#our thrid friend is facepalming
dumb-coward · 2 years
Friend: I've never seen a dick.
Me: lol ok. I can explain it. This art just has the dick slightly hard. You only see the round top when they're standing up, most times because theyre horny or-
Friend: wait. dicks can stand? dicks can get hard???
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Loki x female!reader
Part 2 (I wanted the first part to be only oneshot, but since a lot of you asked so nicely)
Word count: 2,5K
Warning: angst, fluffy doggie
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @mascaracoffee @serebrum @myworldgoesboomz @lokis-leah @belovedadam @getyoutmoon
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You heard him through your door shouting your name, begging you to listen to him, to let him inside to talk to you. You didn't. Your hands tried to cover Rex's ears. Poor pup, he started shivering from all of that shouting and was clinging to you for dear life.
When Loki became quiet for few minutes you kinda expected him to kick the door, call you a bitch and leave. But nothing like that happened. Instead hard footsteps started leaving your door. You were alone once again, feeling more hollow than ever.
Sun hasn't even risen yet when you exited the Tower with Rex on the leash. You spent big part of the night making your little friend used to the feeling of being on string and he was already eager to try it out outside your room. You haven't met anyone on your way out, thank heavens.
It started to dawn when you finally got to the park you've been in yesterday. First rays of sun tickled you on your cheeks. Rex was running around, sniffing and marking every tree, chewing on grass and lower parts of benches. You threw him some branches and cones and giggled when he tripped over his small paws. He was so full of life. Unlike you.
You missed Loki. You hated him for what he did, true. But you still missed him. He was so desperate to explain, to make up with you. But you couldn't let him manipulate you anymore. You almost believed him when he called you 'love' and stayed at your door, pleading to be let in.
Now that your dog was freshened up after a morning walk, both you and him deserved breakfast. You didn't feel any hunger, but you still needed to put something into you. Even if it will taste like sand in your mouth.
The elevator dinged on the floor containing living room and kitchen. You prayed Loki wasn't there. He wasn't, but you were greeted by another god instead.
Thor was sitting at the table, he had his back to you, but you knew he heard you coming. Rex excitedly ran towards him and started sniffing his leg. You gently pulled him backwards a little.
"Morning," you greeted, your voice a little less cheerful like it used to be.
Thor swallowed anything he was chewing and turned towards you. "What did you do to Loki?"
Of course he had to go and complain to his big bro. "None of your business," you retorted and tied the end of the leash around one of the chairs. You knew if you let your pup go you would have to chase him around the whole New York.
"It is my business. He is my brother-"
"Adoptive," you reminded him his own words he once said the first time you met.
"-adoptive brother. But still mine. Y/N, you used to be so close, why did you lash out on him like that?"
You rolled your eyes. "He deserved it," you started to pour water into kettle.
"He deserved it how?"
"Look, I know what are you going to think when I tell you the truth. But frankly, I don't care. He betrayed me- no, he lied to me. Our whole friendship was a damn game to him. I was a damn game to him. He manipulated me, played the poor sad victim of abusive father so I could get him out of the prison. Which I did! I was so stupid. You were right, all of you were right and I was wrong. He's a villain who can't be trusted," when you ended your rant you realized you gathered enough water for two cups of tea out of habit. You poured half of the kettle down the sink.
"And why do you think he did all of that?" Thor asked
You gulped down the lump creating in your throat upon remembering his words. "I heard him," you whispered loud enough for him to hear.
While the water was heating up you filled Rex's bowel with some canned meat and put it infront of his little snout.
"You must've heard wrong then."
"And how can you be so sure? You weren't even there!" water started bubbling.
"I know Loki better than anyone in this building," he pointed at his chest.
"Well, you know him wrong, just like I did! I trusted him and he-"
"He trusted you back! With his own life!"
"No," you sniffed. "He did not. And I see it now. All those nice things he did, all those hugs and gifts. He did all of it so I could trust him more," you turned away from him. "I don't know why he's still keeping up the 'good guy' facade. He knows I found out. Does he really think me so stupid to fall for his trick again?" a tear or two escaped your eyes.
"He doesn't. I have known him his whole life Y/N, he's not that kind of a person. He is genuenly sorry."
"Then why isn't he here? Why isn't he telling me he's sorry? Did he make you fix his mistake?" you asked a little too tetchily.
"Y/N, I-"
"Y/N! My dear, you are up earlier than I expected," Thor's voice came from behind you. The one in front of you, did a facepalm, pain on his face. "It is a nice sight to wake up to," the Thor behind you winked, but stopped in his tracks when he saw the other Thor hiding his face in his big palm.
You turned to the facepalming Thor. "Loki, you nasty bastard!" your hand was twitching to throw still burning kettle at his head as he let the illusion vanish, but you didn't want to scare Rex.
"Y/N, listen to me," he took a stwp forward, you step backward and your lower back hit the counter.
"And why should I?! You lied again! How am I supposed to trust you after all your lies?!"
"Technically I didn't lie, you never asked if I was the real Thor," there was his silvertongue again.
"Fuck you and your sarcasm, Laufeyson," you never wished for a puppy to finish eating more than now. All you wanted to do was pick him up and hide in your room again.
"Whoa, is this about the yelling we heard yesterday?" Thor asked.
"You heard it?" you couldn't have been so loud, could you?
"Yelling yes, topic no."
"Oh, so he didn't boast?" you glared back at the trickster god.
"No, I am a big boy, I can fix my own problems without pouring my heart out to anyone. So to answer your previous question: no, I did not make Thor fix my mistake. And for your second question: I am here now, and I am willing to apologize, even though I did nothing wrong, technically."
"Yeah, technically you only broke my trust and my heart," you took your cup of tea in one hand, put Rex's bowel in the sink and untied his leash with the second hand.
He ran before you and held you by your shoulders. "Technically I was doing what I had to."
"Yes, getting some gold digger drunk and getting in her pants is something you had to do," you tried to walk by him but his grip was firm.
"No, you misunderstood the whole situation. It was part of a mission. She was a mistress of one retired agent of hydra and she allegedly had some useful info. Tony thought that with my charm and silvertongue I could make her give it to us," his eyes seemed to tell the truth.
"And how did your conversation turn to me, huh?"
He sighed. "She saw my lockscreen and asked who was the girl on it. I had to lie. I had to tell her all those filthy lies to convince her I truly want her. My tongue burned the whole time, believe me."
You looked at him, long and hard. A sad chuckle escaped your lips. "You are a master at lying, I give you that. And this one," you slipped from his grasp, "was well thought out."
You ran to your room, leaving both brothers bewildered in the kitchen. When you closed the door behind you and let Rex go off his leash, that's when you broke. You fell down toyour knees and started crying. How could you be so stupid to fall for one of his tricks again?
You felt Rex's little tongue licking salty trials from your cheeks, his wet cold nose nudging your face. He brought you one of his squeeky toys and showed you how to play with them. He was doing anything to cheer you up.
This little guy knew you for only a day and a half and he already loved you with his entire being. The stranger in park was right, dog really is man's bestfriend.
You played with your pup. You didn't have enrgy to do anything more productive. He already understood the concept of retrieving and he always came running back to you with any toy you threw him.
When it was time for lunch, you put a leash on Rex and using secret staircases and halls to avoid kitchen and any common areas you got out. On your way to the park you bought yourself something to eat.
Rex smelled the meat in the food and stood up on two legs, begging for a treat. One does not simply resist his puppy eyes.
When you entered through the gate circling the park you spot a big familiar golden retriever. Ollie.
He recognised you and was dragging his owner by his leash towards you. The owner recognised you too. "Hello there, do you remember me?"
"Of course I do. As well as this pretty boy," you patted Ollie on the head. Rex got jealous and instead of greeting a fellow canine he tugged your jean with his tiny needle-like teeth. You scratched him behind his ears. "But of course, you are much prettier boy," as if he understood the praise he puffed his tiny chest and looked very pleased with himself.
"I see you followed my advice," the man pointed at your dog.
"Yeah, and you were right. He did make everything a little better. At times," you smiled sadly.
"Don't worry, time heals everything," he put his hand on your shoulder sympatheticly.
"I hope so," you sighed.
"By the way, seems like we are becoming dog buddies. Wouldn't it be good to know each others' names?" he changed the subject.
"Yeah, I suppose it would," you held out your free hand. "Y/N."
He took it. "Max."
You convinced Max to stay out with you as long as he could. You really didn't want to return to Tower anytime soon. You made at least 4 rounds around the enormous park, Rex gave up walking after the thrid one and you had to carry him.
Max told you how he got cheated on in more detail. How it resoluted in a big fight, flying plates and broken bottles. You told him your own situation. You had to change few details, so he wouldn't find out you are an Avenger.
"What do you think Max? Should I trust him?"
"Honestly? I don't know. He did sound like a cool guy until you got to the whole 'gold digger' part. Do you want to trust him?"
Your eyes studied dirt below your boots. "Yes, he was my closest friend. And I miss him. But I can't let myself be his toy again. I don't want him to hurt me," you hugged Rex tighter to your chest and he started licking any piece of skin he could reach, mainly your neck.
"He sounded like he was really sorry. I would try to reason with him and talk to him more, but I can't tell you what to do."
You hummed. Your bag started to buzz. You fished out your phone and looked at the icon. It was blank, but the caller ID was called 'Loki'. You made few changes at night and deleted the old selfie.
"Speak of the devil," you reluctantly picked up. "What do you want?"
"To show you a proof," his voice sounded tired and emotionless. A little hoarse.
"Why are you still trying?" you asked, tiredness evident in your voice too.
"Because I don't want to loose you. Please, just this once. Let me show it to you, and then you are free to leave. For good," he really sounded defeated. If you didn't know better you would run to him and hugged him tightly.
You pondered it a little. It could be another trick. Eventually you gave in. "Fine, I'll be there in 10 to 15 minutes," you hung up and turned towards Max. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was great talking to you!"
"You too. Good luck!"
"This better not be one of your tricks," you entered Bruce's second lab, just as Loki instructed. He was sitting at one of Bruces desks behind a big monitor. "It isn't, trust me."
"That's something that's really hard to do," you glared.
He hid his hurt and pressed play. A video from security cameras was playing. With audio as well. You saw him pouring red wine fro him and the woman. She wasn't blond how you imagined her but the rest of her looked exactly like in your head: plastic.
Few flirts were exchanged and then you heard the part you were already familiar with. Your heart hurt and you felt Rex rub himself on your leg.
He was telling the truth. When she said what they wanted to hear, Loki touched her forhead and she stood up and left as if nothing ever happened.
He turned the video off and turned to you. You didn't know how to react. You were so glad he didn't mean those words he said. But hearing them still hurt.
"Loki, I know what you said wasn't truth, and I really want to trust you again. But..."
He hung his head. "I understand. Being friends with a liar is risky as it is," he stood up and walked toward glass doors.
'Move! Tell him something! Anything! Tell him you're sorry! Tell him you want to be friends again!' your mind screamed at you. You opened your mouth, but no words left it. You felt paralyzed.
Before he could exit completely, he turned towards you and smiled, though his eyes were hollow and wet. "He does deserve the 'best friend' title more than me," his voice broke in the middle of the sentence and left, before you could hear his heart breaking anew.
Part 3?
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