it turns out your brother managed to escape. However his friend didn't, the one assumed to have intentionally start the fire?" Mich pointed behind them, "I have pretty good evidence, and quite a bit of it, to believe that those aren't your brother's remains."
Runaway stared at them, dumbfounded. "..what do you mean?" Mich rolled their eyes, "You heard me, your brother didn't get trapped, he isn't buried, and I have reasons to believe he is alive. As one of your siblings has spotted him. Funny thing, your biological dad actually came to your mother twice." Runaway stared at Mich, tearing up again and thinking on all the times she had talked to that grave, to her supposed brother.
"Why are you telling me this?" She asked, genuinly curious on why Mich was helping her. Mich looked away "You deserve to know I guess. And he is looking for you, too bad he's looking for an 18 year old boy named Matthew. Would you want someone to tell him?" Mich.. had just offered Runaway a favor.
Runaway stared at them, confused on why they would even offer, but she nodded. "Like you said.. he deserved to know. But I.. I would want to tell him myself. Do you know where to find him?" Mich nodded, understanding of Runaway's descison. "Yes, West side of town, you know, the broken down bit? He has a set up there, good luck Runaw." And then Mich ran and vanished, as they seem to often do, leaving Runaway dumbfounded to process the information given to her.
Lol don't write in one sitting like I did this I think it's horrible :>
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Zvtlaopun'z dyvun. P mvynva, doha kpk P mvynla? Doha ohwwlulk? P mvynva zvtlaopun ptwvyahua?
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21-fricking-oshas · 2 years
Heights! Cannon! Hieghts! Updated! Heights!
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