englitmjr-a · 2 years
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" aren't you going to say i told you so? " emily !
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“-Well, I did tell you to be careful about capitalist pigs.”
The words are stated in jest, her own mug of tea held in gentle grasp, elbows resting atop the minuscule table between them in the shared dorm. “What did Norman do this time? Don’t tell me - he tried bribing someone to stop arguing with him?”
@ostaviaeus || An hour of need
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astrapure-a · 2 years
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     “Could you just - calm down for maybe two seconds octopus lady?” She rest suspended before the other, rift after rift created to avoid an onslaught of some rather interesting, metallic arms. 
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osgoblins-a · 2 years
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∗ 23﹕ sender  straightens  an  article  of  receiver’s  clothes . emily ! 
                     he’s awkward in stance, always is before things of importance, before what he would consider important events,     ( god knows someone has to be the social one and it isn’t otto. )   so he does his best, dresses to impress to cover the stubbornness of his own emotion. he is not prone to nervousness. especially not publicly but he fiddles with appearance, strives for perfection, shoves weakness as far as he can in his chest in an attempt to bottle it. she appears behind him, and he touches his wedding hand with his thumb, traces it carefully: it is still new . . . .   
                    “ how do i look ? ”    question is rhetorical, though he looks at her expectantly, arms spread slightly at his sides. the suit fits a bit clumsily, though it has been carefully ironed it is certainly not fitted, something he bought sometime ago perhaps for interviews during school, something he is now using for business meetings while they are on their way up. he’s saving for a real suit, but it’ll still take time to the business off the ground. 
                      skilled fingers adjust jacket lapels, shift to straighten the knot in tie, and norman looks at her with what he could only call fondness.  it is closer to appreciation.    “ thank you, em . ”    he murmurs, words unsure on his lips, whispered like a secret, as if, if anyone else were to hear then the words would lose their meaning. 
⟢  @ostaviaeus​︱ prompted !
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timelcved · 2 years
𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄     but rather an opportunity to let your hair down ,  if you will .  letting one’s hair down  is an expression often used to signify a great  relax  by someone who is normally never relaxed .  in the case of one miss klein ,  it is meant in this way ,  &  also that she is ,  quite literally ,  letting her hair down from the tight bun she oft wears it in .      most volunteers enjoy their diners ,  but this is much more her speed ,   much  more  relaxing  .     she leans across the bar ,  gets the attention of the woman there ,     ❛  this must be what the poets had in mind when discussing the comfort of acceptance .     i’ll have a whiskey ,  neat   -  please .  ❜
                                                 @ostaviaeus  ,  sc ! 
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marvclsiums · 2 years
@ostaviaeus ♥’d for a starter!
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Since Mysterio had revealed Peter’s identity to the entire world, MJ’s life had changed so much. And of course, she would always have Peter’s back, but it was quite SCARY, with all those enemies from other universes around. But Peter wanted to cure them, because he was a good man and had a good heart, so MJ was willing to help him. She cleared her throat as she looked at the woman. “Don’t worry. Peter has a good heart; he really wants to help all of you.”
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nightmdic · 2 years
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“Took a breath and took a step.”
@ostaviaeus​ ||  Lyric starter
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secondock · 2 years
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incorrect quotes feat. @ostaviaeus
rosie: can you please be serious for five minutes? jo: my record is four, but i think i can do it.
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cityburns · 2 years
@ostaviaeus​ ⚠ / for rosie
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                    “Be  careful  what  shards  you  stick  in  your  dome-”  he  chastises,  shaking  his  head  towards  her  like  a  disappointed  parent.  In  her  mind,  he’s  leaning  against  a  wall,  arms  crossed  and  one  ankle  over  the  other.  Robotic  arm  raises  to  press  two  fingers  against  his  temple,  a  gesture  she  can  feel  just  as  much  of.  “You  never  know  what  borderline-psychotic  rockerboy  personality  lives  in  it.”  It’s  tonally  comparable  to  a  𝚝𝚜𝚔,  𝚝𝚜𝚔,  𝚝𝚜𝚔;  𝚘𝚑,  𝚜𝚑𝚎  𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍'𝚟𝚎  𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗  𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛!  “It’s  too  fuckin’  loud  in  here.  Sounds  like  I’m  not  the  first  voice  you’ve  hooked  up  in  there.  Care  to  explain?”
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rexbitten · 2 years
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                      a majority of weight is leaned on cane, he is cautious in approach, once upon a time he wouldn’t have been, he would have simply rolled in with a far too familiar grin and fill the space in a way others often read as cocky. now he is far too aware of himself, of his presence.    the dinosaur man.    he debates saying anything at all but there is a pleasantness in the idea, some form of normality in seeking out those who may have helped you in times of trouble, even if she doesn’t know that she did. he hadn’t been one for literature, sure he had memorized a dozen poems and recited them throughout his life, a way to impress girls when he was younger, but there was something about grief that makes change, that crafts parts of you that are new, that understanding is quite honestly . . . frightening.
                      “  i ah . . . i’m sorry to interrupt . . . i just needed to say i loved your work. ”
@ostaviaeus​  -   💚
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englitmjr-a · 2 years
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     “ - You’re telling me that, in your universe, Otto doesn’t make it though the presentation. . .” Gaze flickers between the dark tinted sunglasses woman, to the arms that seem to come to rest upon the sofa, finding a curiosity yet doing her best to stay calm. It’s. . .quite a lot to take in, to be truthful, a conclusion arising from her observations.
     “If you lived in your’s, does that mean. . .”
@ostaviaeus​ ||  Starter Call
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astrapure-a · 2 years
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@ostaviaeus​ sent: ❝  name one hero who was happy — you can’t.  ❞ from rosie! || Song of Achilles
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     There’s an admittance she doesn’t want to grant to the other, only responding with a slight tilt of her head and a gaze that seems to wander off for a moment in thought. The heroes she could think of. . .well, they had to be happy - right? They went about saving others, just like she was doing her best to, without any reward desired. That made them happy. . . didn’t it? 
     Surely, if she could try and become a hero herself, she’ll be happier. Maybe if she became a hero, she could make amends with the people of Midgard; maybe now, she won’t be seen to others as a tool, a weapon; it could work. . .right? 
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osgoblins-a · 2 years
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[ WAIT ]: aftering tending to the receiver's injuries, sender takes a seat across for them, and patiently waits for them to start explaining what happened. from emily :eyes:
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                   armor sits bloodied hidden away, he’d barely managed to pull a robe on when she found him in the den, blood seeping into expensive silk.    ( who the hell let her in ? )   he is sitting now against desk, robe pooled around waist as she not so gently tends to wounds. his breathing heavy, the rise and fall of chest desperate, a need for air, an attempt to pull calm from tension.    “ don’t look at me like that. ”    a hiss as he sucks air between teeth, head falling back, mind racing    broken rib ? no, perhaps she just decided to jab her finger into open wound as a bit of payback for tone, he wouldn’t put it past her: to kick him while he’s down.    the goblin is silent in his head, and it is . . . uncomfortable. to feel as though he is left alone with her.
                     “ it was some kid. ”    he finally says, almost pitifully, refusing to meet her eye: ashamed !    truth in lies, weaved in to make him more believable, it is what makes him so good at it.    “ a boy, harry’s age probably . . .”     he pulls robe to rest back over his shoulders, hides wounds and bandages, bruises and blood as best he can in such a state.   “ i went out and got jumped , can you believe that ? ”    a snort, hand running through messy hair.    perhaps she will believe it is karma at work. 
⟢ @ostaviaeus​︱ prompted !
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conngenic · 2 years
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[[ tag drop ehehe ( cc: @osgoblins​ / @sxientist​ / @ostaviaeus​ ) ]]
ostaviaeus / emily ♡ I’ll be there to catch you when you fall
sxientist / otto  ❥ something happens and I’m head over heels
osgoblins / norman ❥ if it wasn't for the nights I think that I would make it
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nightmdic · 2 years
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     “- Emily you know I need to study for this exam.”
Granted, this party sounded rather interesting.  . but still, she needed to get her studies done! But then again. . . this could start showing people she wasn’t just some nerd. “I don’t know. . .”
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englitmjr-a · 2 years
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" i didn't know where else to go... " from emily !
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“Jesus Christ, Emily - what the hell happened?”
The curse is minor, yet it’s rare to hear her speak such in front of others unless shocked or angered; it’s certainly a shock to see Emily here in the pouring rain at their apartment doorstep, let alone where she can’t tell if it’s simply the rain droplets cascading down her features, or the rain itself.
“Come in, you can probably fit in some of my clothes, I can make you some warm tea-“
@ostaviaeus || In an hour of need
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osgoblins-a · 2 years
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                     ( LEAVE HER ALONE ? )    amusement cackles in shared mind, norman tries to restrain it, to shove it down, bottle it up, but between it and the stress of having her here, it feels like he’s splitting his head in two.    ( WHY WOULD I DO THAT WHEN SHE CAUSES YOU SUCH MISERY ?! )    norman winces and hopes she doesn’t notice, straightens his tie, fingers combing through hair before he enters the foyer, one step and the goblin seizes body as it’s own, pulling control out from under him like a rug. 
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                    “ EMILY, so good to see you. ”    it’s smile is all charm, amusement in his eyes as gaze lands on her. 
⟢ @ostaviaeus​︱ starter call !
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