#ough uhh from order from top left to right and down????
malk-with-tea · 27 days
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Some magma doodles I did last night :)
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gavindna · 4 months
Uhh here’s a list of my favorite men in order from undead unluck I guess
Spoilers ahead or something
(Billy and tella have been omitted because I’m not a homewrecker like that)
1. Void volks
I know controversial opinion but my number one is not Andrew the undead, I just think void is really really hot and as the sluttyness ranker person put it Andrew is oversaturating his nudity, void’s tendency to be shirtless is hot to me or something. I like his hair and muscles too (duh)
Honorable mentions!!
Burn any phase and spoil phase one are both really hot but unfortunately it’s a Billy tella homewrecker thing except they’re not actually in a relationship just yet so it wouldn’t technically be homewrecking but they’d be happier with each other than me. I also don’t wanna burn to death and/or get turned into a zombie mid sex so yeah.
2. Spring
Spring my beloved <<<3333 only reason why he’s not number one is that he is a UMA and I don’t want god to take over his body to kill me because I feel like that would make spring really sad (I mean I would die too but I’m more worried about springs happiness) I also feel like spring, being a UMA is in general unattainable. I feel like there’s a 75% of me turning into a cherry blossom tree and I’m not really into that the adventure zone bury your gays ass shit.
3. Creed
Woah hit famous tumblr user GavinDNA Andy isn’t even in your top three or honorable mentions?? How could you?? I apologize but creed is just very hot to me. As king cope on the UUcord put it I feel like undecrease could be VERY fun in bed. He’s also really big and I find that hot + scars are awesome
4. Sean (100th loop)
Controversial to put Sean (especially first loop version) above Andrew I know but like. The third eye kinda does things for me. I feel like some very fun consensual stuff could be done with unseen and I’m down for it
Honorable mentions!! (This time of humans lmfao)
Victor, Nico, Feng, enjin, and shen are all way too in love with their wives (except for feng, who’s way too obsessed with Fuuko to acknowledge my existence(yes I am counting ramen as enjin’s wife)) and are therefore all way too unattainable. If they weren’t Nico would probably go between Sean and creed, victor would go between spring and void, 100th loop feng would go between spring and creed, and 101st loop feng wouldn’t go anywhere because we’re both bottoms and it would just be an embarrassing experience for all involved. Shen wouldn’t go anywhere either because I don’t think there’s a universe where he and mui aren’t in love and I really don’t want mui to kill me. I just don’t really dig enjin so he’s not going anywhere.
All I’m gonna say about the hypothetical placements is that apparently old men are IN this season.
5. Andy
Buff, hung, hot, great personality, prone to risk, what more could a girl want?? I could maybe hypothetically date him before he and Fuuko meet but after I have absolutely no chance, like, at all. Once again I love his hairstyle and his scar is hot. For some reason the card just sticking out of his forehead does something to me too, and the way his left eye is always slightly more closed than his right eye… ough.
6. Hair down Andy
Just Andy with a slightly worse hairstyle. Still a good hair style and still hot, I just don’t really like how it hides his scar.
(Dis)honorable mentions
Rip is unattainable because he won’t let himself get over leila even though leila tried to get him and Latla together, just an ick of a guy. Also his eyepatch is HIDEOUS and you guys don’t talk about that fact enough
Ruin is for sure into some freaky shit and I’m not gonna kink shame him as long as it’s all consensual and nobody gets hurt but I just don’t dig that. There’s also the fact that he’s 1.) probably gonna be like “I’ve devoted my body to god, die” If you ask to hit that, and 2.) he’s almost definitely a bottom so it would just be awkward for the two of us. He cute tho, I dig the hair and tats
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