#our skyy x bbts
something that's been bothering me a little (🤏🏻) about the whole specials discourse is that all the things that were said about pran (AND PAT!!!!) and him (them) being insecure, as if these two years of relationship haven't meant anything to him (them) and haven't meant any growth, are just based on the wrong assumptios. would you like to consider instead... that growth isn't a straight line and that insecurities can coexist with the knowledge that someone loves you and cherishes you?
i know i am a deeply annoying person because i constantly worry that the people who are super close to me may get tired of me, or may think badly of me, or that i may become a bother to them. every single day. my best friend has been by my side since we were eleven—we're almost twenty-two now. i still ask her sometimes. i still wonder. why the fuck are they with me. why do they love me. aren't i too much of a nuisance? aren't i complaining too much? aren't i relying on them too much?
and the thing is, when you're a person like this it's extremely rare to actually do trust someone and to rely on them fully. so when you do, if they give you even the smallest hint that your insecurities may be right, it's chaos in your head. and pain, and sadness.
in pran's case it's also pride, sure. because of the specifics of his relationship with pat and the way they work together. but like, mine is a pretty general point.
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i think what i loved the most about the special episodes was the way pat and pran’s insecurities were only their own. literally. they were worrying about things that didn’t exist. pran worrying he may be a burden for pat, pran worrying pat may be doing too much in their relationship, pran not feeling enough... were all things that didn’t even occur to pat. pat doesn’t see anything he does as a sacrifice. pat loves when pran needs him to be helpful, pat needs to feel helpful. pat is afraid he isn’t allowed to feel like he needs pran to live so he needs pran to need him back as a result. but pran doesn’t have a problem with pat needing him, at all. he likes it. all of this is just a consequence of how they were raised, of the 20 years of life they spent not being a couple, not being each other’s reassurance that they’re fine the way they are and they are allowed to be weak and that they can rely on someone else and not just do everything by themselves/for others.
urgh. they’re so disgustingly in love tbh. 
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everytime i read a post of people hating on these specials and thinking they ruined patpran or their characterizations i lowkey wanna write a 10k words post about how they're wrong but i also just really wanna cry so hard because although patpran were not and never will be ruined for me the thought that they were ruined for someone else makes my heart shutter into a milion pieces. can you just. rewatch the show and rewatch the specials and maybe see things from a different perspective i am begging you. you're hurting me 😭
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thinking thinking about how pran asking pat to tell him he can't live without him is a direct parallel to pran asking pat to confess in front of his faculty, aka pran asking pat to do something that may look like he wants to hear (and he does), but it's ultimately his way of allowing pat to say something he wants to say, giving him the chance to express how he feels because he knows how much pat needs it. thinking thinking i want to di3
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well. welcome back, sluts
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all patpran scenes from the trailer
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I think I finally managed to understand what I genuinely disliked about episode 3 of the Our Skyy BBTS x AToTS crossover. I actually loved these specials, including episode 3, and I am still sad that part of the fandom hated them with such a passion, but I have not been able to fully appreciate episode 3 either, like most of those who watched it, and up until today I hadn’t realized the actual reason.
They didn’t show us Pran and Tian’s conversation. 
That’s it. That single conversation, that single moment that happened off screen could have changed the way the episode (and specifically the last PatPran scene) has been percieved by the fandom and could have made PatPran’s emotions and intentions way more explicit—especially Pran’s, who’s been unfairly criticized after the episode aired.
Pran told Phupha he feels insecure, like he’s not good enough, and the way Pat is always ready to put Pran’s needs and wishes first makes him feel like maybe he doesn’t deserve Pat at all, like maybe Pat would be better off without him—and that’s why he needs to prove himself, because the idea of needing Pat to the point that he can’t live without him, to the point that he ends up relying on him, is terrifying. 
Tian’s words are what makes him feel better about this whole thing! Hearing that Pat actually feels the same way and doesn’t feel like Pran is a burden to him at all is all he needs to know to lighten up and put this matter aside, at least for now. It doesn’t mean it suddenly becomes easy for him to deal with this whole thing, it doesn’t mean he accepts it in the blink of an eye—hence the need to look away when he tells Pat he also can’t possibly live without him; he wants to tell him, he wants him to know, but he’s still uncomfortable with the idea, despite now being ready to admit it out loud. And I think there is really nothing wrong with that: what we got in these episodes is just a missing moment in their story, something that showed us how their relationship developed after their honeymoon, including the insecurities and hardships that come with a long-term commitment between two people who are very different (one whose love language is to help those he cares about, and one whose love language is to let those he cares about help him; that means it’s not natural for Pat to be the one who needs help from others, to be in a position that’s not that of the hero/supporter, and it means it’s not easy for Pran to feel like he needs somebody’s help/to be supported). 
Watching Pran listen to Tian telling him about his conversation with Pat would have made this internal conflict way more clear, especially the bit where he asks Pat to be the one to say it first; it’s not just a matter of pride or validation—Pat being ready to look vulnerable in front of him first is something he needs to show the same level of vulnerability—: Pran is letting Pat say those words out loud because he knows Pat wants (needs) to; Tian told him Pat said ‘I just can’t admit to myself I can’t live without him’, and Pran wants to give him space to do so, reassuring him that it’s okay if he does. Pran’s problem was never with Pat needing him, but Pat’s problem was always about wanting Pran to need him, with needing Pran to need him; that’s why he feels insecure witnessing how hard Pran tries to prove his point for which he doesn’t need Pat’s help at all, and that’s why he’s happy and content after hearing those few words from Pran’s mouth (Neither can I) and being allowed to say them in the first place (I can’t live without you). I think many of those who were disappointed with this interaction were probably expecting something different from what the characters themselves wanted and needed. 
So, while showing us Pran and Tian’s convo was not necessarily inevitable, it would have been a great addiction to the narrative (and Nanon would have acted the hell out of it! It would have made Pran’s relief and realization so obvious that nobody would have had the guts to badmouth my little boy).
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so... what if this little part of the trailer belongs to patpran?????
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