#otp: the Bad Wolf and the Oncoming Storm ( Teine x Rose. )
timelxrd-victorious · 10 months
If nobody has made a TenRose vid set to "I Will Be There" / "Niemals allein" from Der Graf von Monte Cristo, I am going to be very disappointed.
*cracks knuckles* Might have to make it myself.
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 years
The Vortex Diaries || The Horror of Our Love
Inspired by Ludo’s “The Horror of Our Love”, in case the title wasn’t enough of a clue.
He’s a killer and he knows it—a killer with cold hearts and restless body.
Those who see him and begin to approach often stop dead in their tracks. They’re warned away by a shadow, a glint in his eyes; a subtle shift of his body; a momentary sneer or snarl or twitch of facial muscles. Even former companions sense something is off about him and try to stay away.
All of them, that is, except for her.
“I made my choice a long time ago, and I’m never gonna leave you.” Her words play in his head as he watches her sleep from his standing position in the doorway of her bedroom. He stays for a few heartbeats more, then leaves.
She never knows he’s been there.
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There are times when he thinks he’d do anything for her: murder half the population of the Powell Estate; kill any man who’s antagonized her or so much as looked at her in the wrong way; leave her love notes on all the gravestones; destroy an entire galaxy (or discover one) and name it after her.
He would never harm her, though. Others, yes; her, no.
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Even when they make love, it is never enough for him. He wants her stuffed into his mouth; wants to hold her down and tear her open; wants to live inside her and be joined to her in both body and mind.
Sometimes he thinks she can see his thoughts, his intentions, in his eyes: after, with the smell of sex clinging to them both, she’ll draw back from him and cover herself with a sheet. Her eyes never quite meet his.
He draws her back to him with a kiss and murmurs in his mother language that he never translates for her. Gradually she returns his affections; and he fights down his darker urges that whisper for him to bind her to him forever, that leave him with a strange desire to grind against her until even their marrows mix together.
He does, however, take his time with eating from her. She is a pink-and-yellow feast, and he wants to enjoy every single morsel.
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After the War, he’s never felt more alive than when he’s with her. This body is so attuned to her that he can smell her whenever she’s nearby, can sense the blood flowing through her veins and hear her single heartbeat trying to match his own double heartbeats.
If he wants, he can easily track her from anywhere in his Ship, with or without the sentient timeship’s help. He does so often, much to her bemusement.
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“I could easily crush you, you know,” he tells her once. She only laughs softly—nervously—and curls up beside him, burrowing into his embrace and returns her attention to the movie on the screen.
He finds himself wondering how it would feel to hold her beating heart in his hands, watch as it slowly gives up working and withers into nothing.
It always amazes him how much blood there is in the human body, and that one little pear-shaped muscle is responsible for its circulation.
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Then she’s gone, a ghost. Just like the rest of them.
She’s beautiful and terrifying all at once as she haunts his dreams dressed in white and eyes glowing gold.
The Bad Wolf.
He wouldn’t have her any other way.
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 years
The Vortex Diaries || In the Furnace of Our Love
I can’t feed my hunger. Your youth makes me younger. I’ll hurt you, desert you, Turn your dreams to nightmares. I’ll cheat you, I’ll eat you. I’ll maim you, I’ll drain you. Come to me, come to me, To the dark side where love sleeps. ~ “Vampyre Erotica” by Inkubus Sukkubus
Shadows coil and play within dark corners. Dim light illuminates a bed that is seldom used, yet tonight it is occupied by two entangled figures.
          Her warm, youthful body writhes beneath him, each movement stoking the fire ever higher. He kisses her forehead, cheeks, before moving to her throat and placing his lips against the rapid tattoo of her pulse. One bite is all it would take...
          No. He has other plans.
          She’s panting, moaning, begging for him to just shag her already, and something in him chuckles darkly.
          Oh, he will—whenever and wherever he wants. Just not quite yet.
          “Patience,” he whispers to his human lover before kissing her collarbone, then the valley between her breasts.
          The slightest nip at the soft skin draws dark red blood. She gasps, arching off the bed, her hips colliding sharply with his, and he nearly groans aloud.
          It’s taking every ounce of control he has not to give in and eat her, drain her of her youth and all that makes her his Rose.
          He moves lower, trailing bruising kisses on her scalding flesh. Then he’s nudging her thighs apart, easing one, two, three fingers into her slick heat and stretching her, preparing her.
           His mouth joins his fingers, first pressing against her folds, her clit, and then spearing her deep inside. A moan spills from him as her taste floods his senses.
           She keens, her hips bucking upward, her hands closing into fists on the sheets as if that will keep her grounded.
           It won’t.
           She’s close, so, so close—he can feel it in the way her inner muscles clench around his fingers and tongue—and he withdraws instantly, ignoring her cry of disappointment and protest.
           (Seeing her like this only fuels his darkest desires.)
          When he finally enters her, there’s a brief respite from the hunger clawing at him.
          He’s wordless yet nowhere near silent as he crests, her name in his native Gallifreyan repeating over and over in his mind.
          After she cleanses herself of blood and sweat, rinses the smell of sex from her body, she comes to him again.
          Rassilon, he loves her, needs her.
          In the end, it will be that which destroys her.
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 years
Anonymous asked:  What was the last wet dream you had? Who was it about? Can you describe it in detail for us?
Send my muse prying asks about anything and everything || Accepting
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“That’s private and none of your business! But… since you asked…
    “…Rose. It was about Rose. I… She…
    “I’ve been traveling on my own for a long while, haven’t crossed my own timestream to see a younger Rose or met an alternate version of her, honest. But…
     “My TARDIS had taken me to this… terraformed moon absolutely covered in trees—or maybe it was some forest on Earth, I don’t know, didn’t care. It was a warm summer night—again, don’t ask how I knew, and there was a little stream running nearby—it looked silver in the moonlight. And I… I could have sworn I heard her voice calling to me, telling me to come to her… but I couldn’t see her.
     “I walked forward toward the stream, and… there she was, sitting on a boulder near the water. Rassilon, she looked… beautiful—cliché, I know, but there it was—and not just for a human either, mind you. But one moment she hadn’t been there and then she was and she looked oh so real…
    “But that’s not what you want to hear about, right? No, you want to know how I shagged her. Fine. So I’ll skip through how she slid off that rock and glided over to me on bare feet with a gray-and-white dress hugging her every curve, how she stood on her toes once she stopped in front of me to wrap her hands around my neck and kiss me, to whisper in my ear for me to give my hearts to her, that she’d missed me… Call me an idiot, but I believed her, didn’t question it, didn’t want to think about how she’d gotten there or why she was dressed the way she was.
    “I untangled myself from her, took her hand and led her back to my TARDIS, to my room. She was finally here with me, where she should always have been—but younger, stupid me had been too selfish to realize that. Anyway. Clothes were soon on the floor and all that, and then I was lying on my bed looking up at her as she crawled up my body. Rose kissed my throat, my mouth; and my hands couldn’t stop skimming over her sides, her back, feeling her warm, human skin as I returned her kiss…
     “She’d been waiting for my touch for years, she said. She’d dreamed of it, was tired of crying each and every night… I didn’t argue—I needed her, couldn’t let her go, wanted her exploring every inch of me and then return the favor to her…
     “Then she slowly ground her hips against mine; I moaned into her mouth, felt myself harden. Rose broke the kiss and smirked at me, her eyes flashing wickedly before she lifted her hips and sank down on my cock. oh, she felt like fire, like velvet—and my hands grasped her thighs, her hips as she began to move, my nails digging into her skin.
      “Her hands slid down my chest, then stopped. One rested over one of my hearts; the other fondled her own breast. I thrust up into her at the sight—already I was gone, so far gone and so very close… She was too—she had to be—and when she ordered me to come…
     “I held her close afterward, the both of us lying on our sides, trailed kisses over her skin and whispered to her three words I’d never had the chance to tell her. You’ve got to understand: one moment she was a ghost, a memory; the next she was there and it was oh so real…
     “She couldn’t leave me, not again; I needed her, loved her; she’d promised me forever—she was mine and she belonged to me. …
      “She was there when I fell asleep—I swear.
      “When I woke up, her name was on my lips. I reached over, telling her to wake up… only to find her side of the bed empty and cold.  I was in my pajamas, my suit carefully folded on the back of a chair. Her dress was nowhere to be seen. No, that couldn’t have been right. It had been so real… I’d held her, made love to her, told her I’d loved her. …
       “And she had never been there at all. She was gone. Forever. And I’d always been too weak to say the words.”
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 years
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ROSE: How many of us have there been travelling with you? DOCTOR: Does it matter? ROSE: Yeah, it does, if I'm just the latest in a long line. DOCTOR: As opposed to what? ROSE: I thought you and me were. I obviously got it wrong. I've been to the year five billion, right, but this? Now this is really seeing the future. You just leave us behind. Is that what you're going to do to me? DOCTOR: No. Not to you. ROSE: But Sarah Jane? You were that close to her once, and now you never even mention her. Why not? DOCTOR: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone you--
How anyone can watch this scene and not claim that Ten is in love with Rose is beyond me, honestly.
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