#otp: rika/chishiya
bibaybe · 8 months
you might not have been my first love but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant
-Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey
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bibaybe · 1 year
sexuality meme 1-9 for miyata rika or faith quinn? - @xoteajays
aaaaahhhh finally doing this lmao - sorry it took so long!
miyata rika
1: sexuality headcanon - pansexual 2: otp - rika/chishiya 3: brotp - rika/kuina 4: notp - rika/arisu 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - has insomnia! it makes being in the borderlands a lot more difficult for her 6: favorite line from this character - "i'm hard of hearing, not blind, dumbass. i can still read lips." 7: one way in which I relate to this character - we both adore chishiya? also we both have issues sleeping - i don't have insomnia, but i have to take melatonin to fall asleep until i'm like bone-dead tired 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - once she's safe to show her feelings for chishiya, she's like, very over the top with them. usually that wouldn't give me second hand embarrassment but chishiya is very nonaffectionate so her being over the top and him just blinking at her in response pains me so much even though i know he's head over heels for her 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - problematic fave, definitely
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bibaybe · 1 year
I'm so curious about Rika and Chishiya's relationship!!Plz tell all
so i got two asks about this, so you can see their dynamic in season 1 here!
season two is where they're kind of capable of actually showing their feelings for each other in a public setting, so rika takes advantage of that most of the time. during the witch hunt at the end of season 1, rika got shot in the arm and proceeds to get shot a second time in the leg during the King of Spades hunt, so we get a lot of chishiya taking care of her, bandaging wounds, etc, and its super cute and sweet when she's not being bitchy. ("why am i the one that keeps getting shot, huh? couldn't you take one for the team?" "next time the king of spades comes around, i'll get shot if it makes you feel better" "you better.... actually, don't do that. i like you in one piece" "yeah, that's what i thought")
she doesn't hide her feelings for him in the slightest, but he still keeps a bit of distance bc, shocker, they're in the borderlands and he doesn't want to be wrecked if she dies, duh. but she's more of the mindset of, fuck it, i could die anytime, if i die i want to have been with you. but she doesn't push him or anything, just makes her stance clear and lets him do the rest.
i'm not sure when they officially get together yet? i've got 3(maybe 4 i can't remember) episodes left so i haven't mapped that out yet. all i know is that, if they meet aguni and heiya which i assume will happen? awkward if it doesn't bc i've got a whole thing planned out and might just make happen anyway. BUT i think they still aren't officially together at that point, but chishiya is more comfy with the idea at that point. but when they run into aguni, rika has to deal with how she used and hurt him and basically tell him that everything she did was fake. and at the end of the convo, he's like, "when did you start falling for chishiya?" and she's just like... awkward didn't think you knew sorrryyyyy but like forever ago and its kinda awkward but unbeknownst to rika, he'd suspected she had feelings for him towards the end of their time at the Beach, so during their time apart he had time to come to terms with it
also unbeknowst to rika, after their talk he talks to chishiya and is like "she's special and she chose you. you better realize how fuckign good you have it and not let anything happen to that girl or i'll kill you myself" and they come to a mutual understanding and idk if they ever tell her but thats a thing
also heiya trying to flirt with chishiya and him just kind of ignoring her and then seeing rika and chishiya flirting when they think they're alone bc the only time they get distracted from their surroundings is when they're together and being like i have gotten rejected twice now bc of this bitch i stg i'll kill her but then they actually end up becoming friends after they have to work together and idk its just kinda funny to me
anyway chishiya and rika being each other weaknesses and strengths is just something i really like thinking about and they are so fucking personal to me i love them
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bibaybe · 1 year
*banging on the walls of ur askbox* tell me about the chishiya x rika dynamic/relationship stuff!! 💞 — @xoteajays
HELL YEAH okay so chishiya and rika notice each other pretty early on when rika joins the Beach, but don't actually talk to each other for a while. at first, rika is more concerned about getting her safety net with aguni and learning more about the Beach dynamics and chishiya just thinks that she's a power climber, so they don't really communicate until the two are placed in a game together. i'm not sure what the game is just yet, but during the course of it, chishiya starts to notice that she's more attentive than he realized, especially when she makes a comment about one of the other Beachgoer's personal lives that she definitely should have had no idea about to aguni. after that, he makes more of an effort to keep any eye on her and she notices the attention more than he realizes, which leads to her keeping an eye on him in return.
the first time they actually talk to each other is when she shows up at a super secret meeting between him and kuina to discuss getting the cards and is just like, "hey there, tell me what you guys are doing and maybe i'll share some intel i've got, depending on whether its juicy enough"
kuina: i knew you wanted to bring her in but YOU TOLD HER WITHOUT TELLING ME???
chishiya: nope, and that's why i wanted to bring her in
anyway, she ends up a part of the group and becomes a double agent for them, sharing intel that she gathers from aguni and the rest of militants with them. she and chishiya get along really well, as they have a lot of aligning values and morals, but she starts to think of him differently the first time he reveals he knows basic japanese sign language. it shows her that there's more to him than she realizes, especially when he mentions he learned it so he could communicate with his neighbor who struggled to read lips and is just like okay damn, that's one hell of a turn on
as she begins to start crushing on him, she doesn't really bother to hide it when it's just them and kuina, so he knows pretty early on. he's more subtle about his feelings, but she notices his lingering gaze and the way the look in his eyes changes when he sees her. but obviously they can't do anything about it because officially, she's with aguni, so it's just kind of quiet pining for most of season 1.
OKAY so i got two asks about their dynamic so i'll cover how it shifts in season 2 here!
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