ofloveandabscesses · 6 years
Friendly Concern
I learned later that when he  saw me dancing  with you, he said                          to all your friends:
“Whatever you do don’t let him go home with her.” I want to be angry, I do but it’s hard to be         indignant  when I am her, the girl they all warned you about.
the girl who sucks up all the energy in the room and spins it and shreds and throws your whole day off it’s axis
the girl with one ear on a beat you can’t pick up while she trips  through life ambivalent towards this world or the next the girl with smeared crimson lips forming empty lies in the acrid morning light the girl who lifts her skirt and sucker punches what you  thought was truth untll now the girl dissolved without a  purpose and blind to anyone else’s
the girl  who will keep you up all night with the contents of her broken mind when you have to work in the morning the girl you don’t dare get complacent with she’ll sniff that shit out like low lying bad blood
the girl who would swallow pins before she would start taking things face value  (she’s half convinced she’s dreaming you, anyhow)
the girl you’d say had the crazy eyes
but she’s defied categorization so far but there’s some mad thing inside them you can tell is taxing the girl who marches to dreams unearthly and unwoven
of course you will fall in love with her
it’s not your fault her pleaful look has disarmed ones with  intentions less pure than yours look elemental and ocean deep she’ll pull you to the bottom ask you to hold her while the chasm it  moves right on through her
There’s a reason they warn you about girls like me.
They know  your tender heart will allow the girl to drag you to the bottom of the sea
if that’s where she says she needs you to be.
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mybrosisyphus · 7 years
To Anyone Struggling Tonight
I could love you, if you’d let me
I’ve got all this love
ricocheting inside me
an aimless wanderer
an arrow with no target.
  If you’d let me, I could
cradle your life in my hands
(so much sadness for something so small)
and encompass it in white light –
channel all of the compassion
given to me
when I had none
to give
(gentleness having little place in the lion’s mouth).
  I’d breathe into you
a little sigh,
another day,
and treat you as I would like
to be treated.
  Something precious.
Something rare,
and lovely.
To delight each day in
discovering you.
  Climb into your blackest corners
And show you there’s no need
for shame,
that without the dark,
there would be no light.
  When two souls recognize
one another
without filters, masks, secrets
without agendas, personas, lies
Now that
is what billions search for,
calling out for
God, Christ, Allah, Krishna
Ahura Mazda, Buddha and the like
superfluous dogma,
empty ritual.
  I’ll just hold my
Inner light
Up to yours
And say
“I see you”
  “And you really are OK.”
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