f1crecs · 9 months
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Fic Rec List - Christian/Toto
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Thank you for your ask! This pairing has my favourite name ever - HornyWolff. We hope some of these satisfy your hornywolff itch 💝
nsfw: Regulatory Compliance by sherlaufeyson | E | 3k
Toto is exasperated with what he sees as Christian lawyering him to death, and makes a comment about him needing to be disciplined. Christian is unexpecedly amenable to the suggestion. This was undoubtedly hot and the dynamic between them is absolutely sparking, but what I really liked is the overall gentleness of it and the focus on ongoing consent and good kink negotiation and the comfort of both partners. Just had a really nice fuzzy vibe overall. This is a locked fic with explicit content.
Toto took a deep breath and placed a firm hand on the centre of Christian's back.He could feel the heat radiating through Christian's polo shirt. As Toto ran his hand slowly down to Christian's backside, he felt a full-body shiver wrack Christian's smaller frame. "Christian." Toto heard a satisfied hum in response. "If you want me to stop, at any time, tell me." "Oh, I will." Christian's tone was much calmer than Toto had expected. It was almost like he was finding it easier to speak when he wasn't making direct eye contact.
an exchange for flight by @antimonyandthyme | M | 4.5k
Toto sprouts wings. It's an agonising, messy process. Christian is there, and perhaps knows more about it than Toto expected. This fic has a lovely balance of combativeness and caring between the both of them, and the sort of wonderfully evocative language that best suits the premise of wingfic. There is a darker theme of sacrifice, and what it can take to succeed in the world they both move in.
Toto uses the freed space to get the knife around his back. It’s going to be agony. He squeezes his eyes shut. Fuck it. The whole night’s already been agony. Let it never be said that he doesn’t have the resolve. He brings the knife down.“Fuck!” Toto’s eyes fly open. There wasn’t any pain. That doesn’t seem right. He doesn’t want to believe what he’s seeing. Christian’s forearm is sliced open, where it’s braced against Toto’s wing, protecting it. “Christian,” Toto says. He’s gone all brittle, he’ll shatter any moment. “Your arm.” The knife clatters from his hand. “You’re bleeding.”*
nsfw: Failure by @honeybadgercomeback | E | 4.7k
A/B/O. Christian is a closeted omega in an industry where people of his designation still face major discrimination. He has been on suppressants ever since he presented and has never experienced a heat. One day, they fail. Susie Wolff finds him in distress and brings him home. I’m a real sucker for characters who think they are struggling alone finding out that they have people who care about them and who don’t judge. The pack and family dynamics of a/b/o in general are the main reason I love it, and this fic delivers.
'It was the unfairness of it all that killed him. Toto could just get away with “yes my sworn work enemy was having a heat crisis so my wife got me to knot him”, but Christian would forever be branded as the one who needed it to happen. The gossips would have a field day talking about it. It would be hell, and he’d watch it all from home because he was about to be unemployed. It was fine, really.'
straight nitro by @undignifiedpopemobile | T | 9k
Coffee shop AU. Christian owns a successful coffee shop. One day, a rival cafe opens opposite. This fic is just really funny, and has that lovely breezy tone that coffee shop fic suits so well. Christian’s point of view is hilarious, his obsession with Toto obvious to everyone but himself. The supporting cast of drivers provide the perfect Greek chorus to his antics and his woes.
'When the café opens— and, fuck off, just because they’ve got a menu with sandwiches on it doesn’t make it a café, it’s a coffee shop— Christian goes over to investigate, leaving Seb to manage the shop and leaving Adrian to manage Seb. The Silver Arrow Café is a neat little bistro owned by the same company that runs the extremely successful restaurant chain Mercedes, and is, according to rumors, the pet project of plurality shareholder and CEO Toto Wolff. That dick. Well, Christian is fairly confident it will crash and burn within a month, as he really can’t imagine any financier who walked into a ready-made profitable franchise is going to be willing to put in the actual work it requires to build a business from the ground up. Hopefully he cries. Hopefully he cries in public, where Christian can watch and laugh and maybe film it for posterity.'
nsfw: all the blood runs cold before it’s hot @verycoolwearsleather | E | 9.6k
Christian finds himself craving to submit to Toto. Toto notices and gives him what he wants. This fic is hot as hell but not always nice - mind and power games are the basis of this somewhat toxic relationship. If you like your vibes rancid, this one is for you. I really liked the way Christian’s mind is completely twisted around Toto here and the fact that he is at least somewhat aware of it. The mind games and the power play are very in character for this pairing and this fic doesn’t lean into the temptation to make things fluffy at all.
'He has turned this thought over in his head, approaching it cautiously, from multiple angles. It makes something flare in his chest, a white-hot anger that feels disproportionate to the situation. Sometimes he imagines marching up to Toto, yelling at him, jabbing a finger into his chest. Even in his mind, Toto never quite takes him seriously. Sometimes he grabs Christian’s hand before it can make contact with his torso, holding him at arm’s distance in a grip so tight Christian starts to fear for his fingers. Sometimes he laughs.'
nsfw: Seven Years Next May by @mediumtires | E | 172k
Toto and Christian are married, a secret known only to a few close and trusted people. One day, a moment of carelessness in the paddock results in them being outed. This is only the beginning though, as they’re about to enter the 2021 season, and all the professional and personal difficulties this will put them through puts an incredible strain on their relationship. This fic feels so authentic and so lived in. This author has a real grasp of what a long term relationship can look like from the inside, and how love alone is not enough. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes there are good moments and good days among the most awful hauls of bad times. Sometimes it takes an almost impossible amount of labour to fix things, but there is never any doubt that it is worth the effort. You get a real sense of the despair they both feel at the possibility that their marriage might end over this.
'Christian sighed, already pushing the door open further, despite his best knowledge. Toto would be sore as hell tomorrow if he slept like this. Christian probably shouldn’t do it, shouldn’t even care about Toto waking up all achy and in pain, but he did, unfortunately. He just prayed Toto wouldn’t wake up when he freed him of his glasses and of the pillow in his neck, when he pulled off his ridiculous slippers, draped the covers over him, and turned off the light.'
Thank you to @lydia-petze for compiling this list ❤️
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