#our first teacher wasnt bad or anythin
tendebill · 1 year
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Latawiec!!! :DDD
this is as finished as he's gonna get methinks, but i'm finally done with the modernized slavic creature assignment for sculpture class! it was fun af, but i really wish there had been more time to get it done :[
i didn't have time to do any detailing, i had to skip the wires/cables around his wings, overall he's very unpolished, but man am i happy i got to finished him AT ALL
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evilcatgirlwizard · 3 years
thinkin about the black woman who taught me how to tame my jewfro as a kid because my white mom didnt know how to deal with it and my jewish dad buzzcut his
thinkin about my black gym teacher who would talk to me when no one else did, motivated me when no other gym teacher gave a shit.
thinkin about my freshman year band teacher, this massive sarcastic black man who would get us into music by playing tapes of blues musicians
thinking about my godfather biggy, who would call me every year on my birthday even after my mom, his best friend. died. how he always kept up even when he stopped calling. how i see him and his wife and his kids and feel like theyre just a part of my family like any uncle was
thinking about brian, the first friend i had in first grade who helped me up when i fell off the balance beam during recess because i had such awful balance. how he and i would run home to his mom, dirty snd sweaty, and demand to help her cook. how she'd set down a veggie peeler and we'd take turns peeling potatoes until our hands were gross from starch. how she'd instruct us to hold our hands together so we wouldn't waste soap. how his dad would come home and carry me back to mine cuz it was just down the street but it was so dark. how brian'd beg to walk with him but that was a bad idea now bri, theres weirdos around here and nobody doin anythin about them
thinkin about my best friend in middle school, half black half mexican, who i got into mlp for. who was this ball of radiating sunshine. who would bring in silly bandz and hand them around our weird little friendgroup. she'd always bring me cats or birds.
thinkin about the black girl i knew in my last year of middle school who had massive dreams of becoming a video game developer. who i taught how to pirate gba games, who i gushed to about games no one cared about. i remember sitting next to her with my dinky, secondhand phone, showing her how i beat Fire Emblem 7 Lyn Mode and being annoyed because we both thought that was the whole game how we were both so happy it wasnt over like that.
thinking about how if anyone of them were hurt for being themselves, for just being black, how fucking agonizing it must be to be their family. i havent seen so many of these people in so many years but the idea that they might be hurt, or worse, is awful. being even closer to brilliant souls like these must be so much worse. im just a poor white jew, i cant do shit for any of them other than vote, and protest, and use what little priveledge i have to protect someone elses best friend. someone elses middleschool crush. someone elses brilliant daughter. someone elses father.
there is nothing more important than black lives, and black voices. there is NOTHING. more important. than black lives and black voices. uplift them, and protect them, and listen to them.
goodnight. and to brian, and biggy, snd everyone else, i still love you and think about you.
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