#other sidenote sorry walter I do like you. but also if I was in that position I simply wouldn't complain. who said that
withspaces · 10 months
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Hello, everyone. I don't know but all this is getting a bit ridiculous to me. I hope it's ok if I remain anonymous. I'm a Stranger Things fan and yes, I like the character of Billy. I like him in the context of the story. I also like that it's a realistic depiction of a cycle of abuse. The racist aspect is never clearly addressed but very strongly (even explicitly) implied. There's no going around. Even if you like a character in a story, it doesn't mean that you have to close your eyes and deny that he is a racist. Loving a character in a movie or show doesn't mean you HAVE to agree with their actions (or even justify their actions?!). English is not my first language so I hope you understand what I am trying to say. It's like watching horror movies and sometimes cheering on the killer. For example, I like all of the villains in Breaking Bad, but that doesn't mean that what they're doing is right. I'm experiencing the same problem again where all those annoying Walter White fans hate his wife Skyler but passionately. They didn't get the point of the character and I'm sorry, they didn't get the point of Billy's role either. In conclusion: I don't understand why Billy fans take it to heart when others don't like him or hate him. He was introduced as a bully in the Stranger Things world after all I mean... what else did they expect? (omg sorry for this long ass ask)
yeah as i said to the previous anon, i think it’s fine to enjoy/like his character. i just specifically have a problem with some of his aggro ass stans who want to deny the fact he likely was racist simply because they wanna coddle him. newsflash, billy is a white boy from the 80s living in a small town in the midwest during the reagan era. he had abusive tendencies and goes beyond just being “morally grey” imo so disliking him shouldn’t be shocking to his die hard shooters. so, i don’t rlly need some condescending chronically online anons (not you, others) trying to tell me i don’t have nuance or understand complex characters.
(sidenote totally agreed on breaking bad, i always thought skylars actions were very believable for someone in her situation)
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