#ough ugh augh ow
conop-8888 · 2 years
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hungover and I'm gonna make it everybody's problem
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
augh ough urgh i think i should go to the fucking doctor the gut pain from b4 keeps coming back D:
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fagdykebassboy · 10 months
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want to see your take on a girl going into labor during an exam or a lecture and trying not to push
Thank you for the good idea. Have a good day!
She left dashing out the cafeteria after the teen kid threw a tray on her belly causing heavy and hard contractions and she slowly creeps out into the court and walks to the stairs and grips the metal bars tightly as she breaths through her teeth "Haaah, Ouuhhhh, nnggghhh, ahhhhh, ack Oh shit, not now baby just don't- PLease uoohh." And she walked into the empty classroom and a hard gush of fluid splashes the floor and she let her arm out and gripped the chair falling slowly on her knees whimpering as the pain burns hot.
She slowly got up and grabbed the mop nearby and cleaned up the mess and fell gripping her belly and bracing her hand against the floor as she clenches it, "Houuh, God damn it! Aaaghh! *Gasp* Fucking bastard kid!" and she cleans up the mess and crawls over to her chair, wipes her red hair as a distraction as the pain grew she only let out sweat and her pained tears but then the teacher enters the room the last person she wants to be with Mr. Ronaldson the pevert ass she whispers under her breath "agh! fuck! not him" And she felt a strange grinding inside her and it barging through her entrance "augh, ugh. mnnghh! nounghh! ooohhh" and she crossed her legs forcing it back but it was still moving down.
All the pain had made her pant but normally and the teacher was a pervert and she was willing to protect herself even in this situation, she moved the dark hair off her face and held up her belly in also breathing slowly and subtly "Ow, Ow, Owh, nrrgggg- aaaahahhhh *Pants*" she felt a bulge begin to form between her large thighs and she tightened the space to push it in, the attempt is futile and the teacher got close to her and had strokes his hand against her curvy body and had gripped her tits squeezing the milk out of them and she punched his gut "Get the fuck away and from me, the girls and my baby." As the pains grew she began shifting around but the head was splitting her open to a heavy crown but the test had just begun and her short school skirt had bulged up and she felt her belly tighten up.
After hours and nearing the last exam she was drenched and her white skin got sticky and she was sweaty drenched see-through clothes and lunch began and she had a huge bulge beneath her skirt and she held it as the teacher leaves and she pushes the head back in "Ough, Yaaaaa aaaaaagggghhhhhh! Ouh! Hauh C'mo- Awgh!" The baby didn't go any further back and she was in a fiery pit of pain as shs confused on how no one noticed, she walked into the oval it was green and she fell against a tree and hugged her belly pushing her school coat in and welping in a hot white pain "Gyaaaaaahhhh!, Haaaaggghhh!, GAAAAAHHHHHH!, OOOOUUUUWAAAAAHH!" And the head fell down and she held it as her tight panties had no more give and she ate as much as she could and returned to class and the teacher didn't return and the 16 year old high schooler relieved felt a hardy contraction "Ouh! nggaaaahhh, yaaargghhh, nhhrrrgghhh, hrrghh" And she sat down and that would be her biggest mistake as the students returned for the last.
The baby fell out pulling her panties and she had grabbed it holding it at bay while answering the test and it made her sweat profusely and she is getting stares from behind "Look away bloody fuck." As she softly let out a noise "Ouuhhhh, un nngghhhh ngaaaarrgghhh" And she was in hell.
The fluid puddled in her chair as she finished her test passing it forward, her legs we're wide and her eyes we're aswell and the baby was forcing itself out and the neck squelched out and she held her belly with her right hand "Ouh, Haa- hnnnggghhhaahh, rnggghhh, ngaargghh" and the students we're called to leave and she gotq* "Ailina you can leave" And she gets out, holding the head grabs her bag and goes to the empty path home and falls onto her knees amd giving the biggest push if her life ever "Kn ggg- GGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Yargh" And the baby came out wailing and she caught it held it to her chest and walked to her home an empty and partially abandoned home ever.
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