#otp: arisxara x darth marr
roguescarlett · 2 years
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Aris x Marr.
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
..... I am not good at writing this because my sim spice edits of Aris//Marr were too spicy to be posted on tumblr, lmao. Need to get this wip snippet out of the way.
otp: cipher nine (f!oc) x Darth Marr.
A/N: hearing impaired protag, Marr goes by she/they pronouns, wlw pairing, canon divergence, alcohol use, really suggestive themes, Scarlett should go to the shame corner immediately.
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Aris had a little too much to drink this evening, albeit that the wine tasted much stronger than she would’ve liked. Her body was flaring to the point she stripped down to her red lingerie while under the curious, watchful eyes of the chiss hybrid in the room. Aris discarded the dress aside onto the floor and showed off her figure with a twirl.
Marr let out an appreciative hum and patted their hand onto their lap indicating an invitation for Aris. The sith hybrid responded with a smirk, setting the glass of wine aside onto the table before straddling her lover’s lap, as her fingers set to work on unbuttoning Marr’s shirt. The anticipation was building up between the two lovers, Marr laid their hands onto Aris’ waist to prevent her from slipping off their lap from being intoxicated from the alcohol and rising body heat. 
Aris bit the bottom of her lip after pulling the shirt apart, drowning in the sight of Marr’s bare, scarred chest. She had seen their body from time to time when she assisted them with their armour, but intimacy for her was a different subject. She doesn’t have to hide her shame and the self-harm scars away from Marr, regaining her confidence back.
Though, Aris couldn’t resist staring at Marr’s breasts and the six-pack toned stomach. The sight alone almost made her lick her lips lustfully, maybe she had too much to drink after one or two glasses.
She trailed the tip of her fingernail along the large, deep scar across their upper torso then moved downward beneath the right side of their breast, drawing a hitched breath from her lover’s lip, recalling the scars were sensitive to touch. Aris’ hands were onto Marr’s breasts and began to knead them like a massage, followed by her thumbs slowly rolling around the nipple areolas playfully and satisfied to hear the pleased, low groan from her lover. 
She knew Marr was touch-starved and they craved for more of her gentleness on their skin.
“Has anyone told you,”--Aris implored while groping their breasts–”That you have some nice, big tits?”
Marr stared at her, “How much did you drink tonight, Aris?”
“One glass.” Aris replied hastily.
Marr hummed, “Really, just one glass?”
“... Maybe I indulged myself with another.” Aris pretended to pout like she was being caught out, while resuming to knead Marr’s breasts, “Maybe I happen to like big tits and I cannot lie.”
Aris heard them hiss out a groan–she couldn’t tell whether it’s from her latter comment or from the way she grinded into their lap. The next thing she knew, Marr wrapped their arms around her as Aris found herself thrown onto the couch and glanced upon Marr crawling on top and settled between her legs with a hand reached underneath to unhook her red bra.
“Perhaps, I should return the favour.” Marr insisted, their voice strained with lust as they pulled Aris’ red bra off and threw it onto the floor.
“Well, you'd better get on with it.” Aris teased cheekily.
“Patient, my love.” Marr tutted at her with an amused grin, running their calloused hands along Aris’ side, “I prefer to take my time with you than rush into it.”
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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safe within each other’s arms.
idk, feels silly sharing these stuffs or to consider chiss/zabrak hybrid canon for Marr.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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cipher nine and the dark councillor. height diff m’yes.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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an intimate and sensual moment between a cipher nine and a sith warlord.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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kiss while your lips are still red... while they're still silent.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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You won my trust. You made me fall for you. Fall into a deep trance. All I knew your voice was a song. Your walk was a dance, So I never had a chance. x
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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Aris and Marr.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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Lust equals fire when you come to me. Obsession and craving burning inside of me.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
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don’t mind me, just them feeling soft for each others. (n˘v˘•)¬
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roguescarlett · 3 years
Wanna hear the 'most sickening shows of public affection' formy swtor otps?
- Vowrawn, being full PDA kind of guy, likes to lavish Kritanta with love and adoration by sitting on his lap and nuzzle into him while holding hands, giving a kiss to his palm and cheek not covered by the breather mask. Forehead touches was Kritanta's love language of a kiss when neither of them want to risk taking the mask off. It made him vulnerable!
- Jazz and Tau may get flustered when they hold hands out in public since they were private about their relationship without letting the Jedi Order aware of it. T7 and Blizz were the only ones knows. One time Jazz gave Tau a kiss when they’re out and about, Blizz defended their friends by furiously flipping off and signing angrily at the rude people openly voiced their disgust. Also Tau likes to give Jazz a hug and carrying her up in her arms (bc Tau likes to show off her muscles) enough to make Jazz go into a blushing mess.
- Aris and Marr? you see those lipstick marks on Marr’s mask? Yep, that says it all and enough to shut Darth Ravage into another dimension during Dark Council meetings.
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roguescarlett · 2 years
me: (feels really cold because weather temperature had dun goofed up)
also me: (thinks about three of my swtor main ships all snuggled up in blankets on a cold night)
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roguescarlett · 3 years
9 listening to the other’s heartbeat, for aris/marr pleeeeeeeease 💖
Ask and ye shall receive lesbian fluff goodies!
From this prompt meme post.
A/N: Marr is genderfluid and goes by he/him and she/her pronouns in my legacy headcanons.
Under read more.
Marr had a long day.
She arrived home past midnight before letting out a frustrated yell across the residence, which alone startled a few servant droids who cower fearfully. The droids knew better than to approach or disturb the Sith Lord–programmed to respect their boundaries and resumed their household duties without facing Marr’s wrath. Fortunately for Marr, nobody would’ve heard her yell throughout the plot land outside of Kaas City.
Marr was in a bad mood, swamped with multiple responsibilities handling the Empire’s affairs as an unofficial leader that left her feeling stressed and restless. It was getting late, the first thing she did was to step into the master bedroom rather than the dressing room as a part of her usual routine.
She stripped the full armour down to a bare minimum and set her lightsaber onto the bedside cabinet before plopping down on the edge of the bed burying her scarred face into the calloused palms with a disgruntled sigh.
“Bad day?”
Marr glanced up from her palm towards the Sith-Hybrid leaned against the doorframe with a concerned expression.
“That’s putting it mildly.” Marr answered with a grunt and pulled her tank top off.
Aris offered a sympathetic smile, she leaned away from the doorframe and approached toward the shared bed, “Want to talk about it?”
“No.”–Marr tossed the tank vest aside with the rest of her armour–”I’m not in the mood.”
Marr was too tired to even care about the mess she left on the bedroom floor. Her head was pounding rapidly as stress began to mount onto her plate after she spent an entire evening dealing with the pointless bickers from her fellow Dark Councillor members who wouldn’t let her catch a break for once. Her fingers rubbed the temple to ease the persistent headache.
Aris nodded understandably–she didn’t press her spouse to open up, she just knew Marr was under a lot of stress.
“I apologise that I had to cancel our dinner at the last minute.” Marr expressed tiredly gazing upward to the Sith Hybrid through half-lidded eyes, “My duty to the Empire had to come first.”
“Don’t worry about it. There’s always another time.” Aris reassured her, “Let me take care of you.”
Aris climbed onto the bed behind the warlord, her tender hands snaked around the broad shoulders set to begin massaging the tense muscles and leaned in to brush her gentle lips against her neck that drawed a contented groan out of her.
Marr had a pretty good idea where Aris developed massage skills from, but she didn’t dare to ask her about it, she was good at applying pressure into the tense knots.
“Aris….” Marr’s voice was strained.
Aris trailed gentle pecks from the neck to the jawline before whispering with a husky voice into her spouse’s ear, “Lay on me?”
Marr felt Aris pulled away and the mattress dipped with movement behind her followed by a shuffle of blankets. She glanced over her shoulder to the side and watched as the former cipher agent settled into the middle of the bed comfortably–it was only then Aris beckoned with a finger signalling the warlord to join her.
Marr raised a puzzled eyebrow by the welcoming invitation but didn’t question it, she crawled over to lay on top–as requested–and rested her head against Aris’ chest with her ear pressed against to the sound of the heartbeat.
Aris wrapped her arms around her spouse–who was much taller and larger than her own size–and combed fingers through Marr’s hair and massaged the scalp. Marr closed her red eyes with a long, deep sigh savouring the embrace and gentle care, listening to the soothing, slow heartbeat each second that lulled her into a slumber that was more pleasant to hear than Darth Ravage’s pointless debates.
Marr had never predicted she would be in this position, but hearing Aris’ heartbeats was enough to win her over and it didn’t take long for Marr to drift off to a much needed sleep.
Normally in this case, it was Marr who took care of Aris through restless nights and helped her heal through traumatic nightmares that left her shaken up by memories. And tonight, it was Aris’ turn to return the favour to take care of an exhausted and stressed Sith Warlord.
Marr could get used to this.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
Because I want to talk about characters in my legacy but I had a moment when I just unsure of what to talk about or wondering if I bore anyone lol.
Anyways, onto my morning coffee ramblings. And as stated before, genderfluid afab Marr headcanon for Vathraki legacy.
I was thinking on Marr and their living arrangements. Marr didn't care much for life of luxury unlike her fellow Dark Councillors, she never really experienced the pleasures for this. Raised by her sith pureblood mother with no chiss father around, she spent her early life living rough until her mother's death and taken in by a Sith Master to begin her trainings.
As soon she completed her trainings and became Darth Marr, she hid her appearance, voice and name behind the full armour and mask leaving her mysterious to others and curious ones.
She never liked anyone to pry into her identity and history, she was mostly a private person. When it cones down to having her own living arrangements, she settled for a small apartment with lesser windows, but had to cope with the noisy city life that keeps her alerted. She wasn't really rich in money like the other Dark Councillors. Beside, all she cares about was having a place to herself to freely roam around without her armour and mask and a comfortable bed to sleep in than the floor in her early childhood.
It was an isolating, lonely life but Marr was used to it -- her privacy matters. Her apartment and office was her only escape away from socialising to rest her battery and be left alone.
Now fast forward to chapter one's epilogue and took Arisxara's hand in marriage, it put their living arrangements on the spot as Marr wasn't ready to unveil her identity to Arisxara, mostly because she rather earn her trust first.
After the ceremony, when asked about a residence to live in, Marr's apartment wasn't spacious or had enough rooms for them. Marr knrw from the moment she brought up the proposition of an arranged marriage to Kritanta, she would needed a new place. Luckily, she doesn't need to search for a property on Ziost because Vowrawn had already given a property for them to live as a wedding gift. It was in the countryside but it was more secured and private enough for them. Something what Marr would've liked.
It wasn't a penthouse (I had issues with sims 4 camera going crazy while trying to do screencaps) as it was much more a plot of land with a garden that Arisxara, sometimes, like to go sit outside.
Marr didn't expect to live in a place like this, as originally she thought it would be a penthouse at first. She had to accustomed to the luxuries that was given to her, since she never cared much for them as long the bed is comfortable and an armoury to put her mask and armour in.
It does felt like an upgrade from a small apartment to a bigger lot. Not to menrion away from the citylife was a bonus. Marr likes to meditate as a garden was nice addition.
It's no longer an isolating, lonely life now. Marr had come to enjoy Arisxara's company. It was awkward at first because the two don't know how to deal with socialising outside of their duties, but it gets better over the time once they are comfortable with each other.
When Marr started to share the bed with Arisxara, she had to admit that not does she help Arisxara to get settled from her ptsd nightmares at nights, it also helped them to feel safe together from sleeping rough with a knife under the pillow that made them more alert to their surrounding. Marr would always be the big spoon, she does like to hold onto Arisxara within her strong arms and sleep at ease.
Once Marr earned Arisxara's trust and unmasked to her, Marr couldn't resist to indulge on what Aris' satin blankets felt like on her skin. This prompted Arisxara to introduce Marr to the things she like -- including ordering Ziosti cuisine takeaways for occassions. Marr can cook for herself as a survivalist on rations and whatsnot, but now she can cook a more healthier meals as Arisxara cannot cook. at. all.
They're not really rich, mind you, they're just enjoying what was affordable to them and entitled to their own quiet life away from crowded city.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
a bit of a self-indulgent Aris/Marr snippet I wrote the other day. set during chapter 2 arc. again, genderfluid f!Marr headcanon.
Months had been passed since Arisxara had left for her undercover missions with radio silent, Marr hadn't felt any ease not knowing whether her wife was safe, or when will she be able to hear her voice again. Unbeknownst to her, Arisxara was, and felt, completely trapped under Ardun Kothe's cautious control to carry out their biddings as they pleased.
Marr kept herself busy, between with her roles as the Dark Councillor to address Sith affairs and leading the Empire by day, before being swamped needlessly with paperworks by nightfall within an empty residence. Usually, she spent her evenings accompanied with Arisxara to enjoy a healthier dinner and chatting about anything to pass the time.
The evenings had been agonising lonely for Marr, it felt like she got a moment alone with peace and quiet. But, the quietness hadn't sated her moods.
Marr once thought heading to bed wouldn't be too difficult to sleep alone as she used to fare in the past, tucked with nothing more with a knife underneath the pillow and her prized lightsaber by her side for protection, but she thought wrong.
She laid restless on the bed, her red eyes staring at the blank ceiling, soft satin sheets covering her body for heat, struggling to drift off to slumber.
She never had this much trouble to go to sleep before.
That had changed when Arisxara came along in her life and the two had started to share bed together for reason. Marr comforted her wife through her ptsd nightmares and held her within her arms with hushed whispers to calm her, enough for the two to feel safe at night. Marr admitted that she had come to love holding Arisxara while they slept through the night, though she doesn't outright told her this. She glanced her attention from the ceiling to the other side of the bed that was occupied by Arisxara who prefered to be close to the window in view.
Marr heaved a deep sigh, quickly realising the deep ache in her chest that she, still, missing Arisxara's presence. How she sensed her wife's distress through the Force Bond, alerting the Warlord to shift close and pulled her to her chest.
She turned to lay on her side and leaned in to breathe in the strong scent of Ziosti sweet fragrance that left the stain mark on the pillows from Arisxara's hair and body. Marr desperately misses being able to hold her, whispering in her ear that no nightmares will hurt her. But for now, the bed feels eerily empty without Arisxara, and not long before Marr decided it was time to get some decent sleep, resting her head onto Arisxara's pillow that brings her comfort.
Marr had hoped her wife is safe and sound somewhere, dreading the worst thing could happen despite Jadus' malicious taunts that paralyzed concerns and fear at the back of her mind.
Then it suddenly dawned on Marr to explain the ache in her chest and the way she acted this way... she began to develop feelings for Arisxara.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
Thinking about Aris and Marr today.
Marr being a genderfluid butch woman who isn’t defined by feminine beauty standards and found comfort in wearing masculine clothing suited to their preference underneath their signature full armour and mask, which was used to hide their identity as a Sith Hybrid and be the person they wanted to be.
Though, with Aris being a feminine woman and an abuse survivor who get self-conscious and insecure of her scars and body image, she hides this from Marr but it didn’t take long for them to notice this side to her. Marr knew the scars were nothing more than her self-harm and didn’t push her to confide about it. 
Marr isn’t a feminine person generally, but they are all about body positivity. Marr aimed to boost Aris’ confidence back (and brought a rather large mirror into their shared bedroom). Aris hesitated at first until Marr took her to the mirror more often.
Aris took the liberty to cover herself up with layer of clothes but Marr encouraged her to be accepting of her body, embrace her freedom and showered her with compliments (and pointed out that the scars were a reminder that she’s a survivor, much like their own war scars). The more Marr compliment her, the more Aris started to wear her dresses which she missed the most.
let’s not mention the fact that Marr has a huge weakness towards Aris wearing thigh high lace stockings, enough to drag them to an early night than working overnight.
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